The tower pt2

Chase was doing quite well in the tower. He had already reached floor 76 going down and he was getting stronger by the second causing him to feel proud of himself. And he kept on advancing. There was no actual fighting yet but just a couple of weapons being thrown at him or elemental powers to create some kind of disaster of some sort.

It was pretty simple and he finally reached floor 30 which was harder than he thought.

There were huge bubbles that appeared out of nowhere and they seemed to be coming straight for him. He tried blowing it away with wind power and fire power but they all appeared to have been swallowed up by the bubbles causing Chase to take a step back in shock.

'What now?' He thought to himself. The answer came pretty quickly and he started running towards the open door at the end of the room making sure that he was not hit by any of them.

By the time he was out, the room was filled with bubbles and they seemed to still go after him. Even as he was going down the stairs to the next level they were still following. He broke into the next room to find himself surrounded by big green slimes who instantly attacked as soon as he entered.

He had to be wary of two things: First of it was the bubbles that were coming down. He had no idea of what it could do to a person and for how long it was going to chase him around. The second factor were the slimes who appeared to be infused with plant powers and were dashing him trees and spikes.

The bubbles caught up and Chase ran again but this time, the door was closed and it could not be opened. Even if you tried blasting it, it would regenerate before you could cross it. So he ran towards one of the slimes causing it to panic and messily attack. Chase effortlessly dodged and when he was within range, he grabbed the slime and threw him towards a set of bubble. Upon hitting the bubble, the slime was trapped in there and was suffocated to death which make Chase shudder. He didn't have time to be scared, so he kept on going after the slimes one by one. None of them were expecting him to run towards them which frightened them. One by one they were eaten up by the bubbles, their attacks ineffective against them leading to their deaths. The bubbles had disappeared and a huge door indicating the next floor opened. Chase sighed in relief and kept on going.

He had grasped the idea of the tower and by the time he reached the first floor, he had become confident in his abilities. Upon entering the floor, the door behind him abruptly shut and fire lights started lighting up on the walls causing Chase and Tridius to come face to face with some kind of monster.

The monster was huge, at least three times Chase's height. It had a grey body and face with horns on his head and a kind of tribal clothing. It wielded a huge axe and a wooden shield could be seen behind him.

Tridius jumped of his master's shoulder and headed towards the corner.

"Good luck master." He said as he sat down. Chase nodded but didn't have time to respond as the monster's axe came crashing down, taking a piece of Chase's clothing with him.

It roared in rage and threw his axe towards the kid. Chase dodged but was not expecting that it would rush straight at him. The monster collided with Chase and it sent Chase crashing into a nearby wall.

Chase coughed out blood and wiped his mouth.

"Be careful master." Tridius warned as the monster rushed towards him again. In the time Chase was on the floor, it had already gained his axe back and was getting ready to swing it.

Upon swinging the axe, Chase abruptly stood up and uttered the sentence "Close earth." Whilst bringing his hands together. In that one month of training, Tridius had taught him how to use elements and he had more or less grasped the idea. Suddenly, two huge pillars of earth appeared between the monster and suddenly enclosed him. Depending on your strength, it would be very simple to break it but if you were weak, you'll be dead before you know what would hit you.

Chase slight smiled disappeared when the monster broke out of it with sheer power causing it to be even more angered. It charged towards Chase and it swung it's axe again. This time, Chase used wind to repel the axe coming down on him. It worked and the axe went flying but, Chase wasn't done. When the axe went flying, it created an opening and this was Chase's chance. He followed up with a punch, that he had imbue with earth to the stomach, sending it flying a couple of meters away.

The axe fell and stuck itself on the roof of the floor, making it quite impossible to get. The monster was furious and charged towards him once again but this time, Chase was ready for it. The monster tried punching Chase but he dodged and climbed on its huge arm. The monster flicked his arm trying to get the boy of but he wasn't there anymore. The monster looked up just to be rewarded with a punch that was encircled in fire. The punch burnt the side of the monster's face and knocked him towards the ground.

'Good.' Tridius thought to himself as he admired his master's onslaught.

The monster was going to stand up but Chase froze its hands and feet. Before it could even try to break free, Chase was attacking him over and over again. Blood erupted from the monster's mouth and Chase ended it by summoning 'close earth' but this time, fire was added to the pillars, causing the monster to scream in pain before going completely silent and its body dissolving.

Chase huffed a bit but composed him pretty quickly. He turned towards Tridius who seemed happier than the victor himself and ran to his master's side.

"Well done master!" He exclaimed. "It might have been short but you managed to defeat a strong opponent."

Chase sighed and just smiled. A chest appeared before him and he was quite confused.

"Since you cleared the tower, you get a reward." Tridius explained. Chase opened the chest but, it was empty. He was about to complain when lighting struck him.

He was in great pain. Probably the most pain he's ever been in so far and it hurt like hell. He didn't know how many volts it was but it was more than enough to kill a super powered individual.

"Try controlling the lightning!" Tridius excitedly instructed. How the hell was he going to do that? It hurt so much that he couldn't think straight. Tridius was about to step in when Chase held up a hand to stop him.

Chase closed his eyes and concentrated all whilst ignoring the excruciating pain weighing down on his body. Upon opening his right eye, it flashed red for a slight second before reverting back to normal. The lighting shrunk and the pain slowly but surely faded away until the pain had completely vanished.

Chase let out a sigh before turning to Tridius and producing a simple smile. Tridius was also elated and returned his master's smile.

"What kind of reward was that anyways?" Chase asked in disbelief.

"The beginner's reward." Tridius simply said. "Forget that master, let's go again."

"What! why??" Chase asked again in disbelief. "I nearly died because of that reward and now you want me to go again? And what is the beginner reward?"

"The beginner reward is a reward given to the people who clear the tower for the first time and the rewards usually result in death." He explained. "If you survive you can attempt the tower again but this time it's harder but there is a real reward waiting when you complete it and, you can attempt the tower multiple times. Upon those multiple completions, the rewards will become better and, it can also be stacked meaning that if you do not want to claim your reward right away, it can be saved until you're done." Chase processed the information and briefly nodded in understanding.

"Do you want to continue or are you done master?"

"Let's continue." Chase said as a portal opened before him. "For how long are we going to be in here?"

"Until you are strong enough to blitz through all the stages."

Chase looked at him with astonishment. "B-but how am I meant to do that considering that every time you complete the tower and restart it, the opponents become even stronger?"

"So, in order for you to do so, you would need to evolve faster than they can become stronger. Meaning that you would need to grow fast enough so that the next time you complete the tower, the easier it will be."

"So, " Chase said, recollecting his thoughts. "I need to be stronger than them in the next round so that my level can match the level 3 monsters and so on?"

Tridius nodded.

"I guess..." Chase started, "Let us get down to it."