Chapter 19: Zeref

"What the hell is this"

"You became popular because of the stunt you pulled with the red gate." Sam told me with a smirk.on her face.

I get it, I opened red gate which should be impossible for anyone, but how can the world know-, I then remembered the conversation with jin-chul near the rift.




**An hour ago**

"Mark, it is easy to control the media here but outside of Korea is difficult and they're accusing you of the red gate." Jin-chul said to me when I'm near the rift.

Sam and Nat are standing some distance from us, watching us.

"Don't worry I'll handle it." With confidence.

"If you say so." He signed.





Damn, I raised a flag there.

I know entering a red gate will cause commotion since no one managed to enter it from outside after it fully manifested but it is completely ridiculous to say that I caused the red gate incident.

"Mr.Anderson, is it true you opened the red gates worldwide."

"Mr.Anderson, is it true you have more than one relationship."

" Mr.Anderson is it true that you're going for World domination."

My thoughts stopped when the reporters shoot their questions at me.

Many reporters tooks pictures of us with their camaras.

We're still inside the car, but it is not going anywhere because of these guys.

They surrounded the car, asking me questions and some even tired to open the door.

" Mr.Anderson, is it true that you forced your mother into a relati-"

All the reporters suddenly vanished from their place leaving it the entire place empty.

"Wow, did you just teleport them all somewhere." Sam asked me with amuzement.

"I used reality warping to send them to their houses."

"It's the same thing." She said with deadpaned face.

"While both achieve same effect it is different...forget it,Someone with your brain cannot understand the concept."

She punched my shoulder for that.

As our car stopped infront of our house, she walked quickly into the house.

I stayed inside the car.

'Let's see what's happening around me.'

I activated reality manipulation to gain knowledge about the red gate incident.

I can use reality manipulation to gain knowledge and information but it does consume energy based on the amount of information I get.

It consumed about 30% of my energy but I got what I want.

'I see, so it's them huh' while thinking about how to deal them, I parked my car and went into the house.

As soon as I opened the front door of the house, a figure rushed to hug me tightly.

I'm surprised but after seeing who it is I returned the hug.

"How are you wanda."

She hugged me tightly and whispered "I'm fine but I missed you."

"I missed you too. Now where are the others." I lifted her up while hugging and continued to make my way to the living room.

"Aunt Tara is at H.A, she is busy with the red gate incident, Cassie, Gwen and Peter went to deal with the lizard."

We moved to the living room and I sat in the sofa with wanda in my lap. She warps her hands around my neck and she placed my head in her boobs.

'This is the best' I thought while rubbing my head on her boobs and inhaling her scent.

She giggled at me and hugged my head tightly.

After sometime I went to fresh up and wanda went to cook lunch.

I had lunch with wanda and sam, after that they both went to have some girls time together.

While I went to visit an old friend.




**Outside the magestic castle**

"It is still as magistic as ever." I admire the beauty of the castle in infront of me.

"Stop, who are you and what are doing, you can't enter the castle without permission." A guard pointed his gun like weapon at me and said.


I looked at him with a deadpaned face.

Suddenly I powerful aura launched at him making him kneel.

Trust me it wasn't me. I turned to see an old man walking towards us.

"Be careful how who you speak to, he is a guest of his majesty." The old man increased the pressure on the guard.

The poor guy broke most of his bones.

"Hello, August how are you," I smiled and greeted him.

He turned to me and says" I'm in good health, his majesty is waiting for you."

"How about you spare the Little guy, it seems he is new to this job." I pointed my finger to the poor guy who passed out from all the pain after the pressure on him lifted.

We went into the castle and continued to walk towards the guest room.

"So how is he." I asked August who is escorting me.

"His majesty is in good health and-"

"You can call him father infront of me, I still don't understand why you didn't tell him that. He is also the same as you, refusing to reunite with Mavis." I signed recalling the stubbornness of father and son.

"I still hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy to be his son, as for him...he is haunted by the memories of the past to reunite with her."

"Sign... seriously." I can only sign in defeat for his reply.

We arrived at the guest room and after entering it, a red haired women entered in my view.

"Look who's back, it is the great Mark Anderson." The red head smiled as she made her way to us.

"How are you Irene," we both hugged and I greeted her.

"I'm fine mark, thanks to you." She broke the hug and said with a smile.

"I didn't do muc-"

"You did something no one in this world can do to me, mark"

"That sounds a lot weird."

She chuckled and kissed me on the cheek.

After that I turned my head to see the my old friend smiling at me.

"How are you zeref or should I call you king spriggan." I said with a smile.

"I'm fine mark and you can call me whatever you want."

Now we are all seated beside the window which gives us the view outside, we can see the empire of alvarez in it's magestic view from the window.

Zeref and me are seated opposite to eachother while Irene sat in my right side and beside her is August.

"Take this as a gift Irene," I gave her the strawberry cake which is her favorite.

She immediately took it and began to eat it with extreme care as if it is the most important treasure in the world.

"Hahaha, ever since you helped with her body she began to devour all the different types of food in the empire, if we didn't increase the agricultural land and products with magic, we would have gone t-"


August didn't finish his sentence as he sent flying into the wall by a punch from Irene.

"It is rude to talk to a lady about her eating habits." Then she continued to eat her cake with a smile.

August came and sat in his seat without any damage.

"A lady... you're old enou-" he stopped midway after seeing her glare.

"All right guys, let's discuss why we're here." Zeref words made them silent and turned serious.

"How much." I asked him.

"See for yourself."

He then removed the cloth covering his left arm and black marks of 5 lines appeared.

Irene and August moved away from us as me and zeref now facing eachother.

He pointed his left arm in my direction and a black energy was shoot in my direction.