A special girl


The sudden look of fear was somewhat shocking to both of them.

"Th-the bird… it talked!"

She stepped back as she shouted that, and hid behind Alex.

She was shaking, as if she was genuinely terrified of a talking bird.

{ "Her senses are good." }

And when Sera spoke again, the shaking she was feeling intensified again.


Elio did not understand what was happening with her, but Alex had an idea about what might be happening with the young girl.

"She doesn't know much about herself, Sera."

{ "I can tell that." }


This time, when the bird spoke, Misha stopped shaking and instead, looked up at the bird with a confused expression.

"The bird… talked?"

She wasn't afraid because the bird was talking, it was an involuntary response of her unique body to the special kind of Mana that the bird was using for her speech.
