An Unlikely Family

Chapter: 13

Nine months later

Adrian was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, searching for a gift for Sigurrós's upcoming birthday on the 16th. As he browsed Amazon, his phone suddenly vanished into thin air. He blinked twice, realizing his hand was empty.


Hearing giggling, Adrian looked over his shoulder. "Sigurrós, give back my phone," he said, his tone amused.

"Never! You will have to catch me first, Dad!" Sigurrós shouted, jumping out of the hallway.

"Oh, is that a promise?" Adrian asked, lightning sparking to life across his body.

Sigurrós squeaked. "Big sis Shub, save me!" she shouted as she teleported away.

"Oh no you don't." Adrian vanished in a burst of lightning, following after her.

Adrian materialized in the hallway, lightning still crackling around him. He could hear Sigurrós's giggles echoing down the corridor. He smiled to himself, enjoying the playful chase.

"Where could she have gone?" he mused aloud, his voice carrying a playful tone.

Shub-Niggurath, now fully integrated into their daily lives, watched the scene unfold with a bemused expression from the living room. She was seated with a cup of tea, her human form as elegant and serene as ever.

"She went towards the garden," Shub-Niggurath offered with a slight smile, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"Thank you, Shub," Adrian said, vanishing in another flash of lightning.

He reappeared in the garden, the lush greenery a stark contrast to the sleek, modern interior of their home. Sigurrós was hiding behind a large oak tree, peeking out cautiously.

"So who are we looking out for?" Adrian asked, standing behind Sigurrós, his tone amused.

Sigurrós jumped and turned around, her eyes wide. "You found me already!"

"Of course, I did," Adrian said with a chuckle. "You can't hide from me that easily."

Sigurrós giggled and handed back his phone. "Here, you win this time."

Adrian took the phone with a smile and ruffled her hair. "Thanks, sweetheart. Now, what do you say we head inside and have some breakfast?"

"Okay, Dad!" Sigurrós said, taking his hand.

As they walked back to the house, Shub-Niggurath watched them with a soft smile. Despite her ancient and incomprehensible nature, she had grown fond of the little family she now found herself a part of. It was a strange, unexpected happiness she hadn't anticipated. Inside, the kitchen was filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes. Shub-Niggurath joined them, her presence a comforting constant.

"Are you excited for your birthday, Sigurrós?" Shub-Niggurath asked as they sat down at the table.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Sigurrós said, her eyes shining with excitement.

Adrian smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest as he watched Sigurrós's enthusiasm. The past nine months had been relatively peaceful outside of a few occasional hiccups. Shub-Niggurath had taken to this life pretty quickly, only occasionally leaving to check on the void and her own children. What surprised him the most was when Sigurrós started calling him Dad, not that he had a problem with it.

"Dad! Dad!"

Adrian was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Sigurrós calling him.

"Yes, Sigurrós?"

"Do you think we could get a dog?" Sigurrós asked suddenly, looking up at Adrian with hopeful eyes.

Adrian exchanged a glance with Shub-Niggurath, who shrugged slightly. "A dog, huh? That's a big responsibility."

"I know! But I'd take really good care of it, I promise!" Sigurrós said earnestly.

"Well, we'll see," Adrian said with a smile. "Maybe for your birthday."

As the sun began to set, they headed back home, tired but happy. Adrian tucked Sigurrós into bed, her eyes already drooping with sleep.

"Goodnight, Dad," she murmured, her voice soft.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," Adrian said, kissing her forehead.

He turned off the light and quietly closed the door, heading to the training room. When he arrived, he walked inside, sighing before snapping his fingers. The room transformed into a jail cell, and inside the cell was Camile.

Camile looked up as Adrian approached, her eyes narrowing with defiance. "What do you want now, Adrian?" she asked, her voice cold.

Adrian leaned against the bars, his expression unreadable. "Just checking on you. How are you holding up?"

Camile scoffed. "As well as can be expected, given the circumstances."

"Cam, don't be like that."

"Why do you care?" Camile shot back. "You're the one who put me here. Why didn't you kill me? It would be no skin off your back."

"You're right, it wouldn't be, but you're the only member of that team I still respect. So, I'll give you a choice. You join me and grow stronger, or I kill you now. Your choice."

Camile stared at him, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and curiosity. "And if I refuse?"

"Then you die," Adrian said flatly. "Simple as that."

Camile was silent for a moment, her mind racing. No matter the circumstance, she still had respect for Adrian, and the prospect of death was not appealing. "And what happens if I join you?"

"You get stronger, you get to live, and you get a chance to make something of yourself outside the Chaos Insurgency," Adrian replied. "But know this: betrayal won't be tolerated."

Camile weighed her options, her gaze never leaving Adrian's. Finally, she nodded. "Fine. I'll join you."

"Wonderful. I was hoping not to kill you," Adrian said, walking to her while biting his thumb hard enough to draw blood.

He vanished in a burst of speed, reappearing in front of her, grabbing her face, and forcefully opening her mouth, then forcing her to drink the blood. Camile struggled briefly, her eyes wide with shock, but as the blood flowed down her throat, she felt a burning spread through her body.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, that's simply forcing your body to evolve using my blood as a catalyst. Now, let's see what you become."

When Adrian said that, the burning sensation heightened.

"AHHH!" Camile screamed in pain.

"Don't die on me now. I'll check on you tomorrow."

Adrian got up and then walked away, snapping as he did, and the room returned to normal. Then Adrian's phone started ringing.


Adrian answered the phone.

"Hello, brother."


Chapter 13: End