The Battle for Hematheas

The clanging of steel against steel echoed through the air, mixing with the guttural shouts of soldiers and the sharp cries of the wounded. The battle was chaotic, with Sentinels and Wardens clashing fiercely against the dark elves.

Ilyrana hesitated momentarily, her gaze shifting between the melee and Luke, who lay limp and vulnerable behind her. The sight of his bloodied form ignited a sense of urgency in her chest. She turned to Aryan, who was fending off a Sentinel with uncanny agility.

"I need to get him to safety," she called out, her voice firm despite the turmoil around them.

Aryan parried a blow, his curved blade slicing through the air in a deadly arc that forced his opponent back.

"Go, Princess! We'll hold them here!"