Drift pt2

Chase awoke with an intensive rage, something he had never experienced before. He felt like something had happened but didn't quite know what, except for his near death experience. What day was it? How long had he been out for? And more importantly, Where was he? Well, that didn't matter, for the moment, he was pretty much alive and was grateful for that.

Knowing that, he tried moving his limbs slowly to try to evaluate the amount of pain he was in but he didn't feel anything. He remembered an ice spear piercing his chest and as he looked down at it, he realised that it had disappeared and that the hole in his chest had healed, without leaving a scar.

He waved his broken arm in the air and realised that it was working just fine and even his broken leg had seemed to have healed without any repercussions of pain or agony. He slowly stood up without a problem and analysed his body thoroughly: Blood had dried up on his jacket but except for that, he seemed fine.

Although he was kind of ticked off that there was a huge hole in his favourite jacket, that was the least of worries as he didn't know what he'd tell his aunt if he ever managed to get back. His clothes felt heavy because of the rain a couple of days back but he still managed to walk and move about.


His stomach rumbled loudly and he realised that he was suddenly very hungry. He was so hungry that he could literally eat about anything. He didn't know where he was but he thought that it would be better for him to just go somewhere in hope of finding a city or something remotely close to civilisation and with that, he headed north.


Four days had passed and there was still no sign of Chase. Lily and Maria were at wits end as they had searched everywhere, without even a slight glimpse on him and every passing day negatively affected the mood of the two ladies. They had no way of locating Chase as he had left his phone at home and because of his non-existent energy level, he was untraceable.

They both let out a sign as they walked through the front door of the Tennyson household looking extremely tired and lifeless.

"You ladies are finally back." May said as she carried a bottle of water to the dinner table. "Hurry up and eat otherwise the food's going to get cold".

The ladies took a seat next to each other and dug into their plates, salvaging all the food like a pack of hungry wolves. Finishing up their food, May looked at them attentively and asked a question that she knew the answer to.

"Found him yet?"

The ladies didn't respond and May took their silence for no.

"Just give up." She told them as she took away their plates and cleared the table. "it's been more than three days since you two searched for him and still nothing, so you might as well give up."

"Do you even know what you're saying mother?" Lily asked with absolute contempt. "You didn't even go look for him and now you're just going to abandon him, what kind of mother are you!?"

May didn't react nor did she need to as she figured that it was a waste of time to fight her own daughter and turned to her sister.

"Are you still going to continue looking?" She asked.

"Yeah." Maria answered as she got up from the table , "But don't worry about Lily, she won't be coming anymore."

"Wait-" Lily tried to protest but Maria held up a hand in silence.

"You need to have a sufficient amount of sleep Lily, and your exams are coming up so you need that time to study ok?" Maria said as she gently ruffled Lily's hair.

Lily understood what her aunt was trying to say but she still wanted to go look for her brother but the angry look her mother gave her made her agree to Maria's decision and she headed up to her room.

"Well," Maria started as she headed towards the front door, "I'll be on my way."

"Ah! Then good luck on your search."

Maria nodded and with that she left the house.


On a fairly warmer November day, Chase had finally managed to find his way home after 7 days of outside life but he hadn't quite figured out how he had gotten home but was sure that a voice had guided him and whoever it was, Chase was quite grateful.

It appeared to be 7pm at least as the sky was dark and the stars were starting to show themselves in all their glory. He passed a familiar road and knew that he was on the right way home and would have ran to it with absolute glee, yet the lack of food and water left him with no energy at all still, he was quite impressed by the fact that he hadn't died starvation of even though he hadn't ate for a week and yet, he felt that there was something keeping him going.

Along an empty road, he heard a couple of voices approaching him and normally he would have been scared out of his mind but in fact, he felt calm and relaxed even though the people approaching him were displaying aggressive facial expressions towards him. 

Three guys emerged from the shadows wearing dark cloaks and pulled out long knives. Without warning, they lunged straight at Chase with incredible speed but to him, it looked like they were walking. He effortlessly dodged the first attack making the assailants feel insecure about their movements. But, they were still out for the kill and as they lunged again, Chase's body involuntarily moved again before retaliating with a perfectly aimed round house kick to the head, sending the first assailant flying sideways.

Chase felt nothing but was still quite interested by the first perfect attack he had ever dished out. But the assailants were not enjoying that random attack and it infuriated them. At least that's what Chase thought since their faces were near to invisible because of the broken lampposts on the road.

Chase knew that something had changed within him and even if there was no possibility of him gaining any kind of power, he still wanted to try. He stretched forth his hand towards the three assailants like his aunt had showed him a couple of years back causing the assailants to look a bit uncertain about what he was about to do but were relieved when nothing happened and they decided to attack again. Chase was disappointed but what did he expect, he was powerless from birth and -

An explosion was heard and nobody moved. The assailants all looked shocked and they quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night. Chase had no idea of what had just happened but was happy that the assailants had fled and he was conscious of the fact that something had come out of his hand. Looking around for the explosion, he realised that the spot where the assailants were standing on before they attacked had been destroyed and Chase felt a rush of excitement as he guessed that it may have been because of him.

So, to be sure that it was him, he faced the palm of his hand upwards and focused, focused and focused until a ball of dark energy had formed into his hand. He admired it for a minute before clenching his palm which cancelled the ball of energy, and trying to leave the scenes as fast as possible before people came out to see what had just happened.

Along the way home, he kept on thinking about the power that he was able to manifest and he still felt nothing but a smile creeped up on his face. When was the last time he smiled like that? He couldn't remember but now he had power and he had to get stronger.

He finally arrived home and realised that there was no one there. He didn't really care and headed towards the kitchen to eat a big snack. He wolfed down six ham and Cheese sandwiches before going up to his room and changing himself into a black tracksuit, dumping his old clothes in the trash because they had a hole in them.

He didn't have time for a shower but he had to take a double take once he caught a glimpse of what he looked like in the mirror: His eyes and hair had somehow turned black. The once light blue hair he had had turned jet black but the position of his hair had stayed the same, still downed.

It didn't bother him. He quickly went into his room, put on a blue hoodie, took out a map from his drawer and stuffed it inside his bag. Along with the map, he brought a couple of school textbooks and some money and that was technically it. He left his phone since he didn't need it and without even bothering to check it and with that, he left the house. He stepped outside and admired the starry sky, praying for the wellbeing of his sister and aunt before standing on the lawn and concentrating.

The thing was, he was trying to fly. He remembered how his aunt had shown him and his sisters how to do so and they had learnt it right off the bat but Chase hadn't even managed to lift his feet off the ground.

But today, this was going to change. He closed his eyes and remembered what his aunt had told them.

"Remember kids, " Maria's voice suddenly entered his brain, "you need to become one with the wind, you need to be the wind, you need to feel it around you and let it flow with and through you."

Well, it was easier said than done. Chase stood there for five minutes before seeing any change. He felt his body leave the earth slowly, bit by bit, going up. He was quite impressed by the results leading to a tiny smile being plastered across his lips but with little emotion.

He finally got the hang of flying in all directions as well as controlling his speed and landing before making sure that he could do it again. He must have spent at least half an hour there but, it didn't matter because it was worth it.

He was finally ready. He checked that he had everything in his bag before he rose up into the sky once more and left without ever looking back.


A couple of metres below, the Tennyson family had made their way home, not noticing anything unusual and going on about their day.

They stepped out of the car and headed towards the front door of the house. Lazuli opened it and waited for the rest of the ladies to get inside before closing the door.

Lily entered first leaving their mother to make sure that the car doors were locked before she followed her daughter but something made her stop in her tracks as she looked up at the Starry sky.

"Mother?" Lazuli called as she curiously eyed her. "What's wrong?" It was unusual for May to space out and whenever she did, she was thinking about something deep.

May turned towards her eldest daughter and shook her head before displaying a bright smile and entering the house.
