Chapter 8- meet by chance

Clarisse felt incredibly awkward seeing Jonathan's mocking and impatient expression. She knew he had overheard her conversation with Fadrique, especially her confession that she was content just to love him silently. Unable to bear the look of derision on his face, she lowered her eyes and hurried past him, head bowed.

Clarisse had never hated herself more than she did at that moment. She despised her own stubborn infatuation. The more she tried to let go, the more she found herself thinking about him.

After running away, Clarisse went to see Cesar to discuss moving out of the school dormitory to live with Farah. Cesar, who always pampered her, didn't question her decision much, especially since he knew Farah's father. He just wanted them to be happy and agreed to her request.

As Clarisse was about to leave, Cesar sighed, "What's going on with everyone lately? Jonathan just told me he wants to move out, and now you. I guess old people really aren't welcome anymore!"

Clarisse felt a sharp pain in her heart. Jonathan wanted to move out too? Probably to avoid any further contact with her. Maybe this was for the best. If they didn't see each other, perhaps she could finally forget him. She forced a smile and reassured Cesar, "Dad, I'm just moving out of the dormitory. I'll still come home on weekends or whenever I have free time to visit you!"

She had initially thought about moving back to the main house to take care of Cesar properly, but since the housekeeper Maya was there, she dismissed the idea. Maya, a kind and devoted woman, had been with them since they moved to Miami. Clarisse could see Maya's deep affection for Cesar. Since Cesar had been single for so long, Clarisse hoped he could find happiness with Maya. This was also why she chose to live on campus, to give them a chance to spend time together alone.

As Clarisse was leaving, Maya came out with a large food box.

"Clarisse, are you leaving? I made some food for you. Take it back to share with your friends at the dormitory."

"Thank you, Maya. Please take good care of my dad," she said, accepting the food box with a sweet smile. Maya, a bit embarrassed, nodded.

Clarisse and Farah moved out a week later. The house Farah and Bruno found was a cozy two-story building near their school. Clarisse only had to bring her belongings. After dropping her off, Farah and Bruno left, leaving Clarisse to settle in. The house was indeed warm and inviting, but it needed cleaning. She set down her luggage and started tidying up.

After cleaning, Clarisse took a large pile of trash to the bin outside. As she was returning, a car pulled up next door, and the person who got out made her eyes widen in shock.

"Jonathan? What are you doing here?"

The person who got out of the car was Jonathan, who had moved here a week ago. Upon seeing her, Jonathan's stern face instantly showed a look of intense annoyance. A cold smile curled at the corner of his mouth.

"Clarisse, shouldn't I be the one asking what you're doing here?"

He had moved out to avoid her, yet she had followed him here. It was really like a ghost that wouldn't leave. What made it worse was that she put on an innocent look.


"I'm living here with my classmate..."

Clarisse didn't understand why he spoke so harshly. She hadn't done anything to provoke him, had she?

Jonathan felt only rage after hearing her words.

"Clarisse Balas, I thought I made myself clear, but I didn't expect you'd still cling to me and move here!"

Since coming to Miami, Jonathan's temperament had become irritable and ruthless. Recently, he had been following Cesar around, getting used to various things, which left him utterly exhausted. Seeing her next door filled him with such anger that he lost all reason, and his words came out harshly.

"You live here too?"

Clarisse was taken aback and quickly understood the reason for his rage. He thought she had moved here to follow him. Not wanting him to misunderstand, she hurried to explain,

"It's not like that, Jonathan, listen to me—"

But Jonathan had no interest in hearing her explanation. He shot her a fierce glare, slammed the car door shut, and stormed into his house. The loud bang of the door scared Clarisse, making her heart tremble. Following that, she felt a deep sense of grievance.

The house was found by Farah; she knew nothing about it. If she had known he lived here, she wouldn't have moved in, no matter what. She also wanted to let go of him, to not make things difficult for him, but who could have guessed fate would play such a trick on her? The more she tried to escape, the more it seemed to tie them together.

Thinking of the annoyance and mockery on his face just now, tears blurred her eyes. In his eyes, she was someone who clung to him desperately. Feeling heartbroken, she stood in the yard, biting her lip to keep her tears from falling.

Back home, Jonathan Serge Drucker went to his second-floor bedroom to change clothes. From the window, he saw her standing despondently in the yard next door, full of grievance and seemingly on the verge of tears. Irritated, he threw his coat on the floor and went to the bathroom. He clearly hated her clingy behavior, so why did seeing her looking so pitiful make him feel guilty?

After entering the house, Clarisse couldn't hold back her tears any longer and cried silently for a long time. When Farah returned, she immediately noticed Clarisse's red, swollen eyes.

"Clarisse, why are you crying?"

Clarisse wiped her tears and turned away, but Farah anxiously turned her back.

"What happened? Who bullied you?"

Clarisse sniffed and spoke softly,

"Jonathan... lives next door..."

"Jonathan Serge Drucker?"

Farah looked shocked. Clarisse nodded, "I saw him when I went out to take the trash..."

Farah frowned and asked,

"Then why are you crying like this?"

Farah's question made Clarisse's nose sting again.

"He said... I moved here to cling to him..."


Farah was furious.

"How arrogant! Why didn't you explain to him?"

Clarisse said sadly,

"He wouldn't listen..."

"This is outrageous!"

Farah cursed angrily, then pulled Clarisse up from her seat.

"Come with me. We'll explain about the house and make him apologize!"

"No need..."

Clarisse didn't want to go. He didn't want to see her, and if she demanded an apology, he'd only hate her more. But she couldn't resist Farah, so she was dragged out.