Chapter 15: Show off

**Outside Red gate**

"It is just as I expected" jin-chul said seeing the red gate vibrating.

"But how....he just went in... it's not even 5 mins." The person beside him spoke with shock.

"If someone of his power went inside, it is will be finished this quickly, also remember time works differently in each gate." jin-chul answered calmly.

Soon many students came from the gates, they didn't have any injuries but the look in their eyes says something different.




I came with sam and nat and was greeted by jin-chul.

"Hello Mark, it seems we have a lot to talk about, but we'll discuss it afterwards," seeing sam holding my hands, jin-chul understood that this is not the time to talk with me as it is Sam's first time experiencing the red gate and lead as to the car.




**Inside the car**

"That was embarrassing," sam blushs hard, I still hold her and didn't show any signs of letting go.

"Why do you feel embarrassed, it is me who should feel embarrassed, I went with you and others to protect you but failed." Nat clenched her fists in frustration.

"It's not your fault Nat, this gate is somewhat tricky, the monsters there can be defeated even by a B rank Hunter, but the mind distortion effect the air has in it makes it challenging for anyone with weak mental defence, and don't forget the wine you drink." My words made Nat even more dejected.

Sam pinched my stomach seeing Nat like that.

Nat has the ability to change and modify her body, she can even change her body into metal and even trained in close combat,in terms of pure physical abilities it is difficult to defeat her but the same can't be said to the mental attacks.

"Ahem...anyway since this is resolved we can plan a tour, but this time only Sam and me are going for the tour, I hope that's fine with you Nat," I said and looked at nat.

"That's good, have some brother and sister bonding time," after saying that she smiled and nodded to sam.

Soon we reached at the hotel we're staying at.

We all went in to our rooms and rested for sometime.

After sometime I called jin-chul and he told me to come to the H.A building.

After seeing sam and Nat fall asleep due to the mental distortion, I went to H.A building to meet with jin-chul.




**Inside President room of H.A**

"Many red gates opened not only in korea but in many places of Star City and japan, this happened almost in the same time frame, we are expecting for this kind of situation to happen suddenly," old man Gun hee explained the situation to me and Jin-chul is standing beside him.

"Let me guess you want me to solve all this gates right, since only I can enter the red gates." I asked him calmly.

"We also understand that you can't be everywhere but can you please help us, currently we're short on members, of course you can go to your home and solve the gates there first but please consider helping us."

"You don't have to say that to me old man, I'll help you, since I'm here it is only correct for me to help you out." I can feel his anxiety as korea is currently having the least number of S rank hunters compared to other cities, if they looses more hunters having B rank or A rank with good potential then the future looks grim for them.

I stood up and closed my eyes. I concentrated on the red gates and found about 50 red gates across japan, korea and Star City.

This feels weird, how can that many gates opened almost at the same time.

Let's solve this first and think about that later.

I raised my hand and jestured circle shape in the air which forms a white circle in air. With a simple push the circle sends waves that reaches all the cities.

(A/N: Just like when alien x stops the dam in ben 10 AF)

The white transparent circle sent 50 ripples of transparent waves that reaches where the red gates are present, One ripple for one red gate.

"And done." I seated on my seat calmly looking at the confused duo.

"I'm sorry but what is done," jin-chul asked my trying to understand my earlier actions and words.

At the same time, the landline phones present in the office began to ring.

Jin-chul went to answer them.

"Hello...what..." He shouted and looked at me in shock after hearing the contents, he began to answer all the phones but the calls keep coming non Stop.

I laughed a little seeing him like this.

Meanwhile Old man Gun hee is confused about all this.

"What happened," he asked Jin-chul seeing that the calls finally ended.

"Sir, All the red gates are closed and the people who went into them also returned." He said while looking at me in shock.

Old man Gun hee's eyes widened and his mouth opened, and looked at me in shock.

"If I have a camera, I'll definitely took a picture of both of your faces now, hahaha you should look at yourself, hahaha" I couldn't contain my laugh after seeing them like this.

It feels good to show off.

"....." X2

They didn't know how to respond at started at me for sometime.

**A few moments later**

"So, what do you plan to do now mark," old man Gun hee asked me after coming out of his shock.

He asked me how I did that after coming out of shock but he didn't get anything useful from me.

"What else I plan to go on a tour with my sister, she needs me now and could use a little distraction because of what happened."

"Very well, jin-chul can arrange for any place you want to visit, we'll provide you premium services in any place you want to visit. Consider this a gift from the old man." He smiled and told me.

"I'll take that offer then, you don't have to see me out, take care guys, bye" I teleported out of there, since jin-chul already seen my abilities it is useless to hide them.

"Why am I not surprised..." Gun hee sighed in defeat but a smile is visible on his face.

"..."Jin-chul stared at the spot.

"You have something on your mind, jin-chul."

"He is angry, even though he tried hard to hide it, I can tell from his eyes that he is very angry. I'm sure you also observed this sir, I'm worried about what's going to happen."

" are observent jin-chul, I can also see the anger in his eyes. we must investigate the occurrence of these gates. I can say that this is not the natural," Gun hee turned serious in the last part.

"You're saying that someone is manipulating the gates Sir, but that.."

"We have to investigate to confirm this. Before a disaster occurs. I'm counting on you in this on jin-chul."

"I won't disappoint you sir."





Figure 1:"what the fuck is this."

Figure 2:"Calm down shigaraki."

"How the hell did this happened" Shigaraki starts to scratch his neck in irrigation.

"This is beyond our imagination, we expected him to be powerfull since they are worried about him, but to do something on this scale is..."

"I know kurogiri, it seems we have vastly underestimated him."

"You or master have any plans for him now, doctor, cause he is very dangerous." Shigaraki asked the doctor.

"We have to move carefully now, we'll talk with him, let's go" The doctor and shigaraki teleported from the place using kurogiri's ability.




**Inside the hotel room of sam**

I looked at sam sleeping peacefully. I sat on her bed and placed my hand on her face.

She hold my hand and hugged it.

I smiled a little and then my eyes turned serious.

'whoever did this today will pay.'