
 There are no records of how it happened, why or who caused it and anyone who got too close to it never made it back. But it wasn't always like this, like anything; it starts from zero and when it turns into one or two, then it just keeps going. At the end everything that was stopped being and turned into something new, and as it grew; the past from which it came from was removed from existence, as if it never was. Sometimes one wonders what was, when it was, or if it was at all.

 But that is how it is supposed to be.




 « I have already told you this before, I am not into that. »

 A text message appeared in what seemed like a long-lasting conversation already between two parties. The lingo used made it clear it was between two friends, but one seemed to be keen in pushing the other's buttons. Constantly talking about topics that this one was not interested about.

 And looking around some more to get a wider picture, it was clearly a simple room in a simple department complex. A doble bed insinuated the room was shared and a voice in the background confirmed that at least three individuals were sheltered in. A common human building, with common human occupants and common human things.

 Nothing more of value could be gain by just looking either, as it was obvious their life style was humble and reserved, clothing on the floor as well as piles of garbage hinted, they could also be of a young age too, maybe young adults starting to make out their own lives.

 And when looking at the other side of the screen not much was different either, if anything it felt like a recreation of the first room almost to a T.

« Sure, Rybald wouldn't mind getting your cock sucked by a swamp monster but she is out of limits. »

« She is not my type, that's all. »

« Then tell me what's funnier, the fact a literal monster is your type? Or, you calling her ugly by proxy? »

« Not my fault Mr. Reed would fuck anything that moves. »

« Not my fault you're a fucking virgin. »

« Oh, because you aren't one either. »

«Not for long when my options are "anything that moves". »

«… I guess you are right on that, but makes me wonder if you can handle it, too. »

 The conversation halted by then, and while "Mr. Reed" would go to sleep, Rybald had other plans after getting tired of Reed's teasing. Unfortunately for Reed, Rybald was not what he proclaimed to be, but a creature from a different dimension, resting on earth for their own amusement and truly uninterested on the consequences in the case their magical prowess was to damage the very fabric of their reality –as well as something of a people pleaser.

 Reed wanted to fuck anything that moved, and claimed to have a lack of regret on what he said, so Rybald decided to make that a reality, but not how Reed wanted it; after all he had been a nuisance as of late, instead something different would occur to him that would truly test his resolve and the honesty of his words.




 The next morning, Reed woke up to a strange voice, it called someone whose name he didn't know but somehow felt like it was calling for him; which it was. Asriel was simply too asleep to realize it was him.

 —Asriel, Monty, you two need to wake up now or you'll miss the school bus! —The female voice was heard getting closer and closer to their room—.

 He still felt dizzy after a rough night of terrible sleep, and Monty keep making some strange sounds that didn't help either. Ultimately, he would be woken up by the sunlight coming through once the blinds were open.

 —Asriel! Last warning! —The female voice was heard in the same room now—. And Monty, stop doing that, it's too early.

 —Yes, Mrs. Toriel.

 Scratching his eyes, little by little he was able to attain his surroundings. He saw Toriel's silhouette, a big goat-like humanoid shape of big proportions. The figure felt familiar but he couldn't recognize it, once his eyes finally adjusted all he could do was cowardly scream.

 —Oh, my! My child. —Toriel approached him—. Are you allright?

 —Who… Who are you?! Where is Jazmin and Danny? —Asriel shouted, surprising himself with a different tone of voice, one that was younger and louder—. What are you?!

 He felt the familiar warmth of Toriel and his body could tell him the answer if he wanted. But his mind kept denying what he was seeing as if it was a completely new world.

 —Ok little man, I don't know what go into you, but that is no way to call your mother. —Toriel kissed Asriel on the forehead—. Now stop that and get ready for school.

 More confused than ever he looked around, thinking he was in a dream. He saw a computer where his computer used to be, but this one was not the makeshift laptop he had, it was a regular desktop computer with multiple monitors and a fancy case. The more he looked around he felt out of place.

 Lastly, as his senses finally kicked in, he saw himself, but it wasn't him, even though it was him. Was him? He was definitely shorter, he felt younger too –and his body was white and had fur, just like the feminine figure from early he had a small pair of ears in his head too. His eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing but his body didn't seem to react poorly either. He was taller, thin and most definitely human. He took off the bedsheets to have a better look at himself and still couldn't take it all in. He had hindpaws for feet and some weird in-between of fingers and paws for hands. 

 And he kept wondering who was this Toriel or Monty characters. His mom? She wasn't even in the same state, maybe he could try and reach her?

 And why call him Asriel? His name was Reed and he lived with Danny and Jazmin, and for everything that is worth, what was that noise this Monty kept doing anyways?

 When Asriel finally decided to get off the bed, he looked back and saw something shocking on the top bunk. There was someone else, a small yellow monster with no arms, spikes on the back of its head, and a pointy tail. He also had a massive cock and balls hanging from between his legs, so big in fact it was probably half his own size.

 Asriel once again screamed to the top of his lungs, that was Danny's bed, whoever that monster was; wasn't Danny at all. His best bet at the moment was that this creature was in fact, Monty. And Monty was simply sucking on his own cock like a pacifier, effectively fucking his own mouth and it didn't take long for him to finish himself off and cum inside.

 Asriel blushed and felt his body react to what he saw, feeling his own penis grow with an erection and his butt clenching. It didn't take long for him to sweat as his body felt an urge to play with himself.

 Instead, he jumped back to the bed and pressed himself against the wall, like a scared cat.

 —Last warning! —Toriel's voice was heard from afar—.

 Monty quickly jumped down of his bed and made a dash outside, but Asriel refused to move. His heart was racing faster and faster, he could feel his body reacting to what he saw and he quickly undressed himself to assert those reactions.

 He gazed over himself and saw his cock erected, it was well sized for his current shape and even caused him to feel a little proud of it too. He touched it with his furry hands and could tell right away the sensation was nothing like when he masturbated as a human. But as his mind tried to drive him into the pleasure of it, he snapped. His friends had disappeared, he was surrounded by monsters and now he looked like one too.

 Asriel quickly went to the computer to see if he could find something there, maybe his last conversations or at least someone to ask help to but it was all for nothing when he could not figure out the password.

 He looked around the desk to see if it was written somewhere, but like anyone with a sound mind would, a password was nowhere to be found. You remember those by heart, not write them on notes!

 But, determined to get a sense of what was going on he dressed himself back up and playing along he reached for Toriel's help.




 The moment he stepped out of his room, he couldn't help but notice the striking difference in the surroundings. It was as if he had been transported to the grand hallway of a luxurious hotel or an extravagant mansion. The walls were adorned with exquisite decorations, creating an ambiance of opulence and elegance.

 Feeling a sense of uncertainty, he pondered for a moment on which path to choose. Trusting his instincts, he decided to go left, convinced that the distant voices he heard were originating from that direction. As luck would have it, his intuition proved to be right, leading him straight to the heart of the house –the kitchen.

 Toriel and Monty were there as to be expected, with Toriel helping Monty to eat.

 The kitchen was just as extravagant once he looked at it, it had everything you could need to cook whatever you wanted, unlike the kitchen he remembered which was nothing but a microwave and a lousy stove. This one even smelled nice and fruity.

 —M-Mom… —Asriel approached Toriel—. I need help…

 —What is it, my child?

 —I don't remember the password to the computer… Do you, have it?

 —As a matter of fact, I don't. It was you who didn't want to share it, remember? —Toriel replied with a mocking tone—. Well… I guess we can always get a new one…

 Asriel couldn't believe his eyes when Toriel casually suggested replacing the entire computer without any hesitation. If all the other fancy gadgets in the house were any indication, he could only imagine how fancy the new computer would be. It was beyond his wildest dreams to think that after years of struggling to upgrade his old, outdated computer, he would be getting a brand new one just because of a forgotten password. Without a second thought he decided to play along.

 —That could help too. New hardware was released a week ago.

 —I know, I know. —Toriel interrupted—. You kids and your fancy words, just get the highest end pieces like last time.

 For the first time today, Asriel couldn't help but question whether it was worth leaving the comfort of this dream. However, a newfound excitement surged through him as he contemplated the prospect of breakfast and the wonders that awaited him at this peculiar "school." Despite his curiosity, a lingering sense of uncertainty remained, fuelled by thoughts of his friends and the mysteries that lay ahead. Nevertheless, he was determined to give it a try. It was a risk worth taking.

 But then, a sudden realization struck him. Could the world outside be just as strange? Did this mean that everyone out there were also monsters, like the monsters he had encountered thus far? Based on the image of witnessing someone giving themselves a blowjob and his supposed "mother" agreeing to an extravagant computer purchase. The thought of how insane the outside world might be filled him with worry.

 The next logical step was of course, to go outside. Or at least look from a window. And so he did.

 As he looked outside, his eyes widened in amazement. The world beyond the walls of his new home appeared surprisingly normal, with a touch of familiarity. The picturesque neighbourhood mirrored the beauty of his house, a stark contrast to the eerie suburbs he had grown accustomed to. Every detail seemed foreign yet seamlessly blended into the overall ambiance.

 Lost in his awe, he stumbled backward, his luck betraying him as he crashed onto the floor right before Toriel. Confusion etched across her face as she peered down at him. But what truly shook him to the core was the unexpected sight that lay beneath her flowing robes, a thick cock.

 As if he had seen a ghost, Asriel quickly got up and ran against the wall, furthering Toriel's worries. She had never seen her child act so strange.

 —Oh my, maybe you should skip school today. —Toriel sounded worried—. Have a doctor see you.

 Little did he realize, the thought of seeking medical assistance to bring him back to reality had never crossed his mind. It was as if he was trapped in a surreal world, where the boundaries between imagination and actuality blurred. The allure of his newfound opulent existence initially captivated him, but as he delved deeper into its intricacies, an unsettling sensation crept in. Each peculiar detail he stumbled upon eroded the enchantment, leaving him perplexed and disoriented. Was this an ethereal dream, a haunting nightmare, or perhaps an amalgamation of both, tormenting his very soul? The answer eluded him, shrouding his mind in a haze of uncertainty.

 —Y-yhea, I don't feel so good… —He lied—.

 Toriel reached out to give Asriel a comforting kiss on the forehead, assuring him that everything would be okay. However, he flinched away in surprise, causing Toriel to be taken aback. Without missing a beat, Toriel swiftly dialled a number on her phone.

 —Monty, you should go to school and let the teachers know, ok?

 —Yes, Ms. Toriel!

 Monty quickly left the scene for the rest of the morning.

 —You should go rest, Asriel. I'll let you know when the doctor is here.

 Hoping that after a good sleep this would all go away; Asriel went back to his room. But sleep did not reach him as he laid on bed motionless. 

 Instead he kept looking at his body, so strange yet oddly familiar. He saw himself in the mirror just to confirm that he wasn't himself anymore.

 Wearing a green stripped shirt, short pants, covered in fur. This wasn't him no matter how much he felt like "himself".

 He tried to look around the room to see if he could find any clues too, but all the cabinets and boxes were filled with things that weren't his. Toys, trinkets, figurines, everything he ever wanted was now his, yet he kept looking. A deep feel within him that urged him to go back.

 After an hour or so, he heard the door open. It was the doctor whom Toriel called to check on him.

 —Hello champ! —A human lady came into the room—. Your mom tells me you're not feeling well. Take a sit on your bed while I check you up, ok?

 Asriel did as he was told but quickly deviated by talking about what he had experience that morning.

 The doctor seemed worried with every detail he exposed, the monster sucking himself off, how his body wasn't his or looking at his mother's cock. How he referred to everyone as monsters or creatures as if he wasn't one.

 —Well… First, I want to look into your ears for any infection, ok?

 Asriel turned his head to the left.

 —I swear, this isn't real. I have friends who are probably worried!

 Then he turned to the right.

 —Nothing of this is real.

 And when he turned to face her, a wave of astonishment crashed over him once more. It was as if she had vanished into thin air. The doctor who had been diligently examining him had mysteriously disappeared.

 And in her place was a peculiar creature. This yellow monster, standing at a diminutive stature, possessed a wild mane of spiky hair and sported a pair of spectacles perched upon its nose. Clad in a pristine white coat, it continued the examination as if nothing had happened.

 Asriel backed down with a scream.

 —W-What's wrong kiddo?

 —W-who are you?! —Asriel stuttered—.

 —My name is Alphys, but you already knew that. —Alphys seemed worried too—. Oh my…

 At the sound of his scream, Toriel made a sprint to his room.

 —Alphys, Asriel! Is everything ok?

 —Y-yes, Ms. Toriel, Asriel seems just a little confused.

 —It's been like this all morning… Is he going to be fine?

 —I think so, yes. I think this is just a matter of cumulative stress. —Alphys continued—.

 —Is there anything we can do?

 —Well… —Alphys blushed—. I could help with your permission.

 Toriel, as if she understood what she meant, nodded.

 —Very well, I'll be in the living room if you need me.

 Asriel couldn't piece one and two together at all, he could swear a human doctor was with him, now a strange creature was on her place. And he was sure this wasn't just "stress".

 Before he could react, Alphys was already undressing him.

 —N-now, don't move too much, ok? —Alphys seemed a little shy, blushing as she undressed Asriel—.

 Silence engulfed him, leaving him utterly speechless. His lips moved, but no sound escaped them. It was as if the weight of his emotions had rendered him mute. All he could do was gaze at the uncanny creature strip him naked and carefully grabbing his cock.

 —I haven't done this in a while… —Alphys chuckled, slowly approaching her mouth to it—.

 Like when he saw Monty, now Asriel began to sweat profoundly again, covering himself in musk as he felt her tongue touch him. Suddenly he wasn't fighting back.

 Alphys then began by dancing her head in circles around its root, licking it with enthusiasm, then takes all of him inside her mouth slowly. She moves her hand to his ass cheek massaging it while working. Her lips, tightened round the base of his shaft, sucking, and swallowing as he exhales her breath. Her eyes locked on Asriel's face, and he gazes at hers, the heat building up in him like molten wax ready to drip out. Then she swirls his knob using her throat muscles, her nose brushing him in rhythm while he gasps deeply. Soon, faster, she sucks and releases; a spasm runs up his balls, rising higher until Asriel groaned louder. Her cheeks redden, she pumps more swiftly.

 His cock's tip becomes harder and larger till it's fully engorged, throbbing now in wetness from her saliva, while her nostrils flare wide open each time she gulped, still holding onto the head, letting him deepthroat, then plunges inwards again, repeating this move many times. Saliva glistens on both sides of the head, the scent wafts through air, and he moans loudly. The sight of his balls swaying, her tongue flicks upward, her nose moving steadily over the head. It seems like her entire body revolves around the shaft as she dives deeper to receive it into her throat, pulling backward as it exits her mouth to the hilt. He moans more intensely and her mouth stretches wider for a quick suction.

 Asriel feels her hands squeezing the base while sliding, she stops to tease the tip with her teeth; it taps it lightly on her hard palate; the head gets bigger than ever and he's almost about to ejaculate. With her nose, she licked the length; her head bobs, bobbing rapidly as it neared climax; the pace quickening, her speed rises, her head rocking back and forth. The shaft starts pumping fast as his excitement multiplies. His pelvis thrashes; his balls are near bursting, and her ears hear the sound. She's taking her own pleasure while she goes on with this act, but soon the climax comes closer, the moment builds up within, she pulls off quickly. But just before he expels it, he warns: 

 —I can't hold it anymore!

 Waiting for this, Alphys gets ready, opening her mouth widely, and Asriel releases his load. His seed shoots high on her throat, his semen splashes; she keeps gobbling it.

 Her mouth remains locked over him still until the stream reduces, her jaw motions ceasing after swallowing everything he had, leaving her face dripping, her cheeks red from the stretch. He's spent, yet satisfied.

 Asriel can't believe his eyes. This felt too real to suggest this was some kind of dream or nightmare and for a brief moment he didn't care what reality was.

 But it didn't stop there as Alphys began to strip herself naked. Despite her dorky look, her body was amazing, feminine and well-shaped –Asriel couldn't help himself and stared at her breasts with his mouth open, cute and sexy were a peculiar combination when describing her.

 Then as her lab coat fell, it was also revealed that she had a big cock herself and Asriel's surprise changed to shock. Was she going to use that on him next? Was the blowjob just to temper him down to submission?

 —Oh my, now I got myself all worked up. —Alphys blushed, hiding her face—.

 Without a second thought, she pushed Asriel to lay on the bed, and climbed on top of him, both barely fitting together due to the second bed on top.

 In this position, Asriel could barely move, so he felt trapped right away. Meanwhile, Alphys had begun to stroke her cock against his, frotting them together.

 —You are such a handsome boy, I'm sure you can handle pounding me, right? —At this point, Alphys looked like she was fantasizing more so than anything else—.

 —I-I… yhea… I think… —Asriel wanted to accept, but words didn't reach him, afraid of getting pounded himself—. I could…

 —Or is it that you want me to pound you? —Alphys continued, she looked too exited—. 

 —N-No! It's fine! I'll-

 —Oh, you don't have to be so modest!

 It began to look like he had no real options here; even after being given the chance to choose, it seemed that the choice was made for him in advance. And so, Alphys switched Asriel around, pushing his head against the pillow and exposing his ass, his anus plump like a donut already pulsating and ready to take her.

 She didn't hesitate in making quick work of him, pushing her thick cock inside of him, sliding in like butter. Her hands find their own pace, one clutching Asriel's thigh as he buries his face into the pillow to silence his own scream, while her other hand cradles his soft waist, pulling him backwards towards her to better accommodate her cock.

 Alphys could feel Asriel's body adjusting to her size quickly. His moans grew louder, more desperate; her cock stretching him wider than ever before. She increased speed, bending over him in rhythmic motions that made his whole-body jerk uncontrollably. He couldn't help but buck under her thrusts. 

 As Asriel was ravished by Alphys' massive cock, his eyes were tightly closed as if trying to block out the overwhelming stimulation. Sweat trickled down from his forehead and sheath, but his breathing became erratic as he gasped for air amidst her relentless fucking. With her hips gyrating back and forth, her pubic bone pressed against him so forcefully that it made a thud.

 Asriel groaned as Alphys continued to move on top of him, her body arching as she did so. They breathed heavily, perspiring heavily due to exertion, their sweat dripping onto each other. Her fingers found the back of his neck and squeezed it gently in encouragement. This brought on another surge of pleasure from him. It was uncanny to him how much he was enjoying this despite being against his original wishes.

 As they continued to fuck with abandon, Asriel felt like he had never been more aroused before. His mind raced with thoughts of how incredible it felt, both physically and emotionally, to be taken by someone. He let go of himself entirely, giving into the moment. The sensations coursing through his body made him feel alive in ways he didn't think possible. And yet, despite all these feelings running rampant within him, he couldn't bring himself to stop or slow down. Alphys kept pace with him, matching every movement, ensuring that they remained connected at all times.

 Their passion grew more intense with each passing second until finally, it exploded. Both of them came together. Alphys collapsed upon Asriel, feeling completely spent and satisfied beyond belief. He laid there for what seemed like an eternity, his heart racing and his muscles aching from the strain of such intensity.

 And much like any doctor after laying treatment lets their patient rest, as soon as Alphys recovered herself she dressed back up and left.

 Asriel, tired from what he just went through, found himself cleaning on his own and going back to sleep, his legs still trembling from what just happened and surprised of it too. He felt wrong admitting it, but he liked it.




 Later that evening he woke up feeling renewed, and even though he expected for things to go back to normal; he wasn't so afraid when he saw he was still a part of this weird and new world.

 He also noticed the computer had changed, most likely the new computer Toriel had suggested.

 Asriel quickly went to check it out, not yet forgetting his friends or his previous life he was determined on finding out what had happened to them, or the world. He was quickly making peace with who he was now and the world he lived in, but a glimmer of hope to reunite with his loved ones or return to the previous reality still lingered in him like an itch.

 Unfortunately for him, he had underestimated the reaches of the powers that trapped him in this new realm yet again, and as he accessed the computer, he realized technology was not as equal as the one he remembered. The internet was close to be identical, but small cues could be seen around. He was still able to access his old accounts but most looked like nothing similar to what he had, some having new and different names or holders.

 The only thing he was able to recover almost intact was his last conversation; the one that set it all in motion without him realizing it.

« Not my fault you're a fucking virgin. »

« Oh, because you aren't one either. »

«Not for long when my options are "anything that moves". »

«… I guess you are right on that, but makes me wonder if you can handle it, too. Good luck. »

 The last message seemed different, and too blatant too. Whatever he meant by "good luck"? Asriel simply couldn't compute that this was the consequences of their conversation, maybe in this world his counterpart had a worse argument with him? He tried to reply but no message went through.

 Next, he attempted to reach his family or friends, but not a single profile matched, he would find one, interact with it only for the page to refresh and the account to be from a completely new user, inexistant or his message was rearranged to something else, making the user targeted by Asriel confused on what he meant. It was just like with the doctor, things changing around him in real time at every action he took.

 He truly began to feel trapped in this universe.

 Looking around other websites didn't help either, everything was too positive, violence looked cartoony and most other content seemed non-existent. He tried to find if a safety filter was being applied to the network but it all came back as gibberish to him, whatever tech he knew did not apply to this world either. Anything that could be seen as too "dark" or too "problematic" was gone.

 Asriel felt powerless the more he tried to act against this world only to see his attempts be foiled by something beyond his understanding. But just like he was adamant, he was resourceful, if he couldn't do something he would have someone else do it for him instead. He looked at his calendar and it was Tuesday, so he still had to "go to school" the next morning –that's where he would begin his new plan.

 He would play along and wait for things to break.




 —Wake up sleepy head! —Toriel came crashing to his room just like the previous day—.

 This time Asriel greeted her as her mother, and got ready for school. Toriel even drove him there as an extra gesture, gave him a lascivious kiss and sent him off to class.

 The curriculum was almost like any other, but all seemed to cater to hypersexuality one way or the other. PE class that day was trying to resist cumming for as long as possible via a classmate's hand job, Spanish class had sex as a reward for most things too.

 —Cat means "Gato".

 —Correct Asriel!

 Just doing things as he should granted him some sort of reward, he could either fuck the teacher of be fuck by her.

 But despite this, something felt odd whenever he found conflict or problems. Classmates who answered before him or even the classic school bully, would at one moment be there and disappear at the next, only him remembering these characters as everyone else seemed to have erased them from their memories. Their tables empty with a coin or a piece of paper where they used to sit. A random chair in the hall or a completely different student, more friendly or prompted to support him, like a secondary character on a show.

 He felt like the main character of a videogame as things continued to mold to favour him and his pleasure. In the cafeteria he was able to afford anything he wanted, and clearly Toriel would buy him anything too. And just like in his conversation before this began: He could fuck anything that moved. Enticed by these pleasures, he slowly began to forget his previous life, fully accommodating to the new one as days went by.

 Eventually, the days became weeks and then turned into months, suddenly a year had gone by. Waking up like any other day it was now his birthday.

 The last holidays were a blast, going anywhere he wanted to go and sleeping with whoever he wanted to court –he didn't even have to worry about rejection since anyone who did, always ended up outside of his life, so little by little he surrounded himself with only those who pleased him; both emotionally and sexually.

 So for his birthday he was just as excited. Just from waking up he was greeted by a blowjob from Monty, who had visited him for the occasion. Their friendship growing so close that Asriel could easily overpower him without remorse and use him as a fleshlight to then take turns in fucking the other.

 There was something in Monty he simply couldn't resist, most likely from the power dynamic –since their favourite play was for Asriel to fuck Monty as he sucked himself off and cumming at the same time.

 But that day was extra special, after their quick session Asriel looked around as he cleaned himself and saw that Toriel had already replaced a lot of his things with new ones. He could rarely attach himself to an item before he would ask for the new one, or Toriel would instinctively replace things on her own.

 The smell of cake, pie and other desserts sneaked down the door inviting both to the dining room.

 Toriel also rocked a special attire that day, a cooking apron similar to her usual robes, but with no backside at all. Not to mention it was the only thing she was wearing, exposing her body to anyone who cared to see it.

 Asriel had a thing for his mom for the longest time, since she was one of the few, he never tried to get his way with; mostly afraid he could make her leave or go like all those who did. And since she never made moves with him either, he eventually forgot about it. But that day was clearly different, he knew she wanted him to see her and as you would expect, it happened.

 After a song and some cake, Toriel let go of her apron to reveal her present to Asriel, who gazed at her perfect body, big and curvy with amazing breasts and her thick cock. He wasted no time fucking her mouth without remorse, nor he was reserved when he fucked her from behind while Monty sneaked down the table to suck Toriel's cock. The whole day they tried different positions as well as roles, her dick barely fitting inside Asriel's plumpy hole.

 He never realized it, and almost became a habit for him –but every year he seemed to have the same birthday routine, so enticing and succulent that the idea of realizing it was in fact the same birthday never occurred to him. The patterns and actions were such that he couldn't tell his life was basically an everchanging loop and even though he could do different things every day, his age never changed. Eventually the concept of time had stopped in his world.

 But what he did know was that his most memorable birthdays were those were Toriel was the one waking him up, sometimes feeling her wet pussy cover his dick, or her cock pushing deep inside of him with her classic motherly care that run rampant once he was awake, from time to time it was a deep blowjob that drove him insane or a random titfuck.

 Asriel eventually would add his mom to his list of available partners and even then, it would never cease to feel like a special treat when he did him on her own will.

 One day he even risked it all and fucked her in public just to see how far he could take things, and even after they were taken to a police officer no consequences were faced, either a new one took their place and let them go after a threesome, or they would disappear along with any charges. It always played on his favour regardless of how adventurous he got.

 During plane trips he would have sex with the flight attendant and even the pilot, during guided trips he would find ways to have a quick fuck with the guide or one of the tourists.

 But weirdly enough he would also find times where he could simply relax and have simple fun, he felt young again doing so. Skipping class to play, doing fun projects for science fair –even if he had everything set up for him, he would find ways to push his own boundaries and simply explore his life.

 He had grown a liking for gardening, bug catching and other activities he always wanted to do when he was young, and now the he was young again couldn't skip the chance to try them out.

 Until one day whoever he was, was gone, memories of the past deleted and replaced by a new past with a new future. He was the sweet little goat, Asriel; son of Toriel.

 He would go out and play outside, have fun with his infinite source of toys or waste a full weekend watching videos on the internet from morning till dawn.

 Even his computer, the last bastion that connected him to a previous version of himself ended up cluttered with new data, and that connection was lost for the rest of eternity.

 But when time goes on for too long you begin to lose the concept, the things that once you felt were repeating over and over even with the lowest of variations begin to feel new again and you can't tell what has happened or what is to happen, old experiences feel new again and the cycle continues to repeat itself for all eternity.

 The vacations seem to never cease to amaze you, each visit to the amusement park or trip to the beach, each city you see and park you go to feel like a new experience even when you have been there before.

 But time is real and it goes and flies away, slowly but surely you get to see the evidence of it.

 Over time those who wither disappear, leaving only the timeless behind. Animals and plants change and change, some reclaim the land lost to the human progress that once halted their habitat. Soon the night sky is no longer the same and the stars have one by one gone away from it leaving a dark canvas up above.

 The amusement park, once a vibrant symphony of screams and laughter, now echoed with a hollow amusement. The rusted roller coaster stood skeletal against the fading sun, its paint peeling like forgotten dreams. Now only those who fit the dream worked there, and those who broke the illusion were long gone. Each creak of a rusted swing set, each chipped tile on the carousel, felt both new and heartbreakingly familiar. A child, a flicker of life in this fading tableau, chased a rogue balloon, its laughter a jarring intrusion on the oppressive silence. Yet, to Asriel, it was a captivating melody, as he and everyone else seemed oblivious to this bygone eras.

 The beach, once a paradise of families and friends playing together in the sand, was a desolate beautiful view, the water clean and blue, the air sweet and soft. The ocean, choked by life, the waves crashing gently against the land. Crabs, their shells clean and shiny, scuttled across the desolate expanse. The vibrant coral reefs were full of life, unbothered wildlife making it their home. Yet, occasionally, monsters of some kind wandered there, Asriel would see them and ignore the glaring facts even as he experienced sweet sex on the sand.

 The cities, once towering testaments to human ambition, were crumbling monuments to lost purpose. Buildings, stripped bare by relentless weather and the passage of time. The streets, littered with the detritus of forgotten civilizations, were almost quiet, those who met Asriel would salute him whenever he passed by. Occasionally, a lone figure, another soul trapped in this endless loop, would emerge from the shadows to keep the dream alive, their eyes holding the same vacant amusement that mirrored Asriel's own.

 The parks, now vibrant oases nestled in the heart of the world, were silent sanctuaries. The trees, gnarled and ancient, bore witness to the eons that had passed. The silence was broken only by the rustle of unseen creatures and the sigh of the wind through the leaves. Still, nestled amongst the overgrown fields, a single wildflower bloomed, its fragile beauty a testament to nature's enduring resilience. Asriel would sink to the ground beside it, as he and whoever was with him dived into passionate fornication.

 The night sky, once a tapestry of twinkling stars, was a vast, inky expanse. The stars, one by one, had winked out of existence, leaving only a profound emptiness. The moon, once a beacon of silvery light, was a scarred and pitted orb, its luminescence a dull echo of its former glory. The sense of awe that had once filled anyone as they gazed at the heavens was replaced by a crushing sense of isolation, but Asriel seemed oblivious to it as he was fucked under the now dying light of the moon.

 The concept of time, once a relentless march towards a defined future, had become a meaningless loop. The lines between past, present, and future blurred, their distinction lost in the relentless cycle.

 Eventually the creator of this new world would check on it and see what was of his friend, surprised that even when he was always having the same birthday or having the same classes he never noticed. Amused at the simplicity of men once their wishes are fulfilled.

 He would cast his ethereal magic from time to time to revitalize his reality, but when time has ended nothing lasts and eventually, he also left.

 The man that once was, was gone. His friends, family and loved ones were either new beings or lost. But little it mattered to him as every day he would always have fun, always having things his way and he was always the center of attention.

 As long as he was happy and satisfied, this world would never stop to run its cycles and would always find ways to change in ways that helped support it.

 But even as eons of time go by, the mind rusts too, and it no longer remembers. Until eventually each day was new, each hour unique and each moment different.

 And for what was left of eternity it would remain that way, in a pocket of reality, everything that was left slowly disappearing too. For even eternal life reaches an eventual ending as it closes its eyes not knowing it will be its last as it expects to have fun tomorrow, and the next day as well, as fun is forever in this realm it lives in.

 Maybe one day the creator will return and fix it all, set it all back to where it was or where it should be, but until then the nights of lustful fun and the days of childish fun are gone, as the curtain calls and the show is finally over. A huge bang ends it all and starts it anew and eventually it all is what it was and nothing have changed, tomorrow is a new day for Asriel as the sun shines and it's time for school, I wonder what new adventures will he go through.

 He wakes up and everything is there, brand new and rejuvenated, the birds are singing outside, Monty is doing his thing and as he sees outside his window; a bunch of both monsters and people, both old and new prey, soon to become victims of this twisted world and its hidden powers of sudden transmutation.