
Chapter 9

Adrian's grip tightened around the agent's throat as he snapped the agent's neck and threw his body to the side. The lifeless body hit the ground with a dull thud. He turned to face the remaining Chaos Insurgency agents, his expression neutral. As he started to walk towards them, he heard the sound of a helicopter above him. Four ropes were thrown from the sides of the helicopter, and four figures descended swiftly, landing with practiced precision.

The new arrivals were dressed in tactical gear, their faces obscured by helmets with mirrored visors. Each one moved with confidence and coordination that marked them as highly trained operatives. Adrian recognized them immediately, but he noticed they were a member short.

"Assault Team Void," he muttered to himself, a grim smile forming on his lips.

The leader of the team, a tall figure with a commanding presence, stepped forward. "Void Maker," he greeted, his voice distorted by the helmet's communication system. "It's been a long time."

"Too long," Adrian replied. "You've all improved. I'm almost impressed. But I am curious, new members and you're a member short. Where's Carla?"

The leader's helmet tilted slightly, a gesture of mild amusement. "...Blake and Turner have been terminated and Carla has been reassigned. She's no longer part of our team."

Adrian's smile faded, replaced by a thoughtful frown. "I see and Reassigned, huh? Convenient timing."

"Enough talk," the leader said, raising a hand. "You know why we're here. Stand down, or we will use force."

Adrian's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on the katana. "You should know better than to threaten me."

The air grew tense as both sides prepared for the inevitable clash. The Assault Team Void members spread out, their weapons trained on Adrian. The leader gave a subtle nod, signaling the start of their coordinated attack.

Suddenly, one of the members fired a shot at Adrian. Time froze, but the bullet continued its path towards Adrian. His hand shot out, catching the bullet in mid-air. With a flick of his wrist, time resumed, the bullet dropping harmlessly to the ground.

"Oh, bringing anomalous weaponry, I see," Adrian remarked, examining the black bullet. "D-124, the gun that freezes time for everything but the bullet and the person holding the gun. But here's the thing, it's useless against someone who can freely manipulate time."

Adrian scanned the area, noticing one of the Assault Team Void members had disappeared. He remained calm, anticipating a surprise attack.

"Interesting," Adrian murmured. "Trying to flank me?"

Suddenly, a figure materialized behind him, swinging a blade aimed at his neck. Adrian sidestepped the attack effortlessly, his katana clashing with the assailant's weapon. Sparks flew as the two blades met. Adrian recognized the combat knife instantly.

"I recognize that combat knife from anywhere. Hello, Camile. You've gotten better with your teleportation abilities, haven't you?"

Camile, a lithe figure with a predatory grace, didn't respond verbally. Instead, she pressed the attack, her movements fluid and relentless. Adrian parried her strikes with ease, his katana a blur of motion.

The other members of Assault Team Void used the distraction to activate metallic items around Adrian. The items formed an energy barrier around him, momentarily blocking his access to his Omnikinetic abilities.

Adrian assessed the situation calmly, testing his abilities to manipulate anything, but found himself unable to do so. He chuckled softly.

"I'm impressed. They finally found a way to block my access to my Omnikinetic abilities, even if temporarily and by the looks of it, it's a prototype," Adrian remarked. "I wonder, is it the only one you guys have?"

Camile remained silent, her expression unreadable behind her helmet's visor. The other members of Assault Team Void kept their weapons trained on Adrian, ready to act at a moment's notice. The leader stepped forward, his voice authoritative even through the helmet's distortion.

"You're surrounded, Void Maker. Surrender peacefully, and we might spare your life."

"That's cute, it really is," Adrian said with a smirk. "But have you already forgotten what I told you four years ago? Even if you have me trapped, you mustn't underestimate me. Remember that. So now I have a question for you. Did you know I had a second ability?"

The members of Assault Team Void exchanged uncertain glances, their readiness tinged with apprehension.

"What... what is your second ability?" the leader asked cautiously.

"Sure, I'll spill. The name of my ability is 'Complete Arsenal'. To put it simply, I have access to every power, every ability that exists, that does not exist, that theoretically exists, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, and non-fictional."

The leader's helmeted head tilted slightly, processing this revelation. "That's... impossible."

"Is it? Is it really?" Adrian countered with a smirk. "You've seen what I can do with my Omnikinetic abilities. Imagine that, but amplified."

"You're bluffing."

"Am I? Well, let's put that theory to the test, shall we?" Adrian said as his eyes bled red, each gaining three black tomoe. As the tomoe spun around his pupils, they merged together and formed an octogram. A crimson aura surrounded him, taking the form of an ethereal ribcage. The ribs extended, growing two skeletal arms and then a head. Muscles and skin formed around the skeleton, creating an ethereal avatar.

"The Sharingan and the Susanoo," Camile said in disbelief.

"Oh, you guys remember this. Color me impressed," Adrian said, dispelling the Susanoo but retaining the crimson aura in his eyes. "But I won't use this. However, I will do this."

Adrian snapped his fingers, and the barrier that held him vanished.

"Let's dance, shall we?"

Chapter 9: End