Why an inn?

[{ "What's up with that key?" }]

Elio instantly figured out how something was wrong with the key that Alex had given to the receptionist.

The receptionist was walking them to their room herself for some reason when he knew they mostly give that task to someone else so that they don't have to leave their positions.

It was strange, but since he had seen the expression the fox-kin receptionist had when she handed her that key, he knew the reason for her current upright behavior was that key.

[{ "Well…" }]

They were in the magic elevator at the moment. And the receptionist was taking them all the way to the eighth floor when most of the usual rooms of this inn were on the second to seventh floors.

[{ "You know how the special early investors of a place that has a big hand in the establishment and initial prosperity of an organization receive special privileges?" }]