Field boss

A field was a vast area with many monster or creature camps located in close proximity.

These special places sometimes even had some pretty rare creatures that one might not find anywhere else in that area.

Of course though, there was also a Boss monster of this field. A creature that was above every other creature present within that field.

"Can just the two of us take down that creature?"

"What do you mean 'two of us'? You want to fight as well?"

Even if he technically wanted to, he would be a dead weight to her. So, he also knew he was just better as a support.

"Then… are we going to use some higher tier magic scrolls as well?"

"Do I look like someone who'd use a high level magic scroll against a mere beginner area's field boss? Do you think these things are chocolates?"

Every scroll was precious, something that could save one's life. So, using it when it wasn't even necessary was just dumb.

And besides, however resourceful she might be, there was a limit to her resources.

She might have a few hundred lowest tier scrolls, a few higher tier ones, some good ones, and a few that could destroy a city or bring down divine grace, there was still a limit to how much she had.

And, she for sure was not going to use it all carelessly even if she wanted to.

"I'll give you three destructive spell scrolls, three barrier scrolls, and three Physical magic scrolls along with a few Mana regeneration potions. 

You will use them, cast debuff spells on the boss and buff me with Physical and Grace spells.

I'll fight, and Az will help us distracting-."

"Wait wait wait wait. What did you just say?"

This was not what he was looking forward to.

"Why would Az distract anything? In the first place, who says it will be joining the battle."

If Elio was a weak (Level-14), Az was merely a (Level-3) slime that was just starting to learn new things.

It was an innocent creature that knew practically nothing about anything, and just like a kid, it got happy at things that it found fun, and acted like any child would in any situation.

If Elio was putting his life at risk by going for the field boss with a single party member, then Az would be attempting suicide by going before that high level creature.

"Relax. He's perfect for this job."

He didn't want to put his little friend in harm's way so he was not going to let her use Az. But the way she explained him, the way she convinced him that this was not going to be anything dangerous for the creature, was just too believable.

"You're sure about this… right?"

"Of course I am, damn it. There are places in this world where (Red Hobs) of even higher level live in big communities.

We aren't even talking about an Ogre, an Oni, or an ugly troll but merely a special kind of goblin."

She was saying that but Elio still had his doubts.

And when they reached the deepest part of the forest area covered by rocks on three sides, with a single big cave entrance visible in the center of it, he was convinced this was a bad idea.

"Alex… I think we should go back."

"Nah, too late."

Just as she said that, they felt the ground beneath their feet shaking a little and a strange stench filled the area around them.

This strange stench was getting worse as each second passed, and not long after, they saw two orbs of red shining from beyond the cave's darkness.

"That's… a goblin?"

"Don't act like you are seeing one for the first time, lol. The people you've worked with used to kill these things when they were merely Level-10."

Unlike her though, most of them were still top rankers famous all over the two worlds. As someone who had directly worked with them… this one should be nothing much to him.

"I'm not like those people! They are all crazy! Just like you!"

He knew how she also killed many (Level-30)+ creatures in the time he was not here.

She even killed a (Level-13) creature when she was (Level-3), earning an achievement. Though, he had no idea how she had done that.

"Heh. Crazy, you say? Darling not wanting to kill creatures and stopping someone from killing them is the crazy thing, not what us enthusiasts do."

She was observing the creature with pale red skin, a humanoid body, muscular physique, and two distinct horns of their kind on its head.

Its eyes were entirely white, there was only a dirty cloth wrapped around its private part and the rest of its body was naked. 

There was a big bat made of wood in its hands, a weapon that was completely stained with dried blood of the things that it had killed before.

Its feet were giant, the leg muscles strong looking, the face of the creature was ugly, and the pointed nose made it look even uglier.

Still, one could feel great strength just from looking at this creature.

And, the fact that this creature was a field boss made it one of the stronger creatures than the normal boss monsters that had simple enhanced stats.

"Alright. Shuu. It must be going to find some food. This is our chance."

A field boss was meant to be hunted by the many players together since it gave a lot more Exp than the other kind of bosses and had more chances of dropping an Essence. 

There was a better chance to obtain a skill by hunting these creatures, so they were pretty famous among the bigger parties and guilds.

"Az, you know what you have to do, right?"


"Then go. And if you think it will be dangerous, use the Light magic you learned and get out of there as quickly as you can."


The groups and guilds were afraid to come to the deeper parts of the forest since there was a strange rumer circulating among them that some kind of 'nightmare' had appeared in this place.

It was a creature so dangerous that it had already beaten many people almost to their deaths and people had only survived it by running away from It.

The rumors were going around for a few days now, and it would soon clear up… so, they had to take advantage of the opportunity while the iron was still hot.

"Don't use debuffs on me this time, please."

"Don't worry, love. The world should be better without something like that."

He knew he was a hypocrite to discriminate between what had the right to live and what did not, but, he was still a human at the end.

And, as a human, he did not like that hideous thing.

"Then let's start."

He knew this was going to be dangerous and she would be the one in most danger, but he was prepared for something unexpected.

He had his magic scrolls, he had ten whole basic Mana recovery potions and he had his magic.

He knew even if something does go wrong, the three of them will at least somehow get out of this damned place.