Mark Vs Omni-man



We have been fighting for couple of minutes and exchanged thousands of blows.

I'm using martial arts and fighting him with technique.

When he punches me I'll block or dodge his attacks and counter with mine.

It remaids me of the fight between Thanos and Hulk in infinity war.

He is a good fighter and know how to use his strength but I'm a master in Martial arts, so the result of this fight is already visible if you look at my opponent.

His face is all bruised and he is bleeding from his nose and mouth, many of his ribs are broken and he is panting heavily.

I didn't have any injuries on me as I either dodge his blows or block them.


We are fighting on air travelling extremely fast as the scenary changes within few seconds.

Then I punched him on the cheek that send him flying into the sky.


I flew high and broke the sound barrier. I fly past him and stopped after reaching the upper atmosphere.

He stopped at some distance and started breathing heavily and looked at me with anger, fear and excitement.

Then he flew to me aiming a punch with his right hand.

'It's fun for a while, but it's time to end this.' I thought.

I flew down to him, then I dodged his punch and sent my own punch straight to his face with my full power.


He was sent downwards with terrifying speed with fire on him.

For those from watching this from down, it's like a meteor falling onto earth.


He crashed into a deserted mountain destroyed it and formed a huge crater in it's place.

I teleported near him and saw him unconscious.

"Hmmm... it's not as interesting as I first thought, either he is weak or I'm more powerful....anyway, saw this right, I held my powers to almost same level as you, you could have defeated him if you trained and used your strength right without taking a single life in the process. But don't worry you'll get to this level in the future." I said looking at the sphere shaped camera, flying some distance from us.

I looked at him and teleported into the medical facility of GDA and left him there with some metalic cuffs I created.

Later I teleported to Kara and took her by her waist, pulled her into hug, again teleported into my house.




**Inside Mark's room**

Kara is dumbly looking at me as I hugged her.

Our eyes met and she started at me with dumb look.

I chuckled and found her cute, so I took a peek on her cheek.

"You're adorable."

She blushed and tried to break free from me but I didn't let go.

"Let go" she murmured shyly.

I smiled and let her go.

"Freshen up a bit and come to the hall, I have something to talk with you."


She flew any with super speed, I chuckled at her shyness.




**A few moments later**

Kara and I are seated opposite to eachother.

"Kara, in two days I'm planning on going to other worlds in search of one of my girlfriend, I'm also thinking of sending you back to your universe. You have a responsibility of finding and guiding your cousin Kal-El, right." I said in a very serious tone.

"..." She looked at me and hesitated to speak.

I already explained her about my world and how I got ambushed and my future plans to her along the fact that I have many women.

"It is my fault for dragging you with us, I'm sorry for that, but knowing you and becoming your friend is one of the best thing that happened to me." I said sincerely.

She is one of my favourite character in the DC universe and also one of the many I want to have as a waifu back on earth.

After getting to know her personally, I began to like her, But I still don't want to drag her with me, if she is willing to come with me then I'm willing to protect her with my all my might.

"Does Sam know this."

"I talked with her that we'll go soon but didn't say when, so you're the first to know we're leaving in two days."

She lowered her head and said "we can still be friends even after we left right."

I smiled and said "of course, you will always be someone very important to me, and don't forget Sam, she considers you one of her besties."

She looked down and smiled sadly.

I used my powers to understand what's bothering her and laughed awkwardly knowing she had a crush on me but was hesitating because I told her sam is also my women along with others.

She doesn't want sam to feel that she stole me from her.

I laughed knowing if I didn't have my powers it would have been difficult to know the heart of a woman.

She looked at me weirdly for laughing suddenly.

"What's so funny." She asked with tilting her head slightly.

I shook my head and went to her seat. She leaned back as our faces are few inches away.

I placed my hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes, she blushing lightly.

"You have anything to say to me, my dear Kara." I whispered in her ears.

"I...I..I like you...bu-..mmhhh~"

I cut her words with a kiss on her lips.

I then Lifted her and seated on the sofa with her on my lap.

After seated, I put my tongue on her mouth and began to dominate her tongue.

"Mmmhhh~" she morns in my mouth when my hands went to explore her body.

She warps her hands around my neck and tried to dominate my tongue but she lost after few tries and surrendered to me.

We kissed and exchanged saliva after a couple of minutes while my hands exploring her body.

We broke our kiss with a trace of saliva connecting our lips.

"Huff..huff...that was.... awesome.." she panted and smiled at me.

I then kissed her again, but this time a little wild.

We stopped after sometime and didn't go further.

Then I remembered something and sent white waves across the world with a gesture of my hand.

After that I decided to train her in martial arts to help her control her strength.




**Inside GDA**

Cecil and his men are watching the fight between mark and Omni-man.

"He is toying with Omni-man, he is clearly more powerful than Omni-man and knows how to use his strength. We should be thankful he's not an enemy sir." Donald said after analysing the fight.

"I know the moment I met him Donald, he is strong but I didn't expect him to be this strong. What is the status of Nolan."

"Sir, he has almost every bone in his body broken and multiple muscles destroyed, it is a miracle he is alive."

"What about the things mark gave us before he left. Have you analysed them."

"Yes sir, our team already analysed them, they have the ability to block the powers of supes. Our guys are trying to crack the secrets behind it."

"Humm, he left them with Nolan meaning he wants us to use these on him to make him powerless. After Nolan recovered place those on him and what about Mark."

"Mark is doing better than Omni-man sir, his mother is checking on him along with the experts. In a few days he'll be good to go."

"That's a good news to hear. We need someone to protect this world." Cecil said looking at the screen playing the fight scene.

"But didn't we have Mr.Anderson here sir, as long as he is here there is noth-"

"Did you forget what he told us on our meeting Donald, he plans to return to his world as soon as he recovered. He said that clearly. It is ok to ask for help sometimes but it is best if we don't want to reply too much on others."

Suddenly few phone call are rang in the room. It is becoming little noisy with time.

"Now what," Cecil said in irrigation.

"Sir,...the...the city is restored to how it was before the fight and all the people who died returned without any memories of what happened." Donald said in shock.


"Sir if I have to gues-"

"I know and I don't want to imagine it, so stop there Donald." Cecil signed and began to walk to his room to have a little rest.

(A/N : I'm planning to add Demon slayer as the next world, but I'm open to suggestions. Comment them below. Hope you like the chapter.)