Chapter 2Living corpse

The deaf mother-in-law was furious when she saw this:

"The evil beast doesn't know how to praise, look for a fight!"

Tie the fairy rope as a long whip and hit the woman heavily.

The scream sounded, and the woman actually burst into black smoke.

Despite the severe pain, she still moved forward step by step.

I just want my deaf mother-in-law to save her child!

Uncle Li saw this and asked:

"Deaf woman, she can speak and scream, and there are shadows. Is she really a dead person?"

The deaf woman spit out two words deeply:

"A living corpse!"

"She is dead, but she doesn't know it yet. It's all supported by the obsession in her heart."

Uncle Li looked solemn and asked again:

"She's dead. What about the child in her belly?"

"Dead or alive?"

Grandma Li stared at the woman warily and replied:


"If the child dies, the woman's obsession will be dissipated."

"At that time, one corpse and two lives turned into a birth ghost, which was very fierce!"

"Big and small ghosts hold scissors together and look for stand-ins everywhere."

"It's difficult for the pregnant women near us!"

Uncle Li sucked two cigarette bags hard:

"Since we are alive, we can't die!"

"Look at her dress, she is also poor, and she must help!"

When the woman heard this, she immediately wanted to kneel and kowtow.

It's just that my body is stiff and I can't kneel down! The deaf mother-in-law is kind-hearted, and she no longer insists when she listens to what Uncle Li said.

"Old man Li, you have to think about it."

"If we fail to save the child, I'm afraid that the mother and son will turn into fierce ghosts immediately!"

Uncle Li smiled boldly:

"Are the Japanese devils fierce? The old man is still one by one!"

"How can fierce ghosts be more fierce than Japanese devils?!!"

"It's just that I can't give birth. It's all up to you!"

The deaf mother-in-law looked at Uncle Li's vigorous appearance and smiled gently:

"It's the first time for my wife to give birth to a dead person."

"I hope nothing happens."

"There are all the immortals in the room. Dirty things can't get in, so they can only give birth in the yard."

The deaf mother-in-law asked Wang San to bring a few pots of hot water and surrounded an open space with black cloth.

At this moment, the bundle of fairy rope in the hand of the deaf mother-in-law moved by herself.

On the snow, a few big words were written crookedly:

This thing is very fierce!


The deaf mother-in-law was in a dilemma for a while:

The horror of the great fierce thing in the fairy's mouth can be imagined!

It seems that the living corpse in front of you is not as simple as it looks on the surface.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Li did not want the deaf family to be in danger.

"San'er, go to Lao Liu's house to borrow a donkey cart, and I will take this woman to the town hospital."

Wang San immediately agreed, "Uncle, I'll go with you."

"It's good to take care of it on the way."

The deaf mother-in-law shouted loudly:

"Stut then!"

"This kind of guy is sent to the town. How many people don't think they are dead?!"

"The old lady will give her birth."

"San'er, you avoid it and wait for the order in the distance."

"Old man Li, give me a hand!"

Human life is at risk, and it is not the time to avoid suspicion.

What's more, it's facing a dead person.

Uncle Li immediately agreed:


"You can tell me directly what you do with me!"

The deaf mother-in-law ignored it and just said to the woman:

"Do you remember the eight characters of your birth?"

The woman was stunned and obviously lost part of her memory.

After a while, I slowly recalled it.

The deaf mother-in-law's face changed greatly after listening to it:

"When the moon is cloudy, the body is extremely yin!"

"In addition to this damn day tonight, it's a big trouble!"

However, the matter is urgent, and deaf women can no longer think too much:

At this time, the woman's face became more and more distorted, and the corners of her eyes began to bleed.

That kind of black, fishy pus and blood.

There was a sneer in his mouth, and his long hair flew in the gloomy wind.

This situation shows that the child in the woman's womb is already very dangerous and there is a possibility of death at any time.

Once the fetus dies, the woman will immediately turn into a villain.

The mother and son launched a murder, which will be a big disaster for this small village.

To be cautious, the deaf woman shouted:

"Sanwa, please go and print it out!"

Dayin is an object that symbolizes the level of a disciple of a horse immortal, and is also an important magic weapon to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits.

Wang San realized the danger and immediately left. Long Po thought for a little and continued to speak:

"Old man Li, go and get your big knife!"

"I hope you didn't brag with the old lady. That knife really killed people!"

Uncle Li laughed:

"Don't worry, deaf woman, if little Japan is still a human, I have cut it with a big knife, not a hundred or eighty. Look at it!"

While talking, Wang San had come back with a big seal and asked:

"Mother, why did you ask Uncle Li to get the knife?"

"Is his knife very powerful?!"

Grandma Li answered while untieling the woman's clothes:

"It's not just awesome. That's the guy who killed people!"

"If you can kill a hundred people, it will be called Baizhan."

"For upright people, dirty things don't dare to get close to them."

At this time, Uncle Li had come back, and his back was slanted behind the red knife. It was really powerful!

The gloomy atmosphere around has been dispelled a lot.