A Picky Bird

A small round head that didn't seem anything special to anyone that looked at it, a small body that was just big enough to fit into the small hands of Misha, and feathers that were white, but not as white as that of The special swan they had seen a while back.

This small bird had deep blue eyes that seemed to be similar to Alex's eyes, but unlike her experienced gaze, the gaze of this little one was that of a carefree guy.

The silver beak that it had seemed normal as well, and the little feet that it had, which were half covered in its feathers, were also small and practically harmless.

"They are called (Shan Eugenes) or the Furball 'Lords' as their discoverer used to call them."

After they suddenly found this little guy in Misha's hand, a lot of commotion was spread throughout the facility.