Chapter 9: The Wrath of the Eternal Monarch (Reboot)

**In unknown space**

Figure 1: "So how are you planning to deal with HIM, Since HE will definitely try to stop us"

Figure 2:" What about shadow monarch, what if he betrays us."

Figure 3:" We don't have to worry about the shadow monarch since we have someone with authority of death is on our side this time, we should think about HIM, I'm currently working with some mortals to seal him."

Figure 1:"What can those puny mortals can do to him, he is the strongest of all the Rulers and Monarchs, he has the power that can go above the Absolute bring."

Figure 3:"It is true HE was the strongest out there, but remember he is currently not in his prime which means we can seal him permanently. For which we have to use whatever means necessary. If you have something better why don't you tell us then..."

Figure 1:"Tsk... Fine, we'll go with the plan to seal him, when are we going to strike."

Figure 3:"Soon....the time will come soon...."




**Oscorp Industries**

"Excuse me sir, but you can't go inside without permission." A guard tries to stop me from entering door which will lead to chairman's office as one need an appointment for that.

"Sorry where is my manners, I'm Mark Anderson, I'm from Hunters association, I would like to meet with chairman Osborn regarding contract with oscorp, here is the letter which is scheduled for our meeting."

After seeing the letters, "sorry for the earlier comment sir, you can go in now."

The guard opens the door which has a straight road for the elevator, after coming into the elevator, the one present in the elevator pressed four buttons and the elevator starts.




After sometime I'm finally In front of the chairman's room, man what's up with this building, I had to go through many floors to get here, anyway let's go for it.

After opening the door I'm greated with the most infamous man seated in the chairman seat while going through some papers, he stopped midway after seeing me.

We both walked towards eachother.

"Mr. Anderson, it's a pleasure meeting you, how are you doing." He said while giving his hand for a handshake with a smile which honestly creeped me out.

"I'm doing good Mr.Osborn, let's get down to business shall we." Ignoring the handshake I went straight to the windows near the chairman seat while observing the room.

"Of course, shall we proceed with the termination." Then we both sat on the table and started the meeting.




The talk went for sometime regarding the termination of the deal as the contract with oscorp to buy potions which enhance one's physical power is expired, and the association wants to terminate it since there are some other companies which are better choice now.

Actually I'm not supposed to be here but one of my friend who was supposed to be here is doing me a favour by switching with me.

"Mr.Osborn, can you call him out or do you want me to do it." I'm looking at him in the eye and speaking in very intimidating manner.

"Mr.Anderson, I don't understa.."

"Cut it out and call the green Goblin out, I know he is in there, or do you wish for me to help you bring him out." I stood from my seat walking to him.

"I don't know what you're..."


I snapped my fingers and activated my meta ability 'curtain', which means whatever I do inside, the outside world don't know about it.


I punched him in the face that send him flying and he hit the wall forming a hole in it, he was send to the other room from the impact of the punch.

'Maybe I should hold back, can't kill him now, he needs to experience the pain Emma went through.'


A granite was thrown near my feet and booommmm

It exploded.

"Hahahaha...who is this clown...he was here for his death...hahahaha...such a tragedy." Goblin is now seen coming from the hole with his gadgets and granites in his hands.

"It is a tragedy indeed." I whispered those words in his ears.

He immediately jumped and turned back to see me standing perfectly fine without a single scratch on my clothes.

"Surprise motherf*cker" I smirked looking him in the eye.

"Die you bit*h"

He throws granites and every weapon he has at me trying to kill me.

But everything thrown at me disappeared into dust, leaving only me and him.

So he tried to move and use his gadgets only to find that he couldn't.

I used reality manipulation to set a rule that every weapon used inside the curtain to harm me will disappear permanently. So, the granites and all weapons thrown at me turned to dust just like when Thanos snapped his fingers fifty percent of population reduced to dust.

Before coming here, I created the skill 'Rulers Authority' for me permanently.

So, I hold him with the authority and with a wave of my hand all the gadgets he had flown away from him.

"I want to do this quickly, to be honest with you I want you to suffer even after death, but I'm not the one with the shadow thing. So, we'll do this by my powers." I placed my hand towards him.

I can manipulate energy it doesn't matter which type, I can do whatever I want with it. So, I concentrated on the life energy which is present in every living beings and with some reality manipulation I can bring it out.

The Life energy in him began to leave his body as he is becoming an old man slowly.

I continued to suck the life energy from him and only stopped when I realised he only has some enough to sustain his life.

He is looking like 100 years old man now.

"Not so talk active now, are you" he can't speak and he can't even move a single finger on his body as I'm holding him still with Rulers Authority.

"You have messed with someone you shouldn't have, now you'll face the consequences."

Then I continued to torture him, breaking every single bone of his body, tearing every single muscle in his body and crushing his body with great force.

After breaking everything in and on him, I'll heal him by turning back time on his body to return it to the time when I began the torture.

The reason I'm doing this is simple, imagine an young man of age 20 years,when he was punched in the stomach by someone of same age, he will recover quickly.

But imagine the same situation replaced with 100 years old man punched by the young man.

He will feel immense pain.

That is what I'm doing here, I'm weakening not only his physical body but also his soul, as the Life force also has impact on the soul.

So, I'm breaking him and healing him in the lowest point of his life.

This is repeated on and on and on and on.....





**Few hours later**

"It's nice meeting you Mr.Andrson, have a safe journey." Osborn is now seen with me outside of his building sending me off.

"Likewise, Mr.Osborn" with that I left the building feeling completely satisfied with the revenge.

The Osborn now is nothing but a shell, I used reality manipulation to make him my slave for 10 days and gave one command.

I commanded him to do so much work in 10 days of time, which can take 10 years to complete.

So when the effects of my powers wear off and he collapsed, everyone thinks the reason for his collapse is because of overwork. I'll be completely safe.

The original Osborn is broken beyond repair both physically and mentally. His soul is also broken so there is no way he can do anything. I used reality warping to put a curse that he can't die without my permission.

He will live a life which can't be a life and he can't even die without my permission.

This is the consequences for his actions.

This is...The wrath of the Eternal Monarch.