Chapter 129: The Grand Plan of the Learning Machine - Part 2

"Stephen didn't want to develop games; he didn't even have any inspiration for creating new games. He simply wanted to translate some of the old games on the market, those circuit board games, into computer format."

"Because that way, it could help us sell more computers."

Jobs gestured with both hands, explaining their idea to Ethan—

"Stephen should have told you before, saying that I want to sell computers to more ordinary people."

"But I haven't found a way, haven't found a suitable solution."

"Because at that time, I didn't know what ordinary people could do with a computer after buying it."

"But the development of 'Pac-Man' gave Stephen and me a new direction."

"We think that if we can add some games to the next generation of APPLE, perhaps we can attract ordinary people interested in games to buy computers."

"Because for them, it's a gimmick for a computer to be used at home. They don't have to be outside, on the roadside, paying twenty-five cents for a brief moment of gaming. They can enjoy the joy of gaming at home, on a warm couch..."


Isn't this just a home game console!

Jobs' train of thought left Ethan dumbfounded!

Damn it! I'm treating you so well, and you actually want to turn against me?

Ah, Jobs, I really misjudged you, you thick-browed fellow!

At this moment, Ethan's feeling a bit of a headache.

Because he simply doesn't understand the difference between Jobs' train of thought and a home game console.

And his bewildered expression didn't escape Jobs' notice. Initially lost in his own world, Jobs instantly realized Ethan had misunderstood him, so he hurriedly said, "Oh, Ethan—"

"Don't look at me like you want to kill me!"

"We're not selling games! We're not making home consoles either!"

"We just want to develop games and then sell computers by giving away games!"

'?' Ethan still didn't get it.

Jobs didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "Our plan is this: Stephen will write games on the computer but won't store them in the computer. Instead, he'll record the written code on cards and give those cards to the users."

"Now, isn't it useless for ordinary people to buy computers?"

"But when these cards with games appear, it becomes useful for them to buy computers!"

"Because they can follow the tutorials on the cards to write code on our computer. If all steps are correct, they'll discover that their written code has turned into a game!"

"When this situation of achievement appears, it not only increases the public's interest in computers but also avoids lawsuits from other gaming companies by teaching computer programming!"

"More importantly, this way of inputting code won't take up computer storage space! We don't have to worry about the computer running out of space and not being able to accommodate more games!"

"And in the eyes of users, it's like buying a computer for hundreds of dollars to play all the arcade games on the market! In terms of product promotion, this is also a form of embedded gimmick!"

At this point, Jobs' face was filled with excitement.

Because he thought his idea was brilliant!

While Ethan was left speechless!

Selling home computers to the public through computer programming?

What kind of outrageous idea is this!


This is clearly a stroke of genius!

Because for people who don't understand computers, programming is a very painful thing, and they don't have such a painful need. Before the emergence of major office software, or even after they became popular, people's demand for computers was still very small.

So how to expand the market in this situation?

It can only be driven by interest, using what people are most interested in as a gimmick to attract them to pay!

And electronic games are what people are most interested in now!

Ethan didn't know how many people would come forward to pay when Jobs put this idea into practice, but he believed that this kind of educational and entertaining idea would definitely stimulate a group of people to try!

Before, it was about playing games.

Now, it's about trying to make games.

When a series of codes are entered, and the computer screen turns into a game interface...

The sense of achievement is unparalleled!

At the same time, Ethan remembered something else.

Using games to drive computer sales seems to be only the first and simplest level!

The real core...

That's what will go down in history!

Thinking of this, he immediately patted Jobs on the shoulder and said, "You tell Stephen."

"Don't copy others, just copy my 'Snake Game'."

"Is that okay?" Jobs was astonished.

He didn't understand why Ethan changed his mind so quickly.

And understanding, Ethan smiled and said, "Of course!"

"I'm not selling 'Snake Game' in North America now. Your plagiarism doesn't affect my interests at all. Furthermore, your actions are actually promoting me!"

"Think about it, decades later, when these young people today are old, and they look back, remembering that the first programming software they encountered when learning computers was 'Snake Game,' oh—what a scene that would be!"

"Me! Ethan Jones! And you! The founders of APPLE! That's all part of the memory of an era!"


That's right!

Ethan carefully pondered and then realized something was off!

Using game programming might indeed boost sales of home computers, but more importantly, it's about making players deeply remember the game they once created themselves!

Making games and playing games are not the same thing!

The latter is simply bliss!

Once you surpass the threshold, you enter a state of Zen!

The former, however, is full of achievement!

After putting in time and effort, the successful display is the best reward!

Although it's just a moment, it can be remembered for a lifetime!

And when this perspective of leaving a legacy appeared, Jobs was directly stunned.

He blinked at Ethan, seeming a bit stunned.

But the next moment, he reacted and darted out like a whirlwind!

"Oh—I have to find Stephen—"

"I have to find Stephen!!!"

The frantic voice made Ethan shake his head with a smile.

To be honest, this plan was just something he casually mentioned, and nobody knows if it will work.

But now, 'Snake Game' doesn't really make much profit in North America.

In this situation, being able to advertise for Apple...

That's also a good thing.

Of course...

If the free little snake can become a fond memory for people when they're learning computers...

Then Ethan can reluctantly accept the fact that the little snake will go down in history!

After all...

The copyright belongs to him!
