Straying from Home

In the shadow of such an imposing, darkened castle, their sense of security was slowly being stripped from them as they ventured from its onyx confines.


The crimson light of dawn cast a gentle glow upon the weary people. Though they were a vast multitude, very few awoke as mere echoes of their former selves. The journey ahead was crucial, and even amidst their confusion, it was necessary. Despite a few days of grace to prepare, none of them were truly ready, and this burden weighed heavily on his shoulders.


Though the task ahead was daunting, Zerin's unwavering commitment shone through. He felt as if events were unfolding around him beyond his control, and once he realized this, he wanted to rebel against it. Finally, he felt as if he had some agency over his life.


Name: Zerin


True Name: —


Rank: Aspirant


Soul Core: Dormant


Memories: [Crimson Needle]


Echoes: —


Attributes: [Iron Will], [Acolyte], [Blood Ties], [Been There, Done That]


Aspect: [Born Of The Blood]


Aspect Description: [Those Born From That Blood Are Particularly Favored.]


Zerin became even more familiarized with these runes, for an instance, he began to realize the progressive change in the rune pertaining to his will, which further proved his assumptions. The first instance of this rune that he could recall was [Guided Will], which was when he was brought under the Priest's wing during his capture. But now the Attribute has been altered, to what it is now [Iron Will]. The attribute's description reads: [Your will has been tempered by the influence of the Priest of Flesh]


Casting away his runes, Zerin could tell that the path ahead would be dangerous. However, the unwavering effects of the attribute numbed the crippling effects of fear, allowing him to combat the unknown.


He strode to the forefront, a hushed exhale escaped his lips. By his side the transfigured lizard, casted an eerie atmosphere over the people, both of awe and fear. Close behind, a weathered figure of old, once esteemed but now fallen as his true self has been revealed, a murderer, a liar. The man's arms both crudely cleaved as a grim reminder of the great sins he has committed, onlookers looked at him with pity and revulsion.


The lizard glided sinuously over the blood-smeared onyx stones ahead. A collar of flesh encircled its neck, an adornment that almost blended with its fleshly hide. Trailing behind the creature against his will, the aged man stumbled. His weary steps were accompanied by a tethered band of flesh, constricting him and connecting him to the lizard.


As the group followed Zerin, the wind brushed gently across the vast bridge that was before them. It's wide and shadowed span extended for miles before vanishing into a scarlet mist. Beneath their very steps, plunging several hundred feet below laid the crimson-stained waters. The bridge itself, a precarious lifeline that was suspended in the air, relying on the support of weathered onyx pillars that rose like monolithic sentinels from the depths of the crimson sea.


Zerin's thoughts drifted like wisps of fog, the weight of the news he knew he had to deliver to Wisteria about Bashir, felt like a millstone around his neck, he almost couldn't even think. Witnessing her shattering grief just from her mother's drastic shift, left him even more hesitant to deliver the news. But even amongst this, for her, he needed to veil his emotions to prepare himself for what is to come.


As the group traversed the vast onyx stone bridge, the stretch of time furthered the people's weariness. Zerin's surgical gaze swept their immediate surroundings. It was only a matter of time before an alarming sight showed itself, a yawning chasm laid ahead, a gaping wound in the heart of the bridge stretching from its center to the far-left side. The hazardous crevice cleaved through the bridge's sturdy surface, leaving a narrow pathway to the far-right, merely four feet in width as the only way of passage.


Coming to a sudden standstill, Zerin's footsteps faltered, he casted a brief glance over his shoulder to the people trailing behind him, a sizable amount that seemed to number close to a hundred. With a commanding gesture, Zerin raised his hand, a silent signal for their never-ending march to cease.


His eyes sifted through the crowd briefly, before he spoke.




The name hung in the air, as the briskly cold, coppery scented air brushed through the crowd. From in the crowd the hefty man came forth, Boris, the gatekeeper of the festival, a fortunate soul, one of the very few that retained his memories from the encounter with the 'behemoth of the air'. Despite his massive size, that seemed to suggest he was an intimidating individual, Boris was quite the opposite, Boris emitted a gentle warmth that counter acted his own appearance.


"Yes, Zerin?"


Boris replied, wiping the sweat from his brow.


"What is the matter?"


"I need you to send a message to the Priest. Let him know that our path is obstructed, with only a narrow path for us to cross to the other side."


Boris nodded in understanding before he swiftly maneuvered through the clustered crowd.


After a period of time, Boris reemerged from the crowd, a faint sheen of sweat on his brow, his breath coming out in short, labored gasps.


"He said,"


Boris's words came out between breaths, punctuated by pauses as he took much needed breaths.


"That we are to proceed... In small contingents..."


Summoning the lizard to his side, Zerin whistled. Reaching forward Zerin grasped the fleshly collar secured around the beast's neck, tugging at it, before it elicited a shudder as the bind was loosened, sinewy strands of flesh danced and writhed.


Zerin took hold of the leash and maneuvered the aged man alongside him with steady hands. Securing the elder to the bridge's railing the tendrils intertwined, constricting tightly around the onyx railing. The properties of this leash or bind were mysterious as it seemed only accessible to the Priest and Zerin exclusively, allowing them to bind and unbind the sinewy tendrils.


"Don't move..."


Zerin's voice spoke with directive force as he addressed the elderly man, his words demanding his compliance.


With a final lingering gaze upon the bound individual, he turned his attention towards the lizard that silently sat, awaiting command.




A whispered command, barely audible, released the lizard from its stationary stance, setting it in motion along the hazardous edge of the bridge. The creature moved with graceful fluidity, its movements deliberate and cautious, showing its instinctual awareness to danger. Slithering along the side of the gaping void that marred the bridge's width, the lizard navigated the path with precision, inching closer to the safety of the opposite side. Once the creature managed to make it over to the other side Zerin turned and spoke to the people with confidence.


"Three at a time!"


His voice cut through the unease as he raised his three fingers skyward, a visual cue set against the backdrop of the distant crimson cascades plummeting to the red waters below.


With each trio cautiously navigating the narrow path, the long process continued gradually, like a slow burn of a candle. A period of time passed as the majority of the group successfully and safely traversed the bridge.


As Boris approached the narrow pathway, the sheer magnitude of his form seemed to rival the very weight of the lizard itself. Zerin observed with a bated breath, to his surprise he managed to cross the passage. A tangible weight was seen lifting off of Boris's shoulders as he sighed, taking his first steps to join the multitude.


Beside Zerin, the lizard maintained its calm presence, completely silent. As Boris began to distance himself from the massive hole marring the bridge, a sudden hush fell over him as he hesitated briefly. Picking up on the change of atmosphere, Zerin lifted his sights onto Boris. The onyx bridge beneath the hefty man began to audibly crack and crumble and swiftly after that it succumbed to the man's weight, Boris along with the fractured onyx remnants began to plummet into the crimson seas below.