The Fifth Ring of Protection

Ethan and Zhilan moved forward in silence, each step taking them deeper into the dense fog that not only obstructed their vision but also continued to weigh heavily on their minds. Occasionally, Maia intervened, correcting their steps at just the right moment to keep them on course. Even though they could barely see a few steps ahead, Ethan felt they were moving toward something. When he wondered why he felt compelled to continue, he didn't understand it, but something told him it was the right thing to do. Zhilan stayed close, as alert as he was, without uttering a word, but clinging to the same invisible force that pushed them onward.

After nearly an hour of arduous progress, the fog finally began to lift. They emerged, feeling a strange mix of relief and emptiness. Although they could now see farther ahead, their memories remained a vague space, as if the fog still held back some part of their lives.