Chapter 133: Hippies and Taxation - Part 2

And Ethan understood his meaning.

He had discussed the MXG labor plan with Evelyn before, which was about MXG sending labor to America to engage in low-end work to address America's population shortage.

When this plan was canceled, countless low-end businesses and farmers were in agony.

Because labor costs skyrocketed.

In this situation, factories chasing profits chose to relocate, moving to the border between America and Mexico, on the MXG side, seeking to lower their production costs in this way.

And this kind of industrial migration was inevitable because the purpose of companies is profit.

Previously, Ethan had been curious about why hippies could be accepted by the public, but now... he understood that it wasn't society accepting them, but rather capital liking this kind of 'reformed' cheap labor.

In this situation, if this batch of people willing to engage in low-end work and accept low wages were removed, factories relying on them to lower production costs would definitely seek better solutions.

Although this situation might not be a big problem for Ethan because the profit of their products was too high, with net profits exceeding fifty percent.

But for the local economy, it would indeed be a devastating blow.

After this situation emerged, the actions of the police and their leniency could be understood. No, they weren't exactly lenient, because they did lean towards Ethan.

After chatting with the middle-aged policeman, Ethan waved his hand and let the Destiny Game people go, while telling Ethan that they would detain the troublemakers for another forty-eight hours.

And he also sincerely hoped—

"Mr. Jones, I know you're not simple, so I urge you to resolve these matters early."

"Of course, about the traffickers, I'll keep an eye on it too."

"I may not be able to catch those smoking hippies, but I can help you clear out the traffickers."

"As long as you keep running this factory."

"Thank you." Ethan nodded slightly, "I appreciate your help."

Coming out of the police station, Ethan returned to the factory with the employees.

And on the way, Damian Dean kept his head down and didn't dare to say a word.

Ethan ignored his behavior.

Upon seeing the factory workers again, he first apologized to the earnest workers and promised to compensate them for the trouble they had endured, with an amount equivalent to their one month's salary.

Then he let Alan Massey comfort those who had been involved in the altercation, and asked them about today's events.

Finally, he called Damian Dean into his office.

"Tell me, how do you see this matter?" Ethan asked after sitting down.

"Boss, I've been trying to communicate with them, but I really can't let them come back to work." Damian Dean sighed and said, "I know they are innocent, but the situation has indeed escalated because of them. If they didn't smoke like the others, none of these problems would have happened today..."

Damian Dean thought Ethan was blaming his handling of the situation.

So he kept explaining his point of view after speaking.

But all this was meaningless to Ethan because he felt Damian Dean had done nothing wrong, and what he wanted to ask was— "Why the hell wasn't this reported?!"

Ethan shouted, "Firing them was the right thing to do, but why didn't you tell me?!"

"I know you want to handle this situation diligently, but why didn't you tell me when the incidents had occurred three times in two weeks and the police had been called out?!"

"Don't you know? People addicted to smoking might be mentally unstable!"

"In that case, they might pose a threat to your personnel!"

"I made you the supervisor here because I believed you were capable of running this factory, and you've proven that, but is risking your life part of it?"

Damn right! Ethan was most pissed off about this!

He might be hands-off, but he wasn't dead!

How the hell did he not know such a big thing happened in the company?

Isn't that ridiculous?

And what surprised him the most was that Damian Dean actually rushed to the front line?

Isn't that insane?

Since those people were looking for him, why didn't he hide?

Let those people come into the factory and then invade private property, then it would be easier to handle!

By then, dealing with it would be much simpler!

And when the roar sounded like a torrential river, Damian Dean, standing there, was suddenly stunned. After hesitating for tens of seconds, he finally gave the reason—

"Boss, because you were negotiating with Nintendo, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Japan is a very large electronic game market, and cooperating with Nintendo can bring us huge benefits. In the face of those benefits, these controllable little things are insignificant."

"As for risking my life?"

"I really didn't think about that."

"Because what I thought at the time was that staying here to confront them could ensure production."

"Since you entrusted the factory to me, I have to protect the function of production."


When this reason appeared, Ethan really had nothing to say.

If this guy really had the company's interests at heart, Ethan couldn't really blame him.

Staring at the guy who was only a few years older than himself...

Ethan suddenly remembered that this guy had told him during the interview that he was a huge fan of the Snake game he made. He was a hardcore fan of Snake.

At that time, Ethan had joked that if something unexpected happened in the company, this guy would probably rush to the front line, and now... he actually rushed to the front line.

And he freaking rushed faster than anyone else!

"Get the hell out of here..."

Ethan didn't know what to say, so he angrily told him to leave.

And when Damian Dean went out inexplicably, Ethan felt something was wrong again.

Damn it, this is Damian Dean's office, not his office!

So why was he staying here? Looking for trouble?

"Damn it! It's confusing as hell!"

Ethan stood up and walked out.

And when he found that the factory was running normally, and three subordinates were standing aside, looking at each other, not knowing what to do, he waved his hand and said, "Do whatever you need to do!"

"I'll figure out a way to handle this!"

This roar made the three of them even more hesitant to move.

But when Ethan walked out of the factory, ready to leave, he suddenly turned back, facing everyone, and said, "Damian Dean, you're getting a fifty percent raise!"

"And don't do stupid things!"

With this fact, the three nervous people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Eulise Noble smiled and nodded at Damian Dean, "The boss praised you."

Alan Massey patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "Well done."

And just as Damian Dean was excited to speak, Ethan came back.

This time, he shouted, "Oh! Shit! Alan, can you give me a ride back?!"

"I freaking came here in your car!"

"Fuck! You guys really pissed me off!"