Rewind it pt5: Home

"Why is that?", Chase asked feeling extremely tired and trying to keep the smell of trash out of his head.

"I regret to say this Chase but, you aren't doing too well". Ms Marina said as she rotated her computer around to show Chase his grades.

Chase Tennyson's report is as follows:

Math - D

English - E

Science - D

Business studies - C

I.T - D

Power system studies - C

Math, English and Science were compulsory but the other three were of his choice.

Chase looked at the computer's screen bewildered. No good grades and these would earn him a beating at home.

"What do you think we should do Chase?", she asked, turning the computer back towards herself. "You know that I don't want to call your parents in."

"I will study harder." He said meekly.

"That's what you said last time, " She replied, shaking her head. "And there are no improvements.'

Chase couldn't really think of anything to say to her so he stayed quiet hoping that she would let him go back home quicker.

She sighed, "I know that you want to go home now, so actually promise me that you'll study and improve your grades before the October half term."

Chase nodded but didn't answer.

"Tch!", A nearby voice exclaimed, "You are a disappointment to your whole family!"

"Please Mr Mkpoin," Ms Marina said, "He just needs to apply himself, I know he can."

"At this rate he's going to ruin his sisters' good reputation with his bad grades!", He exclaimed. "Him being weak already affected his family and now it appears that he wants to bring everyone else down with him! There isn't any place for the weak in this world!" He furiously exclaimed as he stood up from his desk.

"Come on Warren, " Ms Marina said, trying her best to control her anger, "He's only a child."

"Yes Emma!" He exclaimed sarcastically. "A child who knows that his existence is hindering the progress of his entire family!"

"That doesn't mean that you can criticise him like that!" Ms Marina shouted also standing up, flashing a hint of anger. "It's not his fault that he's born like that!"

"Well then," Mr Mkpoin countered, "Maybe he'll be doing everyone a huge favour if he dropped dead! Lucas should have killed this garbage a long time ago!"

Ms Marina's eyes flashed with fury. Since the distance between the two teachers was less than a metre, she slapped the living daylights out of Mr Mkpoin resulting in him falling backwards and hitting a nearby desk head first causing him to fall rapidly unconscious.

Her smooth black hair was messy and she couldn't quite control her anger but she had to remember that there was another person in the room. She patted down her hair and tried to give a reassuring smile to Chase but only managed a slight one without much emotions as she was quite angered.

"Based". Chase said out loud.

She smiled but quickly switched the topic, "I'll talk to Ms Pierce about this." She said as she headed towards her co-worker and slowly dragged him out of the room. "You make yourself scarce Chase, I'll bring Mr Mkpoin to the infirmary". And with that she left the room with Mr Mkpoin.

Chase exited the staff room and found himself smiling at the image of Mr Mkpoin falling unconscious but he knew that Ms Pierce was not going to intervene and that his life would be hell the moment he had I.T tomorrow. He took the thought out of his mind, exited the building and walked towards the main gate that will lead him out of the school.

"You still here kid?" The security guard asked as he leaned out of the window of his stall.

"Yes." Chase replied emotionlessly as he exited the school and started making his way towards the main road.

"Take care of yourself!" The security guard yelled behind Chase as he disappeared back into his stall.

Chase didn't respond or even look back as he was trying to get home as quickly as possible. Even though he could have taken the bus, he preferred walking and smelling the freshness of nature instead of staying in a bus surrounded by people and everyone eyeing his injuries.

He crossed a couple of pelican crossings before going up a hill and then turned left upon his destination. The street that he had turned into was called "Ends" which contained a street set of houses.

They lived on an immense island near the continent of Nova, which the island was apart of. The country's name was "Crown" as well as the capital and there were about fifty million inhabitants. It was a country in some sorts with its growing economy and international trading system. Crown used to be uninhabited until about three centuries ago when some citizens had enough of society and decided to seclude themselves far away and by discovering this island, they were able to do that. Even the island was big enough to contain a growing population, nobody had wanted to approach because of various abnormal events happening on the ocean surrounding the island. Because of the ancestors' efforts, the island is what it is today with its luxurious apartment's and houses as well as being one of the world's best tourist sites.

The house in which he lived in was quite big: A big gate covered the entrance and a pavement for pedestrians and cars led to the front door or the garage with neatly cut bushes on the sides. It was a three storey house with six bedrooms, a large living room and dining room, an immense kitchen, an attic, four bathrooms and toilets, three garages, spiral stairs leading upstairs and every room in the house was as big as a standard living room but the living room was larger and, a set of French doors led to the garden. There were four bedrooms located on the second floor and three on the third floor but another room could be added in the attic. There was also large size rectangle pool at the back of the house with four lounge chairs, a couple of parasols, a bar and a balcony looking over it. The house was surrounded by a fence like the rest of the houses on the street with some exceptions.

Anyways, Chase had taken out his keys and unlocked the gate's side door before stopping and noticing a dark blue sports car parked on the pavement a couple of metres in front of the house and realised that Maria was visiting. He was quite happy to see her but also anxious because of the things he had told her this morning and feared that she would tell his mother but was relieved when she had unlocked the door for him and told him that she hadn't said anything yet. On top of that, his mother was not home yet which made Chase sign in relief.

"You sure took your time huh Chase?" Lazuli asked as she appeared from the living room wearing a grey hoodie and blue shorts. "Dang, you smell like trash!" She mockingly exclaimed as she covered her nose with her hoodie and ran back into the living room.

Chase ignored his sister's annoying remark, thanked his aunt for opening the door for him and for not saying anything about his wounds before making his way towards the stairs. Just then, a small like figure wearing a full blue tracksuit appeared at the top of the stairs blocking his path.

"I wanted to go home with you today but Lazuli said that you were already home." The figure said as its hands were placed on its hips. "I was looking around the house for you for 10 minutes."

"Forgive me Lily." Chase said apologetically as his sister moved out of the way to allow him up the stairs. "I got caught up".

"You should stop speaking so formally to your little sister." Lily said as she pouted. "We're family."

"Sorry Lily" He apologised again, "It was drilled into my brain."

"Whatever." She said with melancholy as she headed downstairs. Chase stared at his sisters and his aunt but said nothing and continued up the stairs.

Liliana Tennyson was a 14 year old girl with an energetic and enthusiastic personality. She had shoulder length light blue hair with bangs over her forehead and her light blue eyes fitted her perfectly as well as her tomboy nature which made her seem intimidating in front of the boys in her class and confident but overall, she was a peaceful person.