Chapter 23: Consequences

It has been 15 minutes since the Start of the conference.

I'm maintaining a smile on my face as the reporters swarming questions.

Uma is answering all the questions patiently as she stood on a podium but the questions turning ridiculous as time goes on.

At first they asked about the red gate but soon the topic turned to me, it's fine since they want answers from me as I entered the red gate but they started to touch my family.

They first started with my family and then it turned to my relationship with multiple women and then it turned to mom and sam saying they were forced into a relationship with me.

I'm maintaining a calm smile on my face but I'm enraged internally. Mom and Emma who are seated close to me held my hands trying to calm me down but the reporters even turned that into something ridiculous saying I'm even touching them infront of the world.

They're saying that I can't live without being touched by women and trying to mark me as an womeniser.

After sometime uma understood the questions are going in the wrong direction and looked at me.

I looked at her, nodded at her. Assuring mom and Emme it's going to be fine I began to walk towards uma and took the mike and stood on the podium.

The hall turned silent for a while.

I took deep breath and said "Hello all, Thanks for gathering here, before I start answering your questions let me tell you something about me."

"I was someone who didn't have any ambition in the past. I just wanted to get a good job and live a happy life with my family." Those are my thoughts in my past life.

"After that I gained powers, powers that changed my life. I used to think that if I have super powers I'll live a good life but after gaining those powers I wanted more and started to train very seriously." After transmigrated to this world I wanted power so I tried to complete the progress 100% before doing anything.

"But as time went by I came to realise I'm wasting my life in training too much, my girlfriends Sue and Cassie are the ones pointed that to me and chang-"

"So you're accepting that yo-"

"I'm not done yet." I shouted and slamed my hand on the podium and huge pressure fell on all the reporters.

All the people began to sweat and breathing become difficult for them.

Some even paased out unable to withstand the pressure.

I closed my eyes and controlled my powers, then the pressure stopped, Many signed in relief and looked at me with fear in their eyes.

" As I was saying, Sue and Cassie changed my view that we should live our lives happy with our families. It is important to have strength but not so much that it will isolate you from your family. So, I began to relax a little and formed friends and began new relationships, I'm having the best part in the life. I sometimes say thanks to whoever it was for giving me this chance in life." I smiled as those are my thoughts.

Uma, mom and Emma are smiling at me.

My smile faded, I narrowed my eyes and said "until recently some pest touched someone very close to my heart, I swore to protect my loved ones from that moment onwards so that no one will touch them as long as I'm alive."

Emma blushed at my words but tried to hide it as both uma and mom are looking at her with teasing looks.

"But the red gates happened and my sister and friend got stuck in it, that was wake up call to me. I decided that I won't be passive anymore. I liked to laze around until now but not anymore." I paused and looked back to see the worried faces of mom and Emma.

Uma is having a calm smile on her face and nodded her head when I looked at her.

I turned to face the reporters "I decided it's better to show you all instead of answering your questions." I took a deep breath and continued.

"So, listen carefully everyone present in the world, this is the answer to the questions you asked, asking and will ask in the future."

I paused and lifted my right hand above and said " As of this moment excluding Ex-rank hunters, my family and friends, everyone present in this world will loose all of their meta abilities and become normal humans as they were in the past. All the artefacts excluding life saving ones will loose all their functions for the next week."

As soon as I said those words massive transparent white waves began to emerge from my hand and spread throughout the world.

Mom and Emma widened their eyes and mouth, they wanted to say something but words are not coming out of their mouths.

Uma looked at the waves and signed.

Everyone looked dumbfounded at the waves.

I continued " Many of you may think that what I'm doing is unfair but there are two reasons for my action. One is to show you all the level of my powers so you don't have any thoughts of touching my family, and the other is...." I paused and my eyes started to glow in blue.

The entire world turned dark and the atmosphere became similar to apocalypse as if the world will end.

"When a monarch is pissed the entire world will face his wrath."


Lightning danced in the sky as I finished my words.

Then I looked at the reporters who are trumbling in fear and vanished from the place.




**Some unknown place**

Figure 1: They disappeared....the shields disappeared...come on let's go...

Three figure vanished from the place.




At the same time many entities found that the shields guarding the planet Terra from evil forces vanished and began to make their move.




**At the H.A meeting hall**

It become a mess as everyone is trying their powers but can't access them.

"No, I can't see through, my X ray vision is gone." A male reporter exclaimed.

All the female reporters began to cover their chest and move back from the man.

"Hey, punch me, I have stone skin, so to test whether it's working or not punch me."

"You sure man"

"Do it."


A sound of something broken can be heard.

"" he placed his hand at his family jewels, at least the place before they broke.

"Sorry man, I thought your ability will work." He panicked as he kicked the guy at the main part with full force and tried to use his ability to heal him but it didn't work.

So, the guy lost his jewels.

(A/N : Two minutes silence for the poor guy)




I appeared at a top of the building and sat there.

After sometime I began to sense many energies entering the planet.

'How dare those mongrels' I narrowed my eyes and looked at the horizon.

"Come on you mongrels, come in so I can show you the consequences of making me mad." I said as my eyes glowed blue.