
Elio could use Restriction, Grace, and Physical magic. While too weak right now, Az could use Destruction series magic.

Both of them could not use the other series very well at the moment so they were going to work with what they can use first until they could use it well, and then move on to the other series.

Despite equal effort, they realized that their magic from other series was ineffective and would be of no use in practical life.

Even if they tried to manifest the spell and were perfect with their execution, the spells did not manifest. 

Which simply meant they needed to put some more work into the process though, and keep practicing.

"That's our first prey."


They were now hunting, and since Az was not going to be of much help, it was up to the two of them now.

And, even if she could hunt like a professional with her higher level and strength, he had neither experience nor enough strength to go against a creature like this one.


[Green horn Rabbit]: (Level-21)


"That's a (Level-21) creature."

"Hmm? You can tell that?"

He somehow got better with his observation after he obtained his Mana and he could observe things even faster than before.

He only needed to glare at them for a while and after he had looked at them for long enough, their observed status appeared before him.

"You might be able to face it… but we are Not going there to fight it with you."

In the first place, this creature looked much more dangerous than that boar they just defeated.

It was two freaking meters tall even though it was called a RABBIT!

It was currently eating what seemed to be a big deer, some other dangerous creature, had blood all over its face, and the teeth it had seemed more like sharp blades of a saw! And there was blood on them!

The eyes of this thing were completely black, deep dark black!

There was a strange green horn on its head while its body was completely brown… and there was blood all over its body!

Calling that thing a Rabbit was already cheating… but it was also several levels above him and looked strong enough to split him in two with its bare hands.

It was absurd!

"Hmm? Are you afraid of that cute thing?"

But to Alex who had faced ancient monsters and primordials, this was practically just a cute little thing.


He looked at her with a little shock and a little doubt. 

For a moment, he thought she was just joking. But when he looked at her for a moment longer and there was no result to her look, he knew he had been with the wrong kind of person for the last few years.

"Anyway. You don't have to fight. I'll do the fighting."

Experience gained through hunting could be divided equally within a party and since they were in a party right now, they did not have to worry about the fighting aspect of the hunting part itself.

Since there was a person with equal level as the creature present, things will not be that difficult for them. 

He did not like this, but since he will be helping out in hunting, he was fine with it this time.

"When I go in, immediately cast (Speed up) on me. And when you see the rabbit going berserk and preparing its energy cannon-."

"It's what?"

And this creature can go berserk as well? He was very confused at the moment.

"Just do what I say, dummy. Don't overthink things right now."

She wanted him to cast the (tier-1) Grace spell (Speed up) and then use the (Grass binding) spell of Restriction series to temporarily restrict the rabbit's movement.

He had not decided to solely walk on the path of a mage so he did not have a certain Mage class but one did not need a class to be able to cast magic.

Magic was a power available to everyone.

As long as they could master the spells, have enough Mana and mental stamina to cast those spells, and meet basic requirements, they could use any kind of magic in the world.

One just needed to meet the basic requirements and usually, this task got more difficult as one approached the higher tier spells.


With an excited smile, without saying anything more, Alex jumped out of the bush they were hiding in and used {Blink} to close the distance between her and the creature. 


The giant rabbit already sensed her presence when she had reached near him, and it was going to attack her with its swift attacks as well. 

But, right before it could do that, her body glowed with a unique yellow color and she moved even faster, reaching right behind the giant rabbit.


Then, she used a short dagger to make a lunge and shoved it right inside a certain point of the rabbit's elbow.


The rabbit screamed as if it was in extreme pain after that ambush, something which might not have been successful had Elio not used the wind elemental natural spell in time. 

He was afraid of miss-release as well since if the spell was to be used on the creature instead, things would have gotten a lot more difficult than what they already were.


Thankfully, her first attack was a critical hit, and after that, she moved faster with her enhanced speed and used a short sword to make various cuts throughout the giant body of the creature.


She was deliberately targeting those certain points which seemed to induce more pain than damage, and not long after, the entire brown body of the giant creature started turning red– a classic sign of berserk.

"What the hell is that girl up to?"

The rabbit was bigger so it was not difficult to aim a spell at it.


When the creature went berserk and was just about to attack her with its increased speed and strength that was so great that the ground beneath its feet had already been crushed by the sheer force of its rawness… he manifested his Restriction spell of earth element and new grass sprung out right beneath the rabbit's feet.


It seemed like the rabbit had gone mad already. 

It knew nothing going on around it.

Its eyes were only following the one that had put it through that great pain.


It could see its enemy right before it so it tried to move as quickly as it could and catch her with its new, boiling strength. 



Sadly, the saying: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." was applied here and with merely a few grass blades that were nothing compared to the creature's great size, it fell to the ground.


And when it was on the ground, she precisely shoved three new daggers around the green horn of the rabbit.


The rabbit tried to struggle, but that struggle lasted only for a moment.


Its soul had already left its body when she shoved those daggers in its head. 

Now, only a dead body with no blood of the Rabbit present anywhere in the green surroundings was left on the ground…