[Spell fusion]

Spells were simply simple or complexly weaved Mana instructions.

To cast a spell, there were believed to be three main methods that the mages of today use.

The first method was simply the vocal incantations: Chanting of a certain set of incantations that produces the same kind of string combinations that a traditional spell does.

There were many mages who solely relied on spell chanting. They were not commonly seen but unlike the conventional games, the [< Magic chanters >] of were wise men who had learned the truth hidden behind those incantations and understood them on a deeper level.

They were rare, and they were wise.

The other method was what most of the people, and players used– the method that solely relied on the imagination of the individuals.

A spell, at the end of the day, was a manifestation of one's will.

It was pretty easy for someone possessing an open Mana circuit to cast a spell through their will alone.