Center of Anticipation

As the moon rebounded off the horizon, its glow painted the realm in a brighter shade of red, defying the natural order of day and night. The moon stood alone in the sky, its light shifting from its dimmer light, "Night" and its brighter light "Day".


Within the confines of a lavish chamber, Zerin slowly roused from his slumber, the unusual daylight of the moon filtering through the glass panes of the balcony and bathing the room in its hue.


Zerin mechanically repeated his usual morning routine, his hand instinctively reaching for the basket. Without a second thought, he seized the first object his fingers grazed, raising it towards his mouth for a refreshing bite. He was greeted with a surprise.


A soft coo of delight, Zerin felt the unexpected touch of tiny, nubby hands pressing against his lips.


"I forgot about you,"


His voice was muffled by the slug, and it held his mouth shut.


Struggling to separate himself from the persistent creature, Zerin's fingers fumbled as he attempted to pry the little slimy devil away from his face. To his surprise, the little bastard had hands of a sailor as it let out a mischievous giggle before leaping from his grasp, launching itself at him.


As the slug made contact with him, Zerin's breath caught in his chest, the sensation of tiny jaws closing on his neck sent shivers of discomfort down his spine.


"HEY quit it!"


In a frenzied panic to free his neck from the jaws of the hungry slug, Zerin thrashed about, his movements desperate and erratic. Despite his overwhelming efforts, the creature seemed to enjoy the chaos, its grip tightening with strength that defied its very own size. With a final burst of strength, he finally managed to break free from its hold, the creature catapulted into the air before vanishing beneath the layers of covers on the bed.


Exhausted and breathless, Zerin leaned heavily against the dresser, using it for support as he watched the rustling movements of the slug beneath the covers. Beneath the fabric, muffled rustling displayed the little guy's curious nature. Peering cautiously out from under the blanket, the little slug peeked its small head out.


"Bastard was trying to eat me!"


The slug drawn to his voice looked at him, the mischievous glint in its eyes seemed almost taunting.


"You ass..."


Zerin swiftly grabbed a towel from the nightstand. As he gently wiped away the slimy residue left by the slug off his neck.




Looking at the clock he released a sigh,


"Well, I am late of course... I shouldn't keep him waiting."


Zerin walked toward the door but paused briefly before turning back at the slug and pointing at it.


"Don't tear my room to shreds."






Arriving to the designated spot for his training, Zerin ascended the imposing spiraling staircase that led to the courtyard on the sixth floor. Passing through a massive archway, he stepped onto the courtyard.


There in the middle of the courtyard stood the entity, standing serenely with its arms folded behind its back.


"Sorry I am late..."


The Entity's voice was calm, as its gaze fixed upon the sky.


"You are here, that's all that matters."


Zerin stepped closer, with a sense of purpose, Zerin summoned the [Crimson Needle]. Crimson runes swirling in the air before coalescing into its full form. Gripping the weapon firmly, he could feel the ridges and cracks in the darkened bone staff.


Nearby, that human-like lizard sat to the side, holding a empty sheathe in its mouth, the sight caught Zerin off guard.


"Where did he get that?"


"I am not sure... but he is persistent on dragging it around,


The Entity replied in a nonchalant manner as he lowered his gaze towards Zerin.


"Did you two get to know each other over the night?"


Confusion clouded Zerin's expression as he responded,




"The girl... She stayed in your quarters."


A protesting voice let out as he blushed profusely.


"No! Of course not, I am too young for any of that!"


"Wise choice..."

The Priest remarked, his gaze lifting back up to the vast sky above.


"She isn't worth your time. This world doesn't care for your happiness."


The Entity declared.


As the Priest's words stuck with him uncomfortably, Zerin grappled with the conflicting thoughts. He understood his goal, but a part of him resisted the Entity's singular focus on duty and obligation.


"You are the lord of the land, you are supposed to be bringing your people together,"


Zerin countered, a challenge he spoke against the Entity's perspective.


"They are not mine... I do not give a sliver for them, you are the only focus as you are my descendant,"


The Priest stated firmly.


"You said this before... And I am not sure I even believe it myself."


The Entity looked at Zerin with a serious stare,


"It will be revealed in due time. Now, please start..."


The Priest's words demanded action.


With a nod, Zerin extended his staff forth, focusing he prepared for the next task ahead. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself, allowing the staff to draw from his blood for fuel. The drain was bearable but nevertheless it was substantial.


At the focal point of the staff, the energy began to swirl, crimson hues collided in a chaotic swirl before following a path of momentum, becoming a swirling vortex of power. With an unexpected burst, the energy erupted in a dazzling display of crimson that arced through the air before gracefully descending to the ground.


"Damn it..."


Cursing under his breath at the outcome, Zerin's frustration was stoked like a fire by the results of his efforts.




The Priest's steady voice demanded once again.


"Again? I am not sure it's possible without some of that fruit."


"You will never know until you try..."


Zerin's sigh echoed through the courtyard, a mixture of weariness and determination evident in the sound.

"You better catch me if I pass out,"


An almost fake confidence started to arise in his voice.


"Of course..."


The Entity's voice carried a touch of amusement as a hand gestured for Zerin to begin.


Summoning a mask of confidence, Zerin shifted into a more stable stance, steeling himself for the task at hand. With a deep breath, he channeled his blood through the staff once more, allowing the staff to draw upon his blood with a draining sensation that threatened him to tip over the edge of consciousness. Despite the creeping sensation of dizziness, Zerin maintained his composure, focusing on the swirling energy gathering at the tip of his staff before it dissipated into nothingness.


It was instantaneous, the draining effects took their toll, Zerin's balance wavered, his vision blurring at the edges as he teetered on the brink of consciousness.




He let out a groan of frustration as he was about to fall to the hardened ground beneath him.


Just as his body was going to succumb to the stone beneath him, and invisible force intervened, catching him before he would crumple to the stone below. Startled yet grateful, Zerin found himself suspended in mid-air, his body supported by this invisible force.


Drawing closer, the Priest glided towards Zerin, a basket floating effortlessly at its side. With a silent gesture, the entity offered Zerin a fruit. Weakly grasping at the fruit, Zerin bit into it, the sweet taste invigorating him and revitalizing his waning energy.


"Good work, Zerin..."


"Uh... Thanks."


Descending to meet Zerin's gaze was a slender thread, its ethereal presence captivating as it hovered in the air. Despite its delicate appearance, the thread exuded a faint crimson glow, proving that this power was close to being harnessed.


"I did it?"


"Yes... Though in a crude form, you have managed to achieve it, but in order for this thread to be any useful it needs to weave into a sigil upon creation."


The Entity raised a book and dropped it into Zerin's hands.


"The sigils necessary is in this book along with any additional information."


"Why didn't you give me this book sooner?"


"It only covers the weaving of the sigils, drawing the threads out seems to be learned naturally."


'Still could have helped!'


Zerin brushed the thought away. He was happy to at least get this far in just one training session, maybe training with the guidance is what he should have done earlier.


"When you have mastered this, we will venture into the forest, to where her desecrated altar is, and you will reassign her sigil marking to it."


As the Priest drifted to the courtyard's edge, a sense of purpose guiding its movements, Zerin followed, his curiosity piqued by the entity's focused gaze. Peering over the railing alongside the priest he had hoped to see where this so called 'Altar' took place, but his eyes widened as the sight of the monstrous serpent coiling around the marred pillar, its massive form, causing it to crumble slightly. Fixating on the white tree adorned with the blood fruits, the serpent's sinuous movements seemed purposeful as it, wrapped its tail around one of the massive branches, the branch groaned against the force of the leviathan before it gave way, breaking apart from the tree.


Witnessing the serpent's actions, the Priest's expression, if there were any prominent facial features, would convey a blend of concern and irritation.


"What is it doing?"


Zerin spoke with confusion as he watched the serpent take the massive branch and descend, over the edge disappearing out the line of sight.


"I am not sure... But it needs to be dealt with."


The Entity turned towards Zerin.


"This ends today's training..."


As Zerin departed, a subtle but noticeable shift happened in the atmosphere, which did not go unnoticed by the Priest. In the distant horizon, dark clouds began to gather ominously, standing out against the already clear red skies.


"A storm is coming..."


As if in response to the Priest's words, the winds swirled around the courtyard, carrying with them a sense of unease. Crimson leaves rustled and danced in a waltz, nature itself seemingly aligning with the somber warning that hung in the air like a dark cloud.