
[Alex's POV: ]

The first time I met GM was a few years ago. 

Back then, I was simply a strong person that was finishing a certain quest and somehow ended up in this coastal town. 

There were many quests in this place since I was the first discoverer of this place, so I did as many quests as I possibly could.

'One of the memorable quests was from the pirate groups that owned one of the best ships in not just this town, but in the entire world.'

The pirate ship was a unique construct made from a unique material called Dragonwood, one of the hardest materials known to mankind.

'The person who made this ship, the first captain of Black Hawk, must have been a great craftsman to use a material that could not be cut with any kind of ax and make it into a ship as beautiful as this one.'

But, we don't know much about that person, just like how we don't know much about the insignificant things that had happened a few centuries ago.