Key to the victory


Avoiding the incoming attack of a dark wind, she first used a powerful protactiv Mana shield item to take the least amount of damage, and used a sword imbued with the properties light to attack the dark mage.

Her level was still low and her Mana levels weren't sufficient but she could still use a few of the items that she had.

The general items like accessories and the scrolls were one thing, but she mostly did dealt with the attackls of the dark mage using her high evasion rate.

She was agile even with her comparatively low stats, and even though she had used some potions and buff spell scrolls to temporarily boost herself she was not going to last against the dark mage tens of levels higher than her.

[ "Damn insect." ]

She had many restrictions on her, many of them being from her 'trial' so there was a lot of limitations on her.
