To get back…

"So… can I go into that upside down waterfall the next time it appears? Or is there some other way to get out of here?"

{ "You'll be ripped to shreds if you even go near that red water on the redfallen nights. And no, that boundary is the only way out of this place. 

You cannot go out when the barrier is gone since the time frame is too short for you slowpokes, and you'll never get live through the monsters even if you do survive after crossing the boundary.

The place that you'll end up in would still have as much of dangerous monsters as this place." }

"Can't you come with us then? Is there any reason you stay here in the first place?" 

{ "I'm not coming with you, ptffff. Why would I leave my home just to come with you?" 

Besides, I have to take care of the boundary and the other creatures of this forest. They won't be able to survive the next time the monsters come here on the redfallen nights." }