Chapter 17: You must be sealed

"Hello Mark, like what you see," she smiled at me as I started at her naked body.

"You're beautiful.."

"Haha...Thanks, how about joining me in the bath, I didn't finish it and we'll talk there." With a wave of her hand all my clothes vanished.

I'm standing naked with my little brother awoken with the sight of the naked women in front of me.

She went into the bathroom which has a bath tub full of water in it.

I followed her into the bathroom, she went into the tub and gestures me to come in. I went into it and we both are looking at eachother as we sat opposite.

The bath tub is not that big, so she spread her legs and placed them on my shoulders, she is seated between my legs, my little brother is placed right infront of her pussy, she rested her back at the end of the tub and placed both of her arms outside the tub and relaxed.

"So, what do you want to talk about." She asked me.

I'm using every bit of my strength to hold back, after having the talk we can get into action.

"Ok, I want to know about Cassie's visions and the latest occurrence of red gates."

She knows about my powers as I train my reality warping powers with her sometimes. She also helps Cassie in controlling her powers.

She is one of the Ex rank hunters in Terra, she is alive from the era of hunters and believed to be...cough age matters as women are sensitive in this regard.

"The Monarch of Eternity must be sealed." She stared at me and said.

"What does that mean," I asked her in confusion.

"I answer lay in the sentence mark, but first let me tell you a bit about the previous monarch the one who only cared about the creation, he likes the beauty of life." She smiled as she said that.

"So, you knew about him. You didn't answer me when I asked about him in the past."

"Cause you're not ready at that time."

That line sounds familiar...wait...I said the same thing to Jin woo, damn.

"I don't know him personally but I do have knowledge of him and seen some things with a little help." She placed her hands at the center of her chest and a necklace containing green gem suddenly appeared around her neck.

"He is very kind and passionate about life, so much that everyone gave him the title of Eternal Monarch."

"What happened to him," I asked her, even though I'm the next eternal monarch I don't have much knowledge about the previous one, I only know about my powers and how I can become the true monarch of Eternity.

The necklace vanished from her neck as she stared at me.

"He eradicated few monarchs from existence." She said very seriously.

"Ok, so what." I didn't understand what's the big deal.

"You don't seem to understand mark, as someone who values life more than anything he eradicated or destroyed the existence of some monarchs leaving only four currently, that caused a huge blow to him mentally."

"That's bullshit in my opinion, why did he broke mentally, he can just turn back time..."

"He can't." She cut my sentence.

"I'm sorry what."

"He can't turn time to bring them back, while he can turn time back he can't bring them back because he didn't kill them, he erased their entire existence, which means they're gone for eternity."

"That's op, but why did he broke mentally someone of that level shouldn't be that easy to--"

"He is manipulated, someone manipulated him, broke him so much so that he sealed himself." She cut my sentence once more.

"By whom." My eyes narrowed if someone can manipulate him then they can also manipulate me.

"We are getting deviated from the topic, maybe another time, hmmm....let's talk about you." She adjusted her position as now she is on my lap as her chest is pressed against mine, my little brother is between her ass cheeks.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and stared in my eyes.


I gulped as our lips are only a few inches away.

"You are stuck at this stage for sometime right."

"Yes, even though I tried to increase the progress it doesn't seem to grow." I said in frustration.

"Sometimes our surrounding environment prevent our development, which is the same case for you, you have grown so strong, and for you to develop further you need to--"

"I need to be sealed, but how can sealing help me...wait, you have seen something in the future with that thing right," my eyes widened in realisation.

She giggled a bit and backed a little from my chest, giving me the full view of her chest.

"Yes, I've seen many things, I can't tell you about all the details but trust me, this is one of the best option we have."

"What about others."

"We have to destroy your body since no mortal body can access the dimension of monarch."

"I think I'll pass on that one." As much as I want to be strong, I'm not that crazy to destroy my entire body. I mean someone crazy will definitely do it but I'm not, I'll play it safe as much as I can.

"Which is the reason I'm preparing, you're going for a good journey but don't worry you're not going there alone."

" mean.."my eyes widened.

"Yes, they'll come with you and that's enough as an answer for your question right."

"Well, it does."

"So, since I answered your questions don't you think I deserve to be rewarded for the this."

She ignited a flame in me with that sentence.

(A/N: short chapter today and probably no chapter for next today's)