Kalp: The City of Preservation 

It wouldn't have taken them long to reach Kalp with the straight highway even with their horse carriage.

They were fast and they knew the path so they would have been alright anyway… however, if they had taken that path, they would have had to pass through the mountain area where there were chances of bandits appearing.

They would have had to pay a hefty sum to pass through them… and, since they were all nearly (Level-100) people, fighting with them did not really made any sense.

They were in hundreds, they had strategic weapons and people who could cast magic of high level as well and they were string individuals.

Fighting would not have been an option if they were unlucky enough to get entangled with them, but thankfully, they did not have to go through the road path.

They took the sky route and crossed the distance that would have taken them with all the rest and occasional fights with the creatures, in just a few hours.