Chapter 63: My Fist Can Pierce Dimensions!

"Ethan Jones—"

"Can you tell me what's going on now?"

An hour later, Evelyn Johnson forcefully pushed open the gate of Ethan Jones' new home from the outside.

A bang echoed, expressing her inner anger.

The clatter of the unlocked door told the endless story of her fury.

"You said 'Snake Game' was your own creation, right? You said you didn't plagiarize, didn't you?"

"Then why now? Why is Magnavox suing you, claiming you infringed on their rights with 'Snake Game'?"


Evelyn Johnson slapped the document bag in her hand forcefully on the coffee table in front of Ethan Jones.

The white-on-black document bore her name.

Indeed, as the co-inventor of "Snake Game," Evelyn Johnson couldn't escape Magnavox's siege!

"I don't know…" Ethan Jones, still unclear about the situation, shook his head vigorously, "I don't know why Magnavox is suing us, and I'm surprised! And I can assure you, I absolutely did not plagiarize Magnavox's idea!"

"If I did copy Magnavox's idea and got you sued, you can shoot me with that Remington 870 you gave me!"

Ethan Jones stood firm in his stance.

Because he truly didn't copy anything from Magnavox!

The furious gaze and the swearing words made Evelyn Johnson close her eyes and take a deep breath.

The girl struggled to calm herself, and when she looked at Ethan Jones again, her stabilized voice was the best expression of trust, "Alright~Alright~Alright~ I believe you, but what's the situation now?"

Evelyn Johnson didn't sit down, instead, she pointed down at the copy of the lawsuit on the table, "I can believe you, but the San Francisco court seems to think Magnavox is right."


Her questioning made Ethan Jones look back at the lawsuit on the table. The content on it made his head ache because for the past hour, he had been studying it, and he found that he understood it but also didn't.

Understanding it was easy because the lawsuit followed a standard format, including the court's name, the names of the parties involved, a specific statement about the court's jurisdiction over the case, and the specific facts of the defendant infringing on the plaintiff's rights.

The first two were straightforward, and anyone who could recognize words with a brain could understand them.

The part he didn't understand was in the third point, where Magnavox claimed infringement on their rights.

In the lawsuit, Magnavox's lawyer stated that Ethan Jones and Evelyn Johnson's design of 'Snake Game' infringed on their patent, 'US3728480 A.'

If it was just this part, Ethan Jones wouldn't understand, which was normal because he had never seen the patent 'US3728480 A' and had no idea about its content. So he couldn't judge what Magnavox was talking about.

However, in patent infringement cases, the plaintiff must clearly state their patent information on the lawsuit, including the patent number, invention name, and specific details of how the defendant infringed on their patent.


As Ethan flipped down, his blood pressure began to rise.

Because the name of the patent 'US3728480 A' was 'Television gaming and training apparatus.'

The inventor of the patent was 'Ralph H. Baer.'

And Magnavox claimed that 'Snake Game' infringed by "using their patent without Magnavox's authorization, Ethan Jones and Evelyn Johnson launched their game 'Snake Game' to the market and gained huge profits."

In fact, Ethan Jones could read all these contents!

But because he could read, he couldn't understand!

In simpler terms, what Magnavox referred to with 'US3728480 A' was their home game console, 'Magnavox Odyssey'! And now, Magnavox claimed that 'Snake Game' infringed on 'Magnavox Odyssey'???


What kind of messed-up logic was this!!!

Thinking about this, Ethan Jones became even more furious—


"We are making a virtual game! How the hell can my virtual game infringe on a physical game console?"

"If I can make a two-dimensional game violate the patent of three-dimensional things, what's the point of making a damn game!"

"I'll make these words on paper jump up and strangle Magnavox's bunch of bitches!"

"I'll let the whole world know that my fist can damn well pierce dimensions!"

Ethan Jones raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and swung it forcefully in the air!

That slight tremble was the burning anger!

He kept panting heavily, staring straight at Evelyn Johnson, "Sister—"

"Do you still think I'm plagiarizing now? Do you think we infringed? Don't you find this whole thing ridiculous?"

Continuous questioning made Evelyn Johnson frown.

Since receiving the subpoena and the copy of the lawsuit, she had been in extreme astonishment and anger, never bothering to carefully examine the content. So when her brother mentioned Magnavox asserting their rights, she also calmed down and sat down.

She picked up the lawsuit on the table and examined it carefully.



She also sprayed.

No way!

Who let Magnavox's assertion be so bizarre!

After the spray, Evelyn stood up abruptly, "No, we need to find a lawyer for this!"

"Since the San Francisco court accepted this case, it means they accepted Magnavox's claim!"

At this point, she angrily kicked the sofa, "Oh Sxxt! How did they accept such an absurd thing?"

Sister's suggestion, Ethan totally agreed.

Because at this moment, he truly felt that his IQ couldn't understand the thought process of those Magnavox people.

And as Evelyn hurriedly led Ethan to find Barbara, before they could complain about Magnavox's bizarre behavior, the just-finished-class mage pressed both hands down, signaling them to stop, and then asked a strange question—

"Was this subpoena and the copy of the lawsuit personally delivered by Magnavox's California lawyer?"

This question made Ethan and Evelyn pause.

They glanced at each other and nodded.

"Yes. They even gave us a business card."

Ethan and Evelyn took out the business card from Sidley Austin that the other party had given them.

After a glance at the card, Barbara smiled slightly, "Okay, I understand. Get ready for the court."

"From the current situation, Magnavox believes they will win and is not willing to settle with you."


This statement surprised Ethan and Evelyn.

"Professor Barbara, what do you mean?" Evelyn asked.

But Barbara didn't answer immediately. Instead, she led the two to her office.

After opening the door, she made a gesture of invitation, "Come in and talk, you two unlucky ones."

"Unlucky ones targeted by capital."