Fried chicken

"Yawnnnn~. Now that we are finally done, how about we go get some food first?" she suggested with a tired look on her face and though lost in the scenery around him, he nodded at her suggestion.

"Sure. But are there any good places that will have something as good as your cooking?"

He wasn't teasing her this time, he was merely being genuine with his words.

He loved her cooking, so much so that he hardly ever ate anything other than the things she made.

It had been like that for a few years now, and yes they surely ate out, ordered in, and lived off of packaged food sometimes, both of them liked cooking and helping one another make special things for one another.

"What do you take this town for, dummy. This is a different world. Of course there are things much better than the things that I make."

She was confident about that, actually.