Chapter 119: Caution and Prudence - Part 2

As various media outlets reported the festive scenes across different regions of America, the enthusiasm generated by these celebrations became extremely limited.

At present, only a few individuals with vested interests are aware due to their attention. If it were just one company acquiring strategically at this time, Ethan could understand, but when two companies start playing a coordinated game...

This situation seems rather peculiar, doesn't it?

After all, both of them have a history! So, Ethan decided to be cautious, "Is there any other news?"

Upon his inquiry, Eulise Noble said, "Yes, and there are two."

'?' Ethan furrowed his brow.

Without waiting for his prompting, Eulise Noble continued, "The first one is news from Chuck Peddle's company."

"Their general manager came to the company looking for you. Since you were not available, they left the message. They said Atari and they have been in contact, wanting to purchase approximately one to three thousand MOS 6502 chips. Milowa also inquired about the price, seeking cooperation under ten dollars per unit. If it were any other buyer, they could negotiate on their own, but with Atari and Milowa..."

"Before you nod, they are not willing to sell."

This fact made Ethan silently nod in his mind.

"And the other?" he asked.

"The other news comes from Mr. Jobs," Eulise Noble said. "Mr. Jobs mentioned that Atari's Nolan Bushnell contacted him, wanting to purchase ten APPLE 1 units."

Upon hearing Eulise Noble's words, Ethan had a clear understanding.

'These two guys probably learned to keep a low profile,' he mused.

In his view, if Atari and Milowa were hiding something, they wouldn't come to purchase MOS 6502 chips in the first place.

Because in that case, he could deduce their behavior.

For instance, Atari's request for one to three thousand CPUs is actually a normal demand for an arcade company. Because as a normally operating arcade company, they wouldn't know if a game would be a hit during development. Therefore, during the initial production, they would stock no more than a thousand units, just like the "Snake Game" in the past.

Similarly, Milowa negotiating on the CPU purchase price indicates an inclination towards researching home-use consoles. Because for home-use consoles, stocking is the opposite of arcades. If they can't produce in large quantities, there won't be market domination.

With these established facts that could be deduced, the behavior of acquiring strategically during the celebration time becomes understandable to Ethan. In his opinion, this is a manifestation of a family secret that shouldn't be exposed.

After being arrogant in the past, Atari and Milowa wanted to announce every action, all ending in failure. After a series of setbacks, if they continue to talk nonsense, it will only harm the market's confidence in them.

"Alright, I understand." Thinking of this, Ethan sighed in relief.

At the same time, he made a decision, "Communicate with Chuck Peddle's company, tell them I have received the information, thank them for their concern. Also, although I have conflicts with Milowa and Atari, I am not a major shareholder in the company. Regarding the decision to sell or not, they can decide on their own, as long as it complies with business principles, I can accept it."

"Make another call to Steve and tell them to sell the APPLE 1 units to Nolan."

"Now that we are officially in business, let's do business with everyone."

With that, Ethan paused for a moment.

After pondering for two seconds, he decided to have someone keep an eye on these two companies.

Because he always felt that these two guys, who could dig a huge pit for themselves, surely had the ability to create other troubles.

"One last thing, continue to monitor Atari and Milowa, record their attitudes in this procurement event."

"Although our Destiny Games is flourishing, we are just a small company with a registered capital of just over a million."

"I will stay in Boston for a few days. If there is any unexpected situation, you can directly call me on this number, leave a message at the hotel, or have the hotel connect me to the room. If there is no mishap, I will contact you."

Ethan's orders were faithfully recorded by Eulise Noble.

After this command appeared, people on both sides looked different.

Atari joyfully acquired a thousand MOS 6502 chips and ten APPLE 1 units for less than fifty thousand dollars.

Subsequently, Nolan Bushnell personally threw them into Atari's warehouse.

With a clattering sound, all these items belonged to the darkness.

Facing Milowa's extreme price pressure, Chuck Peddle's company directly shook their heads.

After their firm refusal, Milowa left with a disappointed expression.

At the same time, the skinny man who received the report made a phone call.

"Oh—yes, yes—we finally got his information—"

"A week ago, he boarded the US Coast Guard's Eagle sailing ship, headed north, and arrived in Boston. Currently, the hotel where he is staying is..."

"Okay, I think your plan is feasible, but I want to remind you that our low-priced procurement proposal has been rejected by Chuck Peddle's company..."

"Okay, good luck..."

After the call was disconnected, the skinny man went to the old man's office and reported the latest situation to him.

Then, both of them smiled.

The next day, an Asian middle-aged man, dressed in a floral shirt and black trousers, wearing black leather shoes, appeared in the lobby of a hotel in Boston, leading an Asian beauty in a white dress. He walked straight to the front desk, took out his ID, and wanted to check in.

At the same time, he looked around, seemingly evaluating the hotel's decoration and grade. But when he saw a white youth wearing a white T-shirt, black shorts, and big sandals, and a blonde girl in a sun hat and a floral long skirt coming out of the hotel elevator, he suddenly lowered the toad sunglasses on his nose and looked at the two people in surprise.

Perhaps because his behavior was too unusual, but more like humans can always feel the gaze of their kind, a few seconds later, the white youth and the blonde girl almost turned their heads at the same time and made eye contact.


"Oh! Mr. Jones! Is it really you?"

"Wow! I thought I was mistaken!"

The Asian middle-aged man burst into exclamations, quickly approaching.

Midway, he felt something was wrong, turned his head and waved to his female companion.

With his movements, the puzzled Asian beauty quickly followed.

After the Asian middle-aged man held the hand of the other party, he took a few steps and came to the front of the white youth. Then he bowed slightly and said with great joy, "Mr. Jones, it's truly an honor for me, Hiroshi Yamauchi, to meet you in this place."