Chapter 6- only one

However, Jonathan Serge Drucker really underestimated Clarisse Balas. Even though his words hurt her, she didn't cry. Despite her delicate appearance, she wasn't the kind of girl who cried easily. She just felt so pathetic—her love had been cruelly crushed before it even began. Treat him as a brother? She laughed at herself. She wished their relationship could be as simple as the one she had with Fadrique, purely a brother-sister bond. But could she really do that?

After he said those things, she probably had no choice but to treat him like a brother, right?

Clarisse Balas wandered aimlessly around the campus and happened to run into Farah and her boyfriend, Bruno. Farah was the daughter of a gambling king in the Miami area, while Bruno was a top physics student studying abroad from LA. Farah was lively and adorable, while Bruno was calm and composed. Putting aside their backgrounds, they were a perfect match in both appearance and personality.

In fact, Clarisse Balas and Farah were both from LA, having come to Miami with their families, so they both spoke English and were also fluent in Thai. Despite being the daughter of a gambling king, Farah was very down-to-earth, which was why Clarisse Balas could become friends with her.

Seeing her in this state, Farah quickly ran over.

"Clarisse, what's wrong? Why do you look so down early in the morning?"

Clarisse shook her head.

"I'm fine..."

Farah was smart and, recalling Clarisse's confession about her feelings for Jonathan Serge Drucker the night before, she had an idea of what was going on. She turned to Bruno and said,

"Bruno, I'll stay with Clarisse. You go ahead to class. I'll catch up with you later."

Bruno gave Farah a doting look and walked away. Watching their affectionate interaction, Clarisse Balas felt a pang in her heart.

Farah led her to a quiet bench on campus. Clarisse Balas removed her large glasses, revealing red, swollen eyes, and said sadly,

"Farah, he doesn't like me. He said he has someone he likes back home..."

Farah was furious.

"Our sweet, adorable, and kind Clarisse, and he doesn't like you? That Jonathan Serge Drucker must be out of his mind!"

Farah had a bit of a fiery temperament, and Clarisse protested helplessly,

"Hey, Farah, don't talk about him like that. You can't force feelings!"

Farah gave her a look of frustration.

"He treated you like that, and you're still defending him? I can't believe you!"

Clarisse Balas, looking pitiful, scrunched up her face at Farah's words. Suddenly, Farah leaned in with a mischievous grin,

"Why don't you chase after him? Didn't you say he and that girl are temporarily apart? Go for it and get him before she does!"


Clarisse Balas was almost scared to death by the suggestion, shaking her head vehemently.

"No way! If he doesn't like me, then that's that. As long as he's happy, I'll wish him the best from afar!"

Chase after him? No way. She was content to watch him from a distance and silently wish him well. She wasn't the type to cling to someone obsessively.

"Look at you, scared to death. What's wrong with going after what you want?"

Farah kept trying to persuade Clarisse Balas, who kept shaking her head like a rattle. Farah, frustrated, changed the subject,

"Alright, alright, let's talk about something serious. How about you move off-campus and live with me?"

They were a perfect match, with her lively and him calm. But due to her family's opposition, he had to cruelly break up with her, swearing never to set foot in Miami again. —Does anyone want to hear this tragic story? Haha, I've been fickle lately.

"Ah? Why move out? Aren't we living just fine in the dorm?" Clarisse Balas was puzzled. Farah sat down, uncharacteristically shy.

"Oh, you know Bruno and I are deeply in love. When we're together, we naturally have those kinds of needs. It's so inconvenient in the dorm, we can't go to a hotel every day, can we?"

Clarisse Balas blushed. "Farah, you you you..."

Farah pouted and pleaded, "Clarisse, you're the best. Please help me out. You know if my parents found out I was living with a man outside, they'd break my legs. But if I say I'm living with you, they'd definitely be okay with it!"

Clarisse Balas was very troubled.

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"Isn't that deceiving your parents? I can't do that! You should stay in the dorm. Besides, you two aren't even certain to get married, and if you give yourself to him like that—"

Before Clarisse Balas could finish, Farah burst out laughing.

"Pfft—Clarisse, it's normal for couples in love to be intimate. What does that have to do with marriage?"

Clarisse Balas frowned. Although she and Farah were good friends, she was conservative while Farah was open-minded, so they rarely saw eye to eye on this matter. She strongly disapproved of Farah's pre-marital sexual behavior. Farah begged her,

"Clarisse, Clarisse, please, help me! Think about how great it would be if we moved out. We'd have our own space, and you love cooking, right? You could cook delicious meals every day!"

Clarisse Balas softened. Unable to resist Farah's pleading, she finally said,

"Ah, I really can't say no to you!"

"Clarisse, I love you to death!"

Farah squealed with joy,

"Then it's settled. You don't have to worry about anything else. Bruno and I will handle finding a place and moving. You just wait and enjoy living there!"

"Got it, got it. Now go find your Bruno!"

Clarisse Balas couldn't do anything with her, and Farah giggled and ran off happily.

Clarisse Balas sighed softly and headed back to the dorm. She usually stayed in the dorm on weekdays and went home on weekends. She decided to interact with him in the simplest way from now on, but she didn't realize that some things were beyond her control.

When Clarisse Balas arrived home on Saturday morning, she saw Cesar Rollin Balas' car parked at the entrance as she got out of her vehicle. Cesar Rollin Balas, Fadrique, and Jonathan Serge Drucker got out of the car. She immediately noticed Jonathan Serge Drucker's white shirt covered in blood and rushed over in shock.

"Jonathan, are you hurt?"

Cesar Rollin Balas cleared his throat, reminding her,

"Clarisse, Fadrique is the one who got hurt. Jonathan got all that blood on him while helping to bandage Fadrique!"

Clarisse Balas was stunned and quickly turned to check on Fadrique. She saw Fadrique's arm bandaged and blood seeping through. Concerned, she asked,

"Fadrique, are you okay?"

Fadrique, looking annoyed, shook off her hand and walked away briskly. Clarisse Balas watched his angry retreat, biting her lip in frustration. She knew she had hurt Fadrique with her reaction, but she couldn't help herself. It wasn't that she didn't care about Fadrique's safety; she just loved that man too much, so he was the only one she saw.