Chapter 99 Double Crown! Playing In The Champions League Final With Taylor?

Dortmund fans had a glimmer of hope, seeing Su Luo "out of shape" in the first half. Maybe the Hornets had a chance to lift the trophy? But they were wrong. When Su Luo gets serious, it's a hat-trick, and Dortmund can't stop this Chinese sensation! They could only watch as he wreaked havoc. Dortmund fans were simply green with envy!

Compared to Su Luo, Aubameyang's performance was lackluster. After 70 minutes, all the players on the field, except for Reus, had completely lost their fighting spirit. They just wanted the torturous game to end. Reus was fighting alone, rushing left and right. It was a pity no one could understand him anymore. When everyone was in high spirits, Reus wasn't there. By the time he returned, the best years of the Bumblebee had drifted away.

Reus didn't yet know that he would have to watch people come and go, staying with the team and waiting for ten more years. Su Luo felt sorry for him and even considered persuading Reus to leave. But he knew Reus had strong feelings for the team. Many wealthy clubs couldn't lure him away, and Union Berlin had neither transfer fees nor high wages to offer. How could they attract him?

Thus, the German Cup final, which was supposed to be a strong showdown, turned into garbage time in the last 20 minutes. The referee didn't even add a second of stoppage time, blowing the final whistle directly.

"It's over! Union Berlin beats Dortmund 3-0, thanks to Su Luo's hat-trick!" Sauer announced. "Let's congratulate the most amazing team of the season! They have successfully won the Bundesliga double!"

"It's been a fantastic season for Union Berlin and Su Luo! We have reason to look forward to their performance in European competitions next season!" Sauer continued, filled with emotion.

Next to him, guest commentator Oliver Kahn had mixed feelings. Since 2014, German football seemed to be on a decline. Götze's goal allowed them to win the World Cup, making up for Kahn's regret from the 2002 World Cup. But with Klose aging and Götze's form declining, the German team rarely saw forwards who shone. Players like Reus, Müller, and Schürrle weren't enough to support the team.

In the entire Bundesliga, the most dazzling star was a Chinese player. Bayern Munich had been dominant for years, often hindering the development of other Bundesliga teams by poaching players. Dominance wasn't always good. German football had gradually declined. Kahn hoped Union Berlin's strong rise could revitalize the Bundesliga. He felt Su Luo wouldn't stay long. Perhaps after next season, he would leave for more competitive leagues like La Liga or the Premier League.

On the TV screen, Su Luo joyfully lifted the German Cup championship trophy with his team. Union Berlin had miraculously won the double!

"Lord! Lord! Lord!" The chant for Su Luo echoed throughout the Berlin Olympic Stadium, resounding across Berlin.

Union Berlin players were also ecstatic after winning the German Cup, but not as wild as when they won the league championship. The Bundesliga title carried more weight, and the cup was just icing on the cake. After the post-match awards ceremony, they didn't go crazy at nightclubs. Even the most joyful partygoer, Grealish, was exhausted tonight.

Finally, it was over. Everyone felt a sense of anticipation, like finishing a grueling exam and looking forward to the holidays. With no international competitions in the summer of 2015, everyone could enjoy a wonderful holiday and look forward to the new journey next season.

Of course, the team couldn't relax just yet. They were going back for a big celebration! Two days later in Berlin, it would be Union Berlin's Double Crown Parade! Half of Berlin would go insane!

Su Luo had underestimated the team's following. He thought Union Berlin, a long-time second-tier team, wouldn't have many fans. But on the day of the Champions Parade celebration, fans from half the city showed up! The streets of East Berlin were completely flooded with crowds wearing red jerseys. The dense crowd looked like blood flowing slowly through the "vessels" formed by Berlin's streets.

On Union Berlin's double-decker bus, the whole team, including substitutes, wore double crown commemorative jerseys and held two championship trophies, celebrating with the fans. The jerseys were printed with "Miracle of the Iron Union" and "2014/2015 Bundesliga Champion German Cup Champion." The logo in the middle was a crossed sickle and hammer, representing the power of the people.

Who would have thought there would be a red team in Berlin, carrying on the legacy of their forebears in football?

Seeing the picture of Su Luo wearing a red commemorative shirt and holding the championship trophy, fans far away in China couldn't help but tease.

"Don't you think Su Luo fits well with this team's spirit?"

"It seems the proletarian spirit connects wherever it goes."

"The success of Union Berlin this season is thanks to Red leadership from the East!"

Alexanderplatz in East Berlin was set as the parade's endpoint.

On the square, the city of Berlin had already set up a magnificent stage. After all, Union Berlin winning the Bundesliga championship was a glory for the entire city. Every player, including coach Neuhaus, came to the stage to give a speech, thanking the team members for their contributions and the fans for their unwavering support.

When it was Su Luo's turn to speak, he looked at the tens of thousands of red-clad fans below the stage. He was quite excited and couldn't wait to play for this club forever! Fortunately, Su Luo resisted this urge. Let the future worry about the future. Such a glorious moment was meant to be enjoyed now!

"The sky of Berlin is red!" Su Luo declared passionately. "We have conquered the Bundesliga! Next season, let's join the Steel Alliance and conquer Europe!"

After two years of practice, Su Luo spoke German fluently. His clear voice resonated throughout Alexanderplatz, and for a moment, the fans and citizens of Berlin were stunned. Then they went crazy!

"Conquer Europe!" they chanted. "Conquer Europe! Iron Alliance, conquer Europe!"

Su Luo's 2014-2015 season had come to an end. A brand new journey awaited him.

"Su, are you sure this is okay?" Taylor asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry, Taylor. The fans are watching the game; no one is paying attention to us," Su Luo replied confidently.

"By the way, you always call me that... What does MeiMei mean?"

"Emmmm... it means beautiful."

"I don't believe you."

At the Berlin Olympiastadion, Su Luo had just held a cup not long ago. He didn't expect to be back here within a week, but this time, he was just sitting in the stands as a common fan. The teams playing had nothing to do with him. On one side were Serie A giants Juventus, and on the other was Barcelona, ​​which had returned to glory with their famed MSN trio.

This 2014-2015 UEFA Champions League final was a battle for the top of Europe, and Su Luo could only watch regretfully from the stands. Fortunately, he had a beauty beside him watching the game with him. Josephine had been busy with exams and couldn't come to watch football. Erica had gone to China's capital for the World Athletics Challenge, being a young rookie of the German track and field team.

Erica had wanted Su Luo to come to China, but Su Luo wanted to watch the Champions League final live to make up for the regrets of his previous life. They agreed to meet in the capital later. Su Luo thought he would be watching the game alone, but Taylor had unexpectedly sneaked out to join him.

Taylor had been sneaking out a lot this year. Was she on top of things? Su Luo didn't quite understand their relationship now—maybe it was purely "friends with benefits"? He had to admit that practicing yoga together and listening to Taylor sing had been quite intoxicating.

"What are you thinking? Certainly something bad," Taylor teased.

"No, I was just thinking you sing really well," Su Luo said seriously.

"?" Taylor looked at him through her wide sunglasses, seemingly searching for sincerity.

Nonsense, can the International Little Diva sing badly?

Su Luo casually chatted with the disguised Taylor Swift, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd. The stars were out! Su Luo looked at the MSN combination of Messi, Suárez, and Neymar in the Barcelona team and couldn't help feeling a bit envious. In 2015, this combination was unrivaled. It was a pity he couldn't play against them at their peak. If he could foresee next year's Champions League, he hoped these three would still be at their best.

Su Luo versus MSN! "Would it feel like the Three Heroes fighting Lü Bu?" he wondered aloud.


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