Chapter 11: Reunion and Proposal (Reboot)

It took me lot of time to reduce all that mountain of papers, but I did it before the end of the day.

It's all thanks to my powers, since she told me or more like commanded me to not use my powers on papers, I used them on me to grant me the abilities to complete the work.

Since I didn't use my powers on them and completed the paper work before the end of the day all is good.

Emma already left, the smug smile she gave me when she left.... I'll have my revenge Emma, just you wait. After that I left and went to my house.





I'm currently inside my house having dinner with my family.

"Mark, have you completed the paper work?" my mom asked with a smile on her face.

"Of course mom, it was done, but can you please stop being mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you mark, I understand why you did that, but you have to know you can't do 'that' to everyone," she said with a serious face.

"What did you do brother, did he messed up with something, come on mom you got to tell me how bad it is," my sister asked mom with excitement.

"He did something, but you don't need to know about it, atleast not now." mom said to my sister while looking at me.

My sister didn't know about my powers, it's not like I don't want to tell her, it's more like there is no need to tell her about them.

"You forgot to tell them about you're plans tomorrow and for this weekend," Cassie spoke while eating.

"Right, Wanda is coming tomorrow, I plan to pick her up from the rift and propose to her," my words made my sister excited.

"Wanda is coming tomorrow right, it's been a long time since we met and she's going to be my new sister in law, I know she won't be able to escape from you. We have to plan a girl's night and Cassie you're going with us and I won't take no as your answer," my sister is excited and started planning a girl's night out cause wanda is like a big sister to her.

Cassie is like a mentor to her, Sue and emma are her friends or buddies, but wanda is a big sister figure to her and she also adore my sister very much.Now she's really going to be her sister in law.

"Count me in" x2.

Cassie agreed and even mom seems to be going for this.

"I'm not finished, I'm coming with you to Korea as I have some business to attend to,"I said while remembering the situation Nat was in.

Jin woo won't do anything to her, but I'm still worried.

" can't, this is my academy trip and you won't interfere with it,"she shouted expressing her disapproval.

"First I'm not asking, I'm informing and second I won't interfere with you as I have many other important things to do,"I said with a neutral expression.

"Why you.." when she's about to use her powers, my mom interpreted us.

"That's enough." It was enough to silence the room.

"Let me have a peaceful dinner tonight," she said with a normal voice but the intent in it is clear.

"Yes, ma'am" x2

We enjoyed dinner peacefully with some jokes and making a heartful moment.




I'm standing in front of the rift, ready to receive wanda.

She's going to come outside in a few minutes. So, I decided to play the scene I saw in a movie and went to sat in a near by seat and closed my eyes with earphones and played some songs.

For the outside world it will look like I'm sleeping while listening to songs.

After sometime my eyes are blocked with soft hands.

"Guess who.."a sweet voice can be heard in my ears as she removed the earphones from my ears.

I smiled "you know wanda, I can tell you where you are in the world without opening my eyes."

I stood up, turned back and pulled wanda into a tight hug.

She's surprised at my actions but returns the hug.

After what happened with Nat, I can't be careless about the people who are important to me. It's actually ended good because Jin woo knows we mean no harm, but if it was someone else I can't imagine what would have happened.

"You okay,"she asked after sensing tension in me.

"I'm fine, how are you and how's your trip."

"I'm fine and the trip or more like a mission is completed successfully," she said while breaking free from the hug.

I looked into her eyes for sometime.

"Wanda, let me drive you home and rest well because tonight we are going somewhere and I have something very important to tell you, and also have to ask you something important." I hold her hand and said those words looking straight into her eyes.

She blushed and probably guessed what I want to talk about.

Then I dropped her at her house and went to my house, I'm on leave today because I want to propose to wanda tonight.




I met wanda shortly after awakening my powers, I'm in a mall with my family and some guys want to rob the mall and the rest is the routine encounter with my mom and some hunters capturing the robbers.

I met her there and we're friends from since then.

We grow up as friends and are working in the same office. We are always close and we develop feelings for eachother along the way but none of us proceed further. She's my friend and that's going to change now.

After talking with Jin woo, I know I can't take any chances with my women. I'm going to make her mine.




"You look very beautiful wanda,"I complimented the beautiful women in front of me.

"Thanks, You look handsome, mark,"she said while blushing.

"Let's go"I pulled her into a hug and began to fly from there.

We flew for some time and now we are above the clouds, watching the beautiful city below us.

"Wanda, It's time you know the truth about me and my powers, I actually want to tell you this before but I never got the chance," with that I told her about my powers and she listened looking at me surprised.

"I already have many women with me now and it's going to increase in the future but I can promise you wanda, that my love for you won't change no matter how many women I have, I don't use those material rings to convey my feelings and affection to you, I'm going to use a strong bond that connects our lifes and destinies forever,"I said looking in her eyes with my right hand on her cheek.

She has small tears in her eyes but I know they are not from sadness.

"So, I'm going to ask you wanda, will you be with me for all eternity."

"I do" she replied and we kissed. It was not an intense kiss but one filled with love and a way to convey how much we want to be together.

After breaking the kiss, we placed our foreheads together.

Then looking into her eyes I asked "you ready to be the bride of the Eternal Monarch."

"I am" for the reply she received a kiss from me.

""Link Start""

With that we are connected for all eternity.