Within the forest: Addiction

 It was an oath made by anyone who met the Snowdin wolf: "You must not speak of him, think of him, or return to his forest ever again. Ignore the calls, ignore the burning wishes and if possible; ignore the dreams."

 It seemed like anyone who came in contact with him shared the same fear, but when questioned about it no one would tell why either. 

 It was clear his help came with a price, and those interested in finding out, would ultimately return wishing they had never figured it out.

 That's why when asked about it anyone would tell, if you are lost in the Snowdin forest and meet the Snowdin wolf; just say no and walk back for his price seems to always be high.




 It was a cold night, in bed lied Asriel, the goat prince of the Underground. Like many others, he had met with the Snowdin wolf and had taken on his deal in exchange for a way back, now he would find out that all the warnings were more than just dust and clouds.

 In the mighty pressure of the midnight hour he was fast asleep, but something was off in all of this. With his windows open, the cold breeze coming in uninvited, the moonlight being next on that list, a weary shadow had sneak pass.

 It seemed to possess no body, being only the silhouette of a creature covered in fur, with a long tail behind and something else hanging.

 Asriel seemed to be able to sense this creature, as he would struggle around his bed, his survival instincts kicking in but unable to defend himself.

 Then, suddenly exposed by the reflection of the moonlight, the creature ripped his bedsheets away, then tore at Asriel's clothes, his trousers falling slack.

 The creature was big, a grey being resembling a wolf, violently making his way towards its victim. And with silence settling in, one could hear the whimpers of the prince as his butt was raised, his penis left hanging and his anus exposed.

 The wolf then grew closer, his eyes glowing red like garnets, it was the same wolf with the notched ear he had met before.

 Asriel tried to wake up but he seemed to be in a perpetual limbo, as the wolf approached him with his throbbing cock, getting closer and closer while all he could do was to watch. He tried to scream yet no sounds came out. He tried to move but no muscle bent.

 Now the Snowdin wolf leaned towards him with his fearsome look, suddenly feeling his tongue wet around his anus, his claws making their way inside reaching as deep as they were allowed.

 Asriel's heart raced like never before, still asleep; still awake. His body only reacting to the wolf's advances as it pushed itself against him, like begging for more; and more it would get.

 Without hesitation the wolf continued, removing his finger and replacing it with his cock, violently fucking Asriel to his heart's content. The knot of the wolf pushed strongly against the goat's butt, struggling to make its way inside. The little kid could feel this as well and it didn't take long before silent moaning made its way out, followed by uncontrolled movements of his hips that met half way with the wolf's thrusts into his ass.

 Asriel could feel his cock expanding his insides with each push, forcing his anus to spread just so the knot could make it in and out.

 While his body clearly craved for more, Asriel begged for help, but his voice was mute and no one would hear him cry. There was no other choice but for him to cave in and lean towards desire.

 As he took the wolf's cock up the ass, he would reach out for his own and stroke himself following the rhythm with his hands.

 It felt like it went on for hours, but those hours seemed to never go by, neither of them getting closer to climax, neither of them getting tired. Eventually they would begin to switch positions around, like having the prince in all fours or lying on his back; any angle that allowed the wolf to play with his little pal.

 But as fear continued to build up inside of Asriel so does the wolf's hunger. He would tease him by licking his neck, biting it from time to time; or he would nibble on his ears, telling him the sweetest lies. All while the goat hold himself tight, denying the fact he wanted all those things and more; a feeling inside that made him wish to be made to satisfy. 

 He was caving in to the wolf and his desires. That's when the wolf would turn him around one last time, pressing Asriel's head against the pillow with all his might. Pushing his knot inside and out over and over, letting him know it was time. By then Asriel would grab his own penis as the pressure build up inside and just as the wolf pushed one last time, both would cum together with might.

 And as it all settled down Asriel was able to realize. Covered in sweat and his own cum, windows closed and alone in the dark: It was all a nightmare from which he had just gotten out.

 Yet he could feel it, he could still sense the wolf's cock inside his ass, he could feel the urge to fall in lustful desire and as the feelings faded out all he could do was masturbate another time, treasuring the feelings left by his dreaming mind.




 The next morning, all memories of that night had faded out, waking up confused, unaware of what happened. His legs trembled and the evidence of his cum had all dried up. So, confused and tired, he cleaned himself and cleaned the bed, then he simply walked out.

 In the meantime, as his mind tried to piece it all together, Asriel made his way to the kitchen, passing by his father's side with no issues and reaching his mother's side who was making breakfast.

 But being the caring mother she is, it would take no time for her to realize Asriel was going through some bad times, quickly inspecting his body trying to find what was making him sad.

 —Morning, mom. —Said Asriel as he was being inspected—.

 —Oh my, dear you look all worked up, are you fine? —Toriel asked Asriel—.

 —I think so…?

 —We should take you to the doctor… Asgore, honey.

 —He's probably still tired from all that playing in the forest. —Asgore giggled—.

 —Are you sure?

 —Absolutely. Isn't that right, champ?

 Asriel quickly tried to remember, and he could. He went inside the Snowdin forest and met the Snowdin wolf, Arturo. Then, in his cottage they both played as the deal demanded; then he would make his way out. It felt like hours, probably a whole night, yet when he left the forest no one bat an eye about his absence.

 This confused him, giving Asriel a headache just from thinking about it. No matter what the truth was, it was not worth the trouble of feeling that bad. So, disturbed by the fear of finding out, Asriel lied and agreed with his father, sending Toriel's worries away for the meantime.

 But deep inside, the feelings remained and they called. They wanted something and that was for him to go back, to search for the Snowdin wolf one last time.

 —Maybe we should go anyways, just in case… —Toriel insisted—.

 Asgore took a deep breath.

 In the meantime, Asriel took a seat at the table to have breakfast. It was the usual cinnamon and butterscotch pie as well as some cold milk, fruit and mashed potatoes, but even after forcing himself to take a bite, no appetite was present, he simply looked at the food and played with it in an attempt to find it appealing somehow. That and the lack of sleep due to his recent nightmare had him in a zombie-like state that only further worried Toriel. Besides, listening to her vocally worried only help further Asriel's worries about his newfound urges.

 And as per Toriel's request, Asriel was taken to the hospital right after breakfast –but instead of answers, questions just kept piling up.

 —Tell me, Asriel. Have you been feeling weird lately? —Asked the doctor—. Your mom says you didn't eat at all today.

 But Asriel remained silent. The more he thought about what the wolf had done to him, the worse he felt. Talking about it only made him feel worse, so he chose to keep silent.

 —Does it hurt if I do this? —The doctor, trying to figure out any signs of physical trauma began to touch him—.

 First, he pushed on his chest, then the back, and when he reached the neck Asriel let out a silent moan. It wasn't audible, but it was visible, his face red as a beet.

 The doctor, confused by this reaction continued his analysis. A lack of sleep, a lack of appetite, refusal to talk, it was all being pieced together into a terrible image.

 By the time the doctor tried to touch him around the waist Asriel simply snapped, walking away from him.

 —Asriel, I want to talk to your parents, if that is ok. —The doctor seemed worried—. In private.

 Obedient to this order, Asriel walked out of the doctor's office, and in came Asgore and Toriel. He remained seated on a nearby chair until then, oddly away from the door and peculiarly near a painting of the forest. The trio of voices inside the other room gradually lost volume as silence enveloped his perception, and Asriel's eyes fixated on the painting as if listening to a silent call. Suddenly, he felt a paw, and then another, crawling down his sides. He looked around, but no one and nothing were there, yet those claws still felt like needles piercing him around his chest. He tried to speak, but nothing came out, and the only response he received was those same hands crawling to his back, slowly making their way down his pants and underwear too. Once again, he blushed, his breathing becoming heavy. The same breathing turned hot, feeling like someone else was the one breathing for him. Asriel's heart raced, yet it felt like someone else's heart beating. That's when he could hear the Snowdin wolf's call resonating deep within himself. Calling to him even when he was awake.

 Asriel refused to listen, but the hands continued to move. He tried to fight back but that only made it worse.

 Suddenly it happened, he felt one of those fingers reach inside, suddenly it all went to blank. Then the other hand joined in, playing around his crotch, caressing his penis, gently grabbing his testicles too.

 Out of nowhere he was now in the floor, the finger in his ass going in and out as the other played in masturbating motion. The more he wanted them to stop the worse they would play with him, the more pleasure they would cause and the lesser his struggling became. In what felt like an instant Asriel was now face to the floor, ass to the air and tongue in the ground.

 Thankfully he wouldn't last too long, reaching extasy in minutes, his cum shooting down and making a mess. And by the time he realized –he was no longer where it all began, instead surrounded by white and black tiles, a sink and a toilet.

 At some point in time he had made his way from the hall to the bathroom, and turns out the hand on his ass was his own, and all of this he had done to himself in an effort to vent the pressure built up.




 Worried about being caught, Asriel quickly began to clean it all, including himself –making sure he left no evidence behind. And if he was lucky enough their parents would already be outside ready to take him back.

 —Thank you for your help. —Toriel's voice is heard from afar—.

 Asriel finished just in time as he quickly stepped outside of the bathroom, covered in sweat from his little mishap.

 —Are you ok, sweetie? —Toriel approached him in worry—.

 —Yes, mom. I'm fine…

 —The doctor was telling us-

 —I'm fine! —Asriel's mood changed in an instant as once again—.

 —Of course, my child.

 The doctor had explained to Toriel and Asgore that Asriel was going through some form of trauma and he would experience bad dreams, lack of sleep, lack of hunger, rapid changes in mood as well as other symptoms that could paint a clearer picture of what happened. But it was of most importance that he himself came forward with whatever occurred to him if he wanted this to stop.

 The doctor also suggested a therapist as well as other courses of action that could be taken, but Toriel being the overprotective mother that she was couldn't bear the feeling that this was all her fault, and it was her job to fix it herself.

 —Can we go home now?

 —Sure thing, champ. —Asgore assured him—. Thanks again doc.

 —Take care your highness…




 The way back home was silent for the most part, only Toriel and Asgore exchanging words about what would they do with the given information. Toriel quickly suggested talking to Asriel first but they feared that he would close himself to them; instead of opening up with what he was going through. Asgore, of course, went with what the doctor said and take Asriel to a professional that could figure things out for them, but then the same could happen as it would be a stranger doing the talking.

 Even after getting home they still were arguing about it, even going as far as trying to figure out what Asriel did recently that could hurt him, but nothing came out of that idea either. For what they concerned it was going to take a while before anything could happen.

 Meanwhile, Asriel hid in his room, trying not to think about what he went through, but no matter what he did his mind kept going back to that day.

 It reached a point in which his memories no longer matched reality either. While the Snowdin wolf was rough with him and made with his body what he wanted, his memories began to show a caring wolf instead.

 Instead of a violent wolf pushing his cock deep inside his ass while he whimpered in confusion, he now remembered those whimpers as moans of pleasure and pledge for more. Instead of the wolf manipulating him to agree to his demands, he imagined it as if he was the one making said choices. Little by little he began to twist the facts that made him the victim and turned him into the mastermind. Now all those terrible things happening to him felt like a deserved consequence.

 Now he was trying to re-live this night over and over. As soon as it was just him and his mind this would happen.

 He would begin to smell the snow, then the fire and lastly the wolf. He could sense him touching his body, he could feel his claws and his strong grasp. It had gone to a point in which Asriel couldn't spend a second alone before he could sense his presence and his lust.

 Maybe if he found a way to replace him, something he could latch onto whenever he felt this way…

 Right away he began searching his room for anything that could work. He found he could stuff a pillowcase with clothes and other things, this would replace his body. He found an old weighed blanket that could replace the weight on top of him. Lastly, he found a used sock, that he would fill with a cucumber he stole from the fridge later on and now he had something to help him take his mind off the Snowdin wolf.

 At first it was difficult for him, to push it inside. But he soon found out that body cream or similar things helped and soon he was riding it almost with ease. It felt liberating too, he could go as slow or as fast as he wanted, he was in control of everything.

 He also learned how to properly masturbate, finding out how to reach climax how and when he wanted to. What parts felt better than others and how fast or slow he should do it.

 In a couple of days he had gained enough experience to properly control his urges and take care of them.

 But one thing was missing for him. No matter how much he penetrated himself with an object, or masturbated himself to sleep, it still wasn't the real thing, and it kept calling. He kept calling.

 Asriel still craved one last thing; one he couldn't replicate. The wolf's seed reaching within him with warmth, the knot that stretched his insides as it pumped it all. Little by little he would realize that what he had was not enough, and again the nightmares would return…

 Meanwhile, Toriel was able to convince Asgore of letting her do the healing. A mother always knows what's best for their children and she was sure she could get Asriel to explain his feelings to her.




 « Knock, Knock »

 —Asriel, my child? Are you awake?

 —One second!

 Asriel's luck had run out when Toriel knocked at his door while in the middle of one of his "sessions". Quickly hiding everything away he fixed himself up and opened the door.

 —What is it mom?

 —Well… You know… It's been now almost a week and you rarely leave your room… —Toriel tried to find a way to start a conversation as she entered his room—. You barely eat and I've been hearing some weird noises…

 —I'm fine, mom. Really.

 —I want to believe you, honey. But you used to be so outgoing, adventurous!

 —I told you! I'm fine! I just want to be left alone now!

 Toriel took some valour for the sake of her child and despite Asriel's clear aggression towards the discussion, she sat on his bed to continue her talk. But Asriel, certain on his wishes to not talk about anything, simply walked away to the farthest part of his room, doing his best to ignore her.

 —I just want to know if someone hurt you. The doctor said-

 —No one hurt me! Maybe I just got bored of going outside!

 Toriel felt hurt every time Asriel pushed her away. How can a little child lose all of his spark and goodness so abruptly? He was just 10 years old.

 —I love you sweetie… I'll bring you dinner later.

 Feeling defeated for the day, Toriel left his room. Maybe tomorrow she could try a different approach to cheer him up. She just wanted her son back.




 That night Asriel went to bed early, once again hardly touching his dinner and with the accumulative tiredness of a whole week of insomnia. He had been avoiding sleeping to avoid the dreams, he wanted to escape from him while his body asked for his embrace. He feared the cold breeze coming from his window, the whistle of the air flying across his room.

 Asriel felt like he was losing himself in this cycle of endless sleeplessness and despair as he craved for someone to save him.

 With heavy eyes he finally found an ounce of peace, only to wake up and see himself outside the Snowdin forest. Could this be a dream? Was this real? How did he get here to begin with?

 The chilling winds of the forest cut through his fur as it pushed him inside. He could hear every critter and animal follow him as he went deep into the woods.

 Who knows for how long he walked, but he had eventually made it back: The cabin of the Snowdin wolf, Arturo. It was just as cozy as he remembered it, with the scent of burning wood coming from inside and the shadows casted by dim lit candles that made it feel alive.

 He approached the cabin and to his surprise, it was open, but it seemed that no one was inside.

 Still, Asriel felt the need to walk inside, closing the door behind him. Everything looked the same way it did the first time he was there too; he even got a faint sensation similar to that when you return home. Yet, he still felt himself in danger.

 —Didn't expected you to return. —Arturo's voice is heard behind him—.

 Asriel turned around, validating his fears. It was the Snowdin wolf standing in the way between the door and himself. Rapidly, Arturo took Asriel by the shoulders and guided him to the bed where they had their fun.

 Like an illusion or some sort of magic, Asriel could see a faint image of himself when Arturo masturbated him and then switched places. He could hear his own moaning as he was being violently penetrated or the sloppy sound his mouth made when he gave Arturo a blowjob. But it all felt too real when he could feel the real wolf take his hand under his pants, caressing his testicles with care as he slipped a finger between his buttcheeks.

 He quickly pushed himself away, falling on the bed by accident, making it look as if he was bending over. Arturo did nothing but laugh at his mistake.

 —You really want to play with me that bad? Knowing how much I liked you; you tease me. —Arturo mocked him—.

 Asriel wanted to apologize but as soon as he turned around to talk to him, Arturo was already on top. Their eyes meeting in a deep glance. His mouth, half way open for the intended apology being distorted by the wolf as a proposal for a kiss.

 A kiss that went deep and felt so real there was no room to doubt if this was all just a dream. Asriel could feel Arturo's tongue playing inside his mouth, tasting it as much as he tasted him. The prince's heart quickly began racing as he felt the wolf's tongue reach deep within, his hands defaulting to a hug that begged for the kiss to never stop –but it was too much for him, his body twitching as it couldn't take it for much longer, wishing for air.

 Asriel coughed over and over when it finally ended, yet he wanted to be kissed again. Despite the clear pain and discomfort he begged for it as the wolf ignored his pleas. Instead he continued by tasting him as a whole, the same he always does, the same way he will always do and despite not being what Asriel wanted, the goat child embraced it anyways –closing his eyes and letting Arturo do the rest.

 But as he opened his eyes, he was startled to find himself completely unclothed. He couldn't recall the moment he had undressed, but the sensation of the wolf's tongue exploring his body still lingered. The warmth that once came from his clothes had now been replaced by the comforting touch of the wolf's fur against his own.

 Surprisingly, he found himself accepting this new experience, as if it had become second nature to him. And when the wolf initiated their playful interaction once again, Asriel was no longer taken aback. He was prepared to engage in their familiar routine.

 Just like the previous night, the wolf followed the same sequence of actions, one after another, in the exact same order. However, this time, Asriel was not caught off guard. He was ready to meet the wolf's advances head-on.

 So, when the wolf reached for his penis, Asriel was already guiding his hand up and down, the way he found to his liking.

 —What a naughty boy… —Arturo teased, trying to get back control—.

 But Asriel did not fall for his teasing, instead teasing back by pressing against Arturo's cock with his butt.

 This angered the wolf, who responded by grabbing Asriel by the neck with all of his might, throwing away Asriel's assertiveness by force. And yet the little goat seemed pleased.

 —No need to rush things, my little plaything.

 Asriel grunted at Arturo's violence, but it translated into his hips moving on their own as the wolf stroked him, his penis leaking precum that spread around Arturo's paw. It didn't take long before Asriel defaulted back to moaning in pleasure, asking for more as the wolf played with him.

 Arturo couldn't help himself to wrap his legs tighter around Asriel's waist as he began to speed up the rhythm. Asriel closing his eyes tightly shutting off the world from his senses, focusing all attention to this moment of intense pleasure.

 The wolf then nibbled gently over Asriel's skin, sending electric sparks across the young goat's body. The wolf's tail swayed slowly against the breeze, signalling a better mood as Asriel left himself go with the current. The wolf, pleased with Asriel returning control to him. As that is how it was always meant to be.

 Little Asriel leaned backwards, burying himself deeper into Arturo's warmth, panting for more. His heart beating in pace with the wolf's heart, their pleasure synchronized. A serene silence enveloped them; a tranquil atmosphere, just like the peace after heavy rain. Asriel got lost in the euphoria.

 He succumbed entirely into this sensation, his breathing heavy and irregular in sync with the movements below. His body responded freely without command. Arturo held on tight while Asriel let go completely as orgasm crept closer to fruition, letting out soft whimpers while feeling every nerve ending explode in harmony with each movement. His mind drifting away to another place where only them existed, the heat building between their bodies becoming unbearable but blissful. Arturo's breath became faster; his grip tightened on Asriel, pulling them closer while caressing Asriel's penis softly yet strongly.

 Asriel felt the wolf's hands getting warmer. He moaned slightly, feeling more intensely alive than ever before; the wolf's warmth spreading throughout his body. They both breathed deeply, their bodies moving at ease. Asriel allowed the rhythm to take over him until waves crashed through him –a tsunami engulfing his thoughts. Arturo's teeth scraped against his neck, leaving little marks along its trail –every movement deliberate. His moans grew louder while the room echoed like a storm.

 Soon enough, the moment came. Asriel convulsively quivered, reaching the pinnacle moment, falling down from cloud nine with ecstasy crashing him. Satiated, yet wanting more, Asriel's face buried deeper into Arturo's embrace as he began to cum.

 Never had he ever released so much, wondering how he could have been so pent up to begin with.

 —Good boy… Let it all out.

 And he did, but as his orgasm ended so were the feelings of being hold in place by the Snowdin wolf. Suddenly he was alone again.

 He looked around to realize he was back in his room, as if nothing had ever happened. Maybe it was a dream after all. But the wolf's voice still called out.

 —Now it's my turn, don't you think? —He heard the wolf—.

 Arturo lying naked at his side, almost like he never left him. How had he made his way into his room? A question that didn't bother Asriel too much as he assumed his position, placing his tiny hands around the wolf's girth, throbbing between them.

 —Saw your little makeshift toys. You know, you could've always asked me to visit…

 Ashamed and in silence, Asriel began to stroke the wolf's cock. It felt just like last time, hot and strong, reaching from the tip to his knot. Their gazes met as he masturbated Arturo, and this time, Asriel knew how to do it, he was ready to please.

 He caressed Arturo's manhood slowly, enjoying the sensation of their connection through touch while keeping an intense gaze into each other's eyes. His strokes were steady, yet firm –meeting in pace with their mutual heartbeats. He could see how Arturo enjoyed his touches as well.

 Arturo moaned softly, giving way for more stimulation as Asriel played with his cock, bringing even stronger reactions.

 Asriel's fingers started massaging the base of Arturo's shaft while his thumb glided over the head and his palm surrounded the tip; both movements synchronized, mimicking the rhythm of his heartbeat. A soft moan came out of Arturo again.

 The wolf closed his eyes tightly, biting his lip in anticipation of ecstasy, his body shivering with each movement from the now expert hand of Asriel. His balls tightened and relaxed in time with his strokes. He arched his back, feeling the tingle running through his core, all the way down his spine. With such tender strokes, he felt as if he was being rocked by waves inside him. Each pull-push brought pleasure, and each press against Asriel's palm was pure delight, causing sparks on every inch around it.

 Asriel could see how sensual this was for Arturo, so he made sure not to stop playing until their goal is reached. He didn't want the experience to end soon; he enjoyed pleasing him this much, but it was apparent that this man needed release too. His partner's groans told it all. And so, with steady pace, Asriel accelerated his rubbing while twirling his finger over the crown, which made it stand tall. That gave room for the other fingertips to find the slit, then gently tease its insides, pulling sperm out.

 While milking Arturo's shaft, they locked gaze again, sharing intimacy between them –eagerness and desire. The former's heavy breathing echoed the intensity of what was happening.

 Moaning again, Arturo grabbed onto the bed, tilting toward heaven while Asriel worked. Soon enough, Asriel stopped stroking him, held his balls, squeezed, and rolled them, then began pumping with speed and fast-paced moves, going harder with each stroke. He wanted him near the brink already! When he heard the wolf grunt, it meant his lover was nearing explosion. So he went harder.

 Heat built up quickly, the tension thicker, making Asriel push quicker while massaging his testes now. It was obvious, seeing how Arturo clutched harder onto something solid. He couldn't wait any longer for relief either. Thus, his legs jerked as he released himself, unleashing cum while shouting and collapsing afterward.

 Asriel felt empowered, this was no longer the difficult experience he once had, he was now ready for whatever the wolf had in store for him.

 But he was also getting tired and since they were in Asriel's bed, what a better place to rest for a bit.

 Slowly but surely his eyes began to close, the lack of sleep these past days passing a toll on him. A rest short-lived as the sound of his mother's voice woke him up again.

 Confused, he looked around to see himself in the hallway of the doctor's office he visited shortly after his encounter with the Snowdin wolf and contrary to the previous two locations, he was dressed again, wearing his common attire of a green shirt and brown pants.

 Trying to listen to his mother's voice he realized he couldn't make out a single word from her, as if she was speaking gibberish.

 —Mom? Is that you?

 With no response from his mother, Asriel felt the hand of the wolf reach for his shoulder, sending shivers down his spine.

 —You don't want her finding out, do you? that's why you interrupted me last time. —Arturo teased him—. So let's keep it down this time.

 Asriel turned around to see the naked wolf sitting on the chair he was on that same day. His hand on his cock, waving it at him.

 Called by it, Asriel approached the wolf and his cock, pressing his nose against it, smelling its musk. It didn't take long before Asriel would begin to lick his length, kneeling in front of it to fully appreciate it as he prepared to suck Arturo off.

 Asriel pleasured himself by taking full control over Arturo's manhood into his mouth while teasing every inch and corner with his tongue. He used his hands strategically for extra stimulation, caressing the balls, playing between them while sucking the head of Arturo's erection. The rhythmic action kept up while keeping eye contact. Aroused, they both knew where this session was going, the heat between their bodies intensifying with time.

 As Asriel moved faster; his movements became wilder as his moans were heard from behind. Arturo leaned forward towards Asriel's back as the latter took the former's cock in, licking all round about and deepthroating everything, using lips and tongue like no one else had ever done before.

 Arturo reached down, holding onto the top of Asriel's head to keep him close during the passionate experience. Both breathed harder and heavier, sweated more profusely. Arturo closed his eyes, enjoying such attention, feeling each part of his penis pampered, receiving the blowjob of his lifetime.

 Soon enough, Asriel's pace slowed and he pulled off to let Arturo breathe. Both were panting, wetness between them rising from this intimate moment.

 Asriel kissed the tip of Arturo's penis then he used his hand now, squeezing, twisting it around and gently massaging the shaft. Arturo was breathing deeply; his body shuddered lightly under this extra touch. He could barely stand still in that chair. Arturo moaned as the other sucked again. His fingers tangled into Asriel's short fur, pulling and stroking his scalp as he did. This was pure ecstasy for both.

 Arturo started to sway on the spot while Asriel continued his oral fixation over Arturo's cock. Their bodies quivered under their intense passion, and they gasped together. They both knew this intimacy would soon lead to orgasm but wanted to prolong this delight as much as possible.

 Asriel increased suction speed, sucking intensely and then releasing it occasionally to stroke the base. Each time Asriel's head bobbed up and down, droplets flew from his mouth.

 Both felt horny lust, which only elevated by Asriel's rhythmic mouth motions, his fingers gripping tighter at the same time.

 Arturo laid back his head against the wall, enjoying the ecstasy while Asriel kept servicing him orally. He moaned loudly as he did not want to reach the end yet.

 For now, Asriel focused solely on the tip of Arturo's penis before switching his technique; he took deep throats again, gulping and hollowing in-depth into his shaft, and released slowly, repeating it all over again. Each time he tried to take his knot too.

 Meanwhile, Arturo wrapped one arm around Asriel's nape, pulling him closer to stimulate deeper strokes, making him work harder. Both were perspiring from this heated moment. This oral foreplay led them higher than ever.

 After some minutes, Asriel lifted his face off Arturo's crotch, grinning at him. His movements were more vigorous now, swallowing deeply for long strokes with his throat muscles, and licking the head with each motion. Arturo grabbed Asriel's fur and jerked his head faster while thrusting, making him quicker. A few more moves, and Asriel sucked the tip into his mouth before holding it close to his lips, keeping his head moving. The sight was so enthralling that made Arturo whimper.

 Asriel, after a series of sensual strokes, picked up the pace as he approached the brink of his goal. Arturo, already wriggling with lustful blisses, let go of a loud groaning sound that indicated the approaching orgasm. His hands clutched tightened on Asriel's shoulders, his body shivering violently beneath those pleasurable movements. Soon afterward, his hot release flooded Asriel's throat as he buckled on waves. The warm liquid gushed into the willing receiver whose face smeared with cum. Panting hard, he collapsed over, feeling relief, as the young goat cleaned him with his tongue.

 Pride filled Asriel as he took the wolf's warm seed, feeling it burn down his throat as his hands felt the wolf's cock pump more cum out. Fulfilled, Asriel closes his eyes again, only to open them again as the sound of birds chirping and people talking pierced his mind.

 This time the switch of scenery was more abrupt, now resting on top of Arturo as he realized they were now at the Snowdin forest's edge between the woods and the town.

 Monsters walking by with unrecognizable faces and impossible-to-make-out words. The sun hardly illuminating them as the shadows of the trees coated them from prying eyes.

 —You are afraid of others knowing too. Is that why you never came back? —The wolf teased him—. I'm sure you miss me as much as I miss you…

 Asriel could feel the wolf's cock press against his butt, but fear did not make itself present, instead he felt enticed to continue the wolf's game. Maybe others will find out, maybe not, but it mattered little at that moment when Asriel willingly pushed against the wolf. Slowly welcoming his cock inside, resting a soft moan as he felt his insides being stretched by his thick meat.

 Feeling pleasured, Asriel closed his eyes shut tight, savoring this moment. He let the warmth spread through his body while the wolf figure held him closer. There was no regret for the secret he carried, nor any shame towards what he desired. It just happened; it always had since their first encounter. That day when Arturo led him into this place and introduced him to something entirely new and thrilling.

 Asriel continued enjoying the sensation of having the thick shaft deep within him, feeling the gentle pushes from the wolf who remained fully engrossed in the pleasure too.

 Warm breath escaping between parted lips signaled the growing pace as Asriel felt each thrust that entered his insides. Every caress from the rough but smooth fur left no space to think anymore. Inhaling sharply, he tilted his head back, gasping out loud under the intense delight. This experience was pure bliss, unadulterated pleasure, and he could not get enough of it. His heartbeat increased, thudding loudly, echoing around the forest stillness.

 Suddenly, the sensation of the wolf's cock throbbing inside of him reminded Asriel of his makeshift dildo back at home. This was nothing like it, feeling so real and responsive, including the pressing feeling of Arturo's knot pushing against him with every thrust, Asriel now rode Arturo's cock happier than ever.

 Arturo, too, seemed more affectionate, growling softly while their bodies were entwined in lust. It became more rhythmic, increasing in depth, both getting lost in sensations, their passion growing by the second. Asriel embraced Arturo closely, biting onto his broad chest fur, holding tighter to feel more intensely their love's heat.

 Their mating grew wilder, moans and grunts mixed with sounds of the forest, creating an orgy of animalistic bliss. Their tongues intertwisted, breathing heavily, their bodies shuddered, wrapping around one another in the most natural union imaginable. With each movement, they became closer and deeper, feeling the ultimate satisfaction. They couldn't contain the overwhelming sensations.

 Arturo suddenly stopped, taking his cock out. The momentary pause made Asriel groan loudly, looking up wide-eyed, surprised yet eager for more as his butthole palpitated from all the abuse. Arturo gazed at him, smiling, then re-entered, deeper inside. The new penetration took them further, their hearts pumping faster, their bodies locking. There was no reason to pause, but doing so made the continuation even more intense.

 With Arturo's strong moves, Asriel cried, eyes shut, feeling every inch of the wolf's member stretching inside him, his body reacting ecstatically. Aroused, they moved in sync, both howling in joy.

 Asriel let out deep sighs, feeling pleasure overwhelm his entire being, muscles tense while he clutched onto Arturo's shoulders. Each thrust triggered a burst of passion that spread through their torsos and loins. This unison felt divine.

 Grunting louder, Asriel writhed on top of Arturo, who continued pounding rhythmically. Their pelvic joints slapped together. The heat between them boiled as their climax approached. In awe, Asriel locked their glances. He didn't want this to end, but he missed the feeling of his semen fill his insides too.

 Asriel's butt desired it too, as it stretched more and more to let Arturo's knot inside, knowing that once knotted, there would be no way to escape from his seed.

 Meanwhile, Arturo thrusts deeper into Asriel, feeling the tightness that welcomed him. Asriel arched forward in ecstasy as he felt each wave crashing upon him. The wolf too was ready to lay his seed inside of the little goat's hole.

 The wolf increased his speed again; Asriel wrapped his hands around Arturo's waist for better grip. They both panted heavily, enjoying sensations coursing over their bodies. Soon, they both moaned loudly –Arturo's orgasm started first; hot sperm exploded profusely into Asriel, filling his insides entirely. It overflowed, trickled downward. Afterwards, Asriel erupted, his cum painting all over Arturo's torso. Both grunted heavily until they slowed down to relax. They hugged close, breathing rapidly.

 Asriel longed for this sensation to return, Arturo's knot bursting inside of him as his cum filled him. The more the wolf came, the more he wanted him to continue, wishing for a never-ending loop of pleasure.

 Now he could really rest, now he could truly find bliss now that his wish was granted, even if it was all a dream. Exhaustion finally was able to claim him as he reached deep slumber.




 By the next morning, Asriel would wake up feeling well rested, but to a bed covered in his own cum. He had no time to feel some sort of closure as he quickly tried to clean everything up, guilt taking up and wondering if the dream was over and now the nightmare resumed.

 He was broken, no longer the cheerful kid he once was. He gave up hiding the stains once he realized he deserved nothing more than what he got for letting his desires take over him. The realization that this was nothing but his fault.

 Asriel then continued his day like the previous ones. But, given Toriel's intentions on cheering him up the day would turn for the worst.

 She began by preparing him his favorite cinnamon pie. The aroma alone was enough to entice Asriel, but as soon as he was face to face with it and the warm smile of his mother, the little appetite he had was gone.

 He took a bite regardless, to try and keep a façade of normality, but small bites that took minutes in between only worried Toriel even more. She once again wanted to talk to him about how he felt or why he was feeling like that, but given his violent reactions from before she couldn't bring herself to do it.

 Meanwhile, for Asriel, each bite was painful to go through. He felt like each piece of pie was a fistful of razors as it ran down his throat, feeling like he was force-feeding himself as he fought against his own gag reflex that implored him to stop. But despite it all he continued until his slice was gone, in an effort to appear to be fine.

 Next, Toriel had prepare for him a little adventure to go out, she had noticed Asriel's reluctancy to leave his room or the house at all, so she believed that by taking him somewhere he would inevitably find himself wanting to go back to his exploring self.

 She knew Asriel's preferences well and most if not all of his friendships. He had been having fun in Snowdin with Papyrus and Sans, as well as other monsters around the town, so she hoped that by taking him there he would find himself in a better mood and open to talk.

 But Snowdin was also the last place he visited before turning to the worse, so she couldn't deny having the hidden intent of wanting to know what happened there.

 Wishing to keep things a surprise, she simply hurried Asriel to get ready to go out. Then again, the trip would be soon spoiled to him as soon as they reached the edge of the town.

 Asriel looked in fear at his surroundings, expecting the wolf to be looking from a distance. As soon as they reached the town, he felt the overwhelming presence of the Snowdin wolf approach him even if he was nowhere to be found.

 —Heheh… Hi there, kid. —Sans greets Asriel—.

 It's a surprise meeting with him and his brother.

 —Hey kid! Your mom told us you aren't feeling well!

 Asriel was in shock seeing both, so far, he had just been hiding himself from his parents, but now he had to do so with them as well –who were clearly more assertive towards everything, especially Papyrus.


 —She also told us you've been hiding yourself away. —Sans continued—.

 —I've just… been tired… that's all really.

 —Is it because you never found anything in the forest? —Papyrus quickly went to the point—. I was hoping you would find the monster! Capturing him would have given me lots of points with Undyne!

 Toriel found herself interested in the conversation as soon as the forest was mentioned, it clearly had a reaction on Asriel as his face got pale from the mention of it.

 —You mean the Snowdin wolf? —Toriel asked—.

 —Yeah! —Said Papyrus—.

 —You know there is no such thing, right? —Toriel looked at Asriel—. It's just a story told to prevent kids from wondering off.

 —I-I know… I found nothing, really!

 —Heheh, well that suck. —Sans seemed to play along, but he could tell Asriel was hiding something—. Maybe I should search next.

 Asriel's eyes opened wide, he believed Sans was strong and capable but his fear of the wolf was probably just as strong, he wanted to warn him too, but in doing so he would expose the truth he had been struggling to hide.

 —There's no point, you probably have better things to do anyway… —Asriel tried to distract him from the idea—.

 —Was this what you were trying to hide form me, Asriel? —Toriel seemed confused, this was too petty for such a strong reaction from him—.

 —Y-Yeah! I just… really wanted to meet him… 

 What Asriel said did not match with what the doctor implied, she knew something had to have happen in the forest to scare him that bad. But given Asriel's attitude towards Sans' interest on investigating himself she now felt obligated to do something about it. With a gentle nod to Sans, both seemed to agree.

 Next in Toriel's agenda was to spend the day together, but now she felt like a change of plans was needed.

 —Sans, dear. What if we watch a movie today? To help Asriel distract himself.

 And as if talking to each other mentally, he agreed.

 —That seems like a great idea Mrs. Toriel. —Sans agreed—.

 —Oh, yeah! We can watch the spaghetti monster! —Papyrus interrupted—.

 And like clockwork everyone began walking towards the skeleton brothers' house.

 But Asriel didn't feel safe at all now, instead he now felt in even worse danger than ever before. If they found the Snowdin wolf they could too be held to the same deal he was hold to, he couldn't bear his mother or his friends being used by him. Worse yet, he feared that in an attempt to confront him he could overpower them and hurt them. And then no one would stand in his way to reclaim him.

 More than ever, he felt like he had to reunite with Arturo, no longer for his own sake but the sake of those he loved the most. He couldn't believe himself when he realized he had to protect the Snowdin wolf.

 His paranoia grew worse as Toriel and Sans both seemed to be making a plan on their own behind his back.

 —While Papyrus and you set everything up, Sans and I will go for some snacks. —Toriel mentioned—.

 —Don't worry Mrs. Toriel! I got this!

 —Thank you, Papyrus.

 Both Toriel and Sans left shortly after, but contrary to Asriel's fears, they did not go to the forest right away, instead they hid at the outskirts of it to see if Asriel would try and sneak out and meet him. The bets were off and the stakes high, there was nothing for them to suspect of a Snowdin wolf and the legends were always met with frowned looks –but Toriel was also willing to do what it takes to help her child.

 —Hey… Papyrus… —Asriel approached the skeleton—.

 —What is it kid? Excited to see the movie?

 —Y-Yes of course! —He looked worried—. It's just that I forgot to tell mom what to get me… So, I'll go catch her if you don't mind.

 —Sure thing kid! NYEHEHEHE!

 Blessed by Papyrus insanity, and as predicted by Sans and Toriel, Asriel made a dash to the forest.

 He didn't know how he was going to find him again, if anything he counted with the wolf finding him instead, but with no time to waste Asriel made haste. Toriel and Sans swiftly following suit.

 The first idea that came to his mind was to do as he did the first time, walking straight forward into the darkness of the forest until the sun no longer was visible. The second idea was to try and trace back his steps from when he first escape, after all he didn't remember walking that much once he was shown the way out.

 Whichever idea he took didn't matter anyways, before realizing it he was lost and so were Toriel and Sans, who by trying to keep their distance found themselves overpowered by the forest and its density. It was now a race of whom would be capture by the wolf first.

 —A…Arturo… —Asriel tried to call for him in a lowered voice—. Mr. Wolf…

 The croaking of the frogs and occasional creaking of twigs kept everyone on their toes as each one now looked on their own. It didn't take long for the wolf to notice it was now time for the hunt.

 First, Asriel, fueled by panic pushed forward. He trips, scraping his knee, but the pain is a dull throb compared to the fear of being found out.

 Sans, on the other hand, tried to follow some kind of trail he could find to reunite with Toriel.

 And Toriel, ever the motherly figure, simply rushed. Stepping forward, no longer hiding herself just so she could be found by Sans, Asriel or the wolf.

 Suddenly, a flash of fur catches his eye. A small, silver colored dash of light trailed by glowing red.

 —Didn't expect to see you again so soon… —The wolf's voice crawled around Asriel—.

 —I… I'm just here to talk! —Asriel stopped, looked around to try and find him—.

 —I see you brought friends.

 —Please! Don't hurt them! I'll make a new deal!

 —Is that so? What else can you offer me that I haven't already taken?

 —W-Well… how about more of that?

 —How much more? —Arturo was heard with a clearer voice as he walked towards him—.

 —As much as you want…

 Asriel was red as a beet as Arturo walked towards him, quickly laying his hand over his small furry head, petting the child.

 —Then it's a deal.

 His hands were heavier than he remembered, making Asriel feel the emotions he craved for so long. Arturo's hold of him, so possessive and caring, yet violent and careless as he took him back to his cottage.

 The scene was a vivid representation of his last dreams, the same dancing fire inside, similar moving shadows that made it look like people walked by the empty rooms and an inviting aroma that called you to come inside. Both made themselves at home as soon as the door was closed.

 And as if a second instinct kicked in, Asriel got in the bed and got naked, but the wolf didn't follow. Instead he took a sit on his chair and called him to join.

 —If I'm going to get you for as long as I want. —The wolf called him—. Might as well take our time.

 —But what if we get caught?

 —They can watch.

 Asriel felt ashamed, to be seen, specially by his mother was something he feared –but with the wolf he felt lustful about it. Maybe she could understand their love after all.

 Obediently, he climbed Arturo's lap, remaining naked.

 —Good boy.

 Arturo softly began to caress Asriel's fur, his hands playing with his chest as their eyes meet. The prince's heart racing as he closed his eyes, his body aching in fear that hid as love.

 Closing the gap between them was Arturo who went for a kiss, but this kiss was unlike the one they had the first time, this was a deep kiss, profound and strong –the feeling of his tongue reaching inside his mouth and throat. Asriel being fed by the wolf's warm breath, he couldn't help it anymore –his eyes going backwards as his body twitched, begging him to run.

 But his hands climbed his head instead, caressing the wolf's fur with his small fingers as he did whatever he wanted with him, diving withing the feelings of his saliva running down his neck.

 The wolf continued by slowly reaching for Asriel's penis, playing with it the same way he did before, his fingers lubricated by the goat's pre-cum and trails of his saliva. It didn't take long for Asriel to behave like in his dream, and reach for his hand to tell Arturo the way he truly liked it. But this wasn't a dream, and the he was not taking suggestions.

 But things went differently for him when Arturo did not continue masturbating him and quickly felt the push of his cock between his buttcheeks. Asriel wasn't ready for it and had already got himself accustomed to how the first time went so he panicked right away.

 Arturo could feel this sudden panic when the goat kid tried to shy himself away from it, but he cared little for that as he forced his way inside of him. The sudden stretch of his anus making Asriel scream and moan as his body trembled and tried to fight back, but the feeling of Asriel's body trying to push him out only served to arouse him even more as he began to thrust in and out in short bursts of movement.

 Asriel's incontrollable moaning filled the room as he tried to hold himself in place by grabbing the handles of the wolf's chair.

 The goat prince looked down to in agony to see his tummy being pushed forward by the wolf's cock, forming a bulge at his abdomen every time he pushed it inside while his little penis flapped to Arturo's rhythm, still leaking precum.

 His head was going blank and fuzzy, Asriel wanted him to stop but the wolf had no intentions on doing so as he ravaged him. Little by little, Asriel's mind trying to bend reality and tell itself that this is what he wanted all along –this is why he had those dreams, this is why he had dedicated himself to getting accustomed to the wolf's nature, to find pleasure while Arturo assaulted him. Turn trauma into bliss.

 Without realizing it, his hips now moved in par with the wolf's fucking and even invited him deeper inside as Asriel tried to force the knot inside.

 Arturo began to grumble and moan too as the fucking continued, feeling his own cock dwell inside Asriel as his warm and welcoming body covered it in hot sensations. Feeling Asriel's ass stretch as it tried to take him inside to the last inch of his length.

 Arturo groaned loudly and pounded into Asriel harder than ever before, lost in the moment. Asriel lay on top of Arturo, sweat dripping down his face while Arturo held him tightly, their chests rising and falling rapidly.

 In that moment, Asriel felt like he was losing control of everything around him –the world, the universe, his emotions, his thoughts. He didn't know whether to resist or just let go. It seemed like every part of him was screaming for release, yet simultaneously holding onto something within him that he couldn't quite grasp hold of. But despite the overwhelming sensations flooding through his system, Asriel found himself still clinging onto the desire to be taken, to be consumed. And as Arturo continued to thrust violently inside of him, Asriel felt as though he was being devoured alive.

 Asriel's eyes shut tightly, not wanting to see anything beyond the intense physical sensations consuming his body. But there was also a deep-rooted sense of gratitude coursing through him, a sort of acceptance that this was indeed what he needed –to feel completely out of control, utterly surrendered, at the mercy of another.

 After the initial shock wore off and the euphoria faded away, Asriel found himself feeling more empowered than ever before. He had gained a greater understanding of who he truly was and what he wanted from life. This experience had opened up his mind and heart in ways he could have never imagined possible.

 Looking back on it, Asriel recognizes that submitting fully to someone else was one of the most liberating moments of his life –allowing him to embrace his true desires without fear or hesitation.

 And then suddenly, Asriel felt it -the tipping point, the release, the explosion of emotion that came crashing down upon them both. For once, Asriel felt a sense of completeness, of belonging somewhere. Even if only temporarily, even if it was just within that single moment.

 Eventually his claws pierced the goat's fur and skin as the intensity of the act increased, the wolf's knot finally sliding inside and out of Asriel with each thrust until the swelling had him stuck inside, finally reaching climax.

 His cum pumping inside Asriel, the goat felt the sticky liquid fill him. Just sensing Arturo's knot palpitate inside him as cum continued to pour was enough to have him reach his own climax as well, both cumming at the same time, Asriel getting covered by his own seed as the wolf bended backwards out of pleasure.

 Even with the knot blocking the way out, Arturo's cum eventually began to leak showing the overflow of his seed.

 Meanwhile, a face white as snow looked through the window. A worried mother that had witnessed the most horrific act one could see be done to their children. Shock so strong it paralyzed her from doing anything about it as she crumbled to the floor to whimper and cry at the realization that it was too late. Toriel had seen the Snowdin wolf take away her child, and his innocence with it.

 Toriel's heart broke into pieces as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. Now she knew what had happened all along –the Snowdin wolf had taken away her child. Now everything until that point made sense.

 Asriel's reactions and behavior now matched, and the words of the doctor resonated inside her again.

 She felt guilty, destroyed, she had let her child's innocence be ripped apart. The what-ifs of every single thing she could've done differently flooded her mind as she tried to keep it together.

 Toriel had failed as a mother, she had failed her child.

 The steps of grief began to dance around her as she tried to barter her way into ways of saving her child. Maybe she could switch places, maybe a deal could be made to leave Asriel alone. Maybe there was nothing to be done as the damage had already been inflicted… and the wolf had won.