Obedience to the Flesh

Upon taking his first step, the voice echoed once more,


[Your attributes have been altered.]


A flurry of runes danced at the edge of his vision, translating into text that he could understand.




[Guided Will]

Attribute Description: "Your Will Is Now Guided By The Priest Of Flesh Himself. Fear Not..."


His brows furrowed in confusion.


'Guided by this fleshly abomination? No way.'


His gaze shifted, scanning the array of runes that overwhelmed him.



Attribute Description: "Bestowed With The Staff, You Are Chosen To Aid In The Ritual."


His grip tightened on the staff, his frustration rising.


'Why should I be forced to assist this monster?!'


Zerin in anger tossed the staff on the ground, it scattered across the ground near the levitating Entity.


The amalgamation loomed before him, its ominous presence unwavering. Zerin's gaze darted to the ground, anticipating a harsh response, as he balled his fists, but instead, the Entity raised the staff.


In a guttural voice, the Priest spoke, emitting a belch-like sound through the layers of flesh,




Zerin accepted the staff from the air, wariness etched in his features.




The Priest struggled to speak past the bulbous flesh, extending a hand towards the double doors. There, the grotesque, slug-like creature writhed on the ground, its tiny legs struggling to support its bloated form, from gorging on the pools of blood before.


He gave in to the unexplained compulsion to follow the slug and he advanced, unsure if his attribute [Guided Will] was influencing him or if it was his desire to shield his nude body. Nevertheless, he pressed on.


Passing through the towering double doors, he trailed the serpent, stealing glances at the portraits adorning the walls — a family seemingly frozen in time.


However, his attention wavered, drawn to the creature's chubby body slapping against the floor like a beached seal, its belly echoing with sloshing blood. The creature halted before a door and turned its gaze, fixing it on him.


Zerin's face ticked with disgust and annoyance,


'What the hell are you looking at, you ugly bastard?'


Zerin made himself thin and squeezed past the fat serpent,


'How could something so small be so damn tubby?'


With a sigh of relief, he finally cleared the space, and entered a spacious bedroom, securing the door behind him.


The bedroom's ambiance left him awestruck; extravagant furnishings and antiquities adorned the space, with the tone set by a serene fireplace and a balcony overlooking the lifeless kingdom.


He pondered aloud, in amazement.


"Where the hell am I?"


Finding the closet, he scoured it, discovering regal attire—a tunic and pants that surpassed even his standards for clothing.


Donning the garments, he adjusted the belt when an abrupt knock reverberated through the room. Hastening his pace to fasten his belt, as he finished, the lock clicked, and the door creaked open.


The Priest appeared, its massive body barely squeezing through the door, its stench dominating the room. The sheer possibility of such an entity existing lent an unexpected allure to its figure, which was paradoxical given its crude appearance.


Zerin could feel a tangible connection with the entity, as if it were something he could touch. It was the same mental link he had felt before, where he could hear the Priest's inner voice in his head.


"My apologies for earlier..."


The Entity's unexpected display of remorse surprised him. He pondered whether it was genuine before replying,


"I wasn't the one who suffered the injury. There's no need for you to apologize to me."


A hush fell over the room as the Entity's face shifted slightly, as its body swayed in the air, resembling a buoy swaying in calm waters.


Zerin couldn't shake the unsettling feeling creeping up his spine.


"I suppose you are correct..."


The Entity seemed to concede, its voice resonating with a deep tone akin to a mature man.


Zerin struggled to grapple with this bizarre situation unfolding before him,


'What twisted game was this? And where the hell am I?'


Layering on top of this already confusing situation, the Entity began to speak again,


"The staff... it's crucial for our ritual",


The Entity said solemnly.


Zerin's voice quivered with uncertainty,


"Our ritual?"


The last thing Zerin wanted was to be some sort of sacrifice for a flesh monster.


"What is this ritual exactly?"


He spoke nervously, feeling tension building up.


The Entity paused before speaking again.


"Contact with the Goddess..."


He pondered the words that came out of the Entity's mouth,


'Contact? Goddess?'


"Okay...you are trying to contact your goddess...but where do I fit into all this?"


The Entity floated to the balcony, with its arm secured behind its back as it looked up at the blood moon, it extended its hands to catch the blood rain that rained down on its patchwork of flesh on its body.


"Your blood... it's destined to intertwine with the threads... that much I can perceive..."


The Entity turned back to Zerin, peering down at him from the balcony.


Zerin felt a chill up his spine, is that what the sampling was about? Was he really a sacrifice?


"How much do you need?"


He responded, balling his fists in anticipation,


The Entity glided towards Zerin,


"I do not need your blood...the staff requires it...to weave the threads..."


Reaching forth he grabbed the staff, his fingers closing around the ancient femur of this unknown entity that was used to forge this staff. At its focal point, a small light of energy swirled and began to vibrate slightly, stirring a sense of foreboding within him.


He looked down at the Staff with curiosity as runes began to show themselves.


"How am I supposed to weave the threads?"


The Entity responded,


"I don't remember...my apologies..."


The Entity momentarily froze, its body sinking slightly, almost touching the ground. Zerin, disregarding the runes, briefly examined the Entity as a few moments of silence enveloped the room. Just as the Entity was about to make contact with the ground, it rose back to its original elevation.


The Entity seemed to sigh; its voice heavy as it tried to articulate itself.


"Talking exhausts me... he ensured it would be so."


With a graceful motion, the Entity floated out of the room, and so did that sinister, slithery slug of a bastard, as it leaped onto the Entity, slithering into its flesh, leaving Zerin alone in the oppressive silence as the door creaked shut.


Overwhelmed by the events that have just played out, Zerin sank into the luxurious bed, his mind reeling with unanswered questions.



Zerin murmured softly, his gaze fixed on the staff he held out above his head as he laid on the bed.


The obsidian-hued femur bone gave off a sinister aura, its cracked surface and elongated shape defying what he would reason as conventional human anatomy. But what is conventional at this point? To this entity, this world raining blood seems to be normal.


'Is this my new normal?'


Zerin had to stop himself before he continued because at this rate he was going to go crazy, then diverted his attention to the staff again, starting at its handle, wrapped in dark fabric, provided an eerie contrast to the crimson runes etched along its length, leading to the serrated and sharpened focal point where a swirling mass of crimson and ebony energies danced in an unsettling union upon him wielding the staff.


As he analyzed the staff, the runes seemed to reach out, imprinting themselves onto his very retinas,


Memory: [Crimson Needle]

Memory Rank: Tier Four Transcendent

Memory Description: [...]

Memory Enchantments: [...]


"Tier Four Transcendent?"


Zerin had no clue what he was looking at; it sounded cool and flashy, but he didn't really understand what any of this meant, so he continued to read further.


[Memory Description]: "A heirloom passed down from generation to generation, passed down from the goddess herself."

Memory Enchantments: [...]


Throughout his life, Zerin had heard of the gods, The War god, The Storm god, and the ever-so-prevalent Sun god. However, the concept of goddesses, though intriguing, remained unexplored territory in his knowledge.


'Who is this goddess?'


Zerin dove back into the runes, hoping that they would answer his question further.


Memory Enchantments:

[Faulty] - "The needle's purpose was to weave the very threads of blood itself, but now it seems to have deviated from its original purpose."

[Conversion] - "Obtaining the incorporeal requires sacrificing those of that blood..."


"Faulty? If its new purpose isn't to weave the threads, then what the hell is the point of it?"


"And this bullshit blood-sacrificing enchantment..."


Zerin sighed and dismissed the runes; the crackling of the fire seemed to bring his mind to ease as he pieced together what seemed to make sense to him.


"If gods are involved, could this be a divine conflict?"


Reflecting on the fragments of information Zerin had gathered, he tried to piece it all together, but to no avail.


'Who was this "He" mentioned by the Entity? And was it this goddess who personally bestowed upon him this staff?'


Zerin arose from the mattress, his head hurting with all this thinking. Pushing himself off the mattress, he rose to his feet, holding the staff in the other.


Raising the staff in a determined fashion, gripping it in his hand, he fixated on the focal point of the staff, upon picking it up he would see a crimson essence begin to swirl, albeit very faintly. Feeling its pull, he obliged, fixing his concentration, as the swirling mass grew, it conquered the fireplace's light, filling the room in a bright red hue.


His face filled with amazement, but his splendor was short-lived as an instant wave of overwhelming fatigue washed over him, his body betraying him as he crumpled to the floor.


Awakening to the crackling of the fireplace in the background, Zerin stirred beneath the warmth of the covers, shifting to his side as he cast a glance towards the door.


'When did I fall asleep?'


Zerin felt his entire body, how weak it felt, along with the shortness of breath he was experiencing, regaining his breath, he sat up in the bed.


Startled by a sudden knock, he swiftly sat up, the creak of the opening door drawing his attention.


The Entity glided into the room with an air of authority, each movement deliberate and commanding. Unlike its previous monstrous guise, its flesh now hugged its form tightly, as if it had undergone a dramatic transformation overnight, shedding the weight of at least 100 pounds.


"Look who got a makeover…"


Zerin remarked casually, remaining seated on the bed as he turned his head to face the Entity.


As it began to speak, the room seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.


"I was informed of your awakening...I was..."


The Entity's voice trailed off, a sense of uncertainty clouding its words.


Meeting its gaze, Zerin questioned,


"Informed? Are you observing me?"


It hesitated before responding,


"Only recently, following your sudden collapse",


With a mysterious gesture, the Entity directed Zerin's attention behind him, introducing a sense of intrigue and apprehension into the atmosphere.


Zerin turns, and behind him, on the other side of the bed, sat a massive fleshy creature about the size of a horse, sitting right next to the bed he was laid in, its appearance that of a lizard, with four legs but no tail, its hair, resting down past its chin, black in color, its eyes lidless, a reminder of his previous encounter in the woods.


He instinctively recoiled, his voice laced with terror,


"That thing was there the whole time?!"


Zerin took a step back, alarmed with a sense of anger, pointing at the creature.


"You can't just toss one of these things into this room when I am sleeping!"


The Entity spoke, its tone could easily be mistaken with remorse,


"I needed to ensure your stability..."


A brief pause filled the air, before it spoke once again,


"You suffered from blood loss... My apologies... It was due to my lack of care during the sampling..."


The Entity's admission echoed in his mind.


Reflecting on his outburst towards the Entity, a sense of guilt tugging at his conscience.


"It's fine, what happened to the others?"


Zerin questioned, his tone softer, laced with concern.


In a composed manner, The Entity reassured him,


"They are resting peacefully. I have tended to their injuries, including the woman's arm, and ensured their comfort."


Zerin looked at the Entity with disbelief,


"You tore her arm off and swallowed it whole..."


The Entity speaks once again,


"I assure you she is whole...you can visit her yourself soon enough..."


'It sounds ridiculous, but who's to say this isn't true? I mean, look at the situation I'm in right now.'


A faint smile graced Zerin's lips, a shift in his perception of the Entity unfolding before him.


The Entity nods as it levitates a plate of fruits towards him, a sense of hunger and weariness stirred within Zerin.


he asked, his curiosity piqued.


"What is it?"


The Entity responded cryptically,




Sensing his hesitation, the Entity clarified,




Zerin extended his hand, hesitantly grasping a tennis ball-sized fruit from the plate. The fruit was perfectly round, crimson in hue, with a black stem, and exuded a sweet aroma as he brought it closer.


Taking a bite, the fruit burst with juicy sweetness.


A fleeting chuckle escaped the Entity at the sight, followed by a contemplative silence.


In a moment of curiosity and uncertainty, he gazed at the creature before him, pondering its seemingly unnatural behavior. Was that a laugh he heard?


"Practice again",


The Entity instructed, directing his attention to the fleshy lizard creature beside him, its gaze sending a shiver down his spine.


"He will ensure your safety, I am tethered to him, so rest assured",


The Entity reassured him as it floated out of the room, leaving Zerin alone with the unsettling creature.


With a sense of unease creeping over him, he retrieved the staff, attempting to focus despite the creature's unsettling stare boring into the back of his head.


Upon raising the staff, the inscribed runes sparked to life, shifting hues from obsidian to crimson as the energy at its pinnacle began to swirl. Zerin honed his attention on the chaotic swirling power, sensing it gradually deplete his life force. Struggling to sustain his concentration, he faltered, unable to rekindle the formidable mass he had managed to create the first time.


Feeling heavily drained, he took another fruit, shoving the whole fruit into his mouth, consuming it.


Upon consuming it, he felt his strength come back to him, and he tried again.


Directing the staff outward, Zerin locked his gaze on the focal point, unwavering in his concentration. Gradually, the mass of energy swelled to unprecedented proportions, pulsating with a red intensity. Yet, the overwhelming power caused violent uncontrollable vibrations, destabilizing his control.


The energy scatters in web-like threads, resembling delicate strands of red velvet, before fragmenting upon contact with the bedroom floor.


'That's it! The threads!'


'It was a failure, but I saw it!'


Zerin smiled and turned his back towards the creature and the balcony.


the creature's eyes fixated unwaveringly on him, its form coiled into a tight ball on the cold, stone floor. The subtle rise and fall of its chest hinted at a sense of alertness beneath its seemingly relaxed posture.


With confidence, Zerin grasped the final fruit, devouring it with haste to invigorate his weary spirit.


Driven by determination, he funneled his energy through the staff, the chaotic energy swirling and amassing, to a great size again. This time, his focus zeroed in on the pivotal point from which the threads would unravel.


To his astonishment, a deep hum resonated from the staff. An intense pressure swelled, a sensation unfamiliar yet exhilarating, a smile rose on his face.


Amidst his happiness, an unexpected outcome unfolds; energy surged forth like a radiant beam of vermillion. The deafening sound echoed through the air as the energy whistled past. Its force alone was sufficient to propel him from the confines of the master bedroom, hurtling towards the balcony at increasing speeds.


Just as Zerin was propelled towards the balcony, the fleshy lizard creature leaped into action, intercepting his trajectory swiftly, causing him to collide harshly with the beast.


Slowly rising to his feet, he leaned on the creature's imposing form for support, leveraging its massive frame to regain his full height. His body felt as though he'd been hit by a truck, but anything was better than being flung out of the window.


"What in the hell was that?!"


Zerin exclaimed, his gaze darting towards the spot where the potent beam had been positioned, he walked closer to see if it caused any damage to the solid walls. To his astonishment, not a single mark even scratched the stone wall.


Breathing a sigh of relief, his body weary and drained, he conceded, as he sat on the bed


"What do you think? enough excitement for today?"


However, the joke didn't seem to affect the creature as it remained stoically silent, its inscrutable gaze fixed. The uncomfortable gaze and its almost uncanny human-like appearance caused Zerin to avert his gaze from the creature.


Acknowledging the toll of his efforts and recognizing the need for rest as blood loss and exhaustion weighed heavily upon him, he declared wearily,


"I need rest..."


Weariness evident in his voice, he collapsed on the bed.


In response, the creature curled back into a protective ball, as if silently gesturing an understanding as Zerin succumbed to the comforting embrace of slumber.