A tough morning

"Yawnnnn~. Woh."

"Had a good sleep?"

This time, she was the one greeting him after their peaceful sleep. Just like it should be.

"Nope. It was terrible."

He was smirking as he looked at her pretty face the first thing in the morning… in the evening actually. The morning and afternoon had passed already.

"Oh? Was it now~?"

Just like him, she was smirking as well. 

Both of them knew what the other one was thinking, and their eyes looking into each other's eyes spoke more than either of them had said.

"So, should we?" He asked first, even though he could tell she wanted to be the one to say it.

"Well… I wish we could."

But contrary to what he thought, she shook her head at his pretty invitation.

"It's time. We have to go down to the central plaza. The Mayor's speech, remember?"


Last night was terrible.