Force of strings

Holding the arrow between the gap of her thumb and index finger, Alex shot the first glowing disk that flew out from the magical device that created it with the unique elemental magic enchantments.


This one was green, and as they knew, the whole training process was divided into six phases.

The green disks were the easiest, and following them were orange, yellow, blue, purple, and lastly the red a disk that flew at a speed that was not easy for even the expert archers to hit.

This device was a very valuable piece of equipment, so when the match began and the first arrow was shot, the audience did not think very highly of their archery skills.

Alex even used a non-traditional holding style to release the arrow, so the employee that was helping them here was not impressed or anything.

They weren't beginners. The way Elio was holding his bow and arrow even suggested he had experience with the weapon.