Chapter 18- enemies meet

Clarisse was surprised to hear the man say this. She hadn't expected that this handsome and young man would have a leg problem. The young man, however, didn't seem to mind at all. He smiled and said, "It's a residual effect from a childhood accident."

His candidness made Clarisse feel a bit embarrassed, so she raised her eyebrows and smiled gently, "Oh, I see..."

Seeing her charming smile, the young man involuntarily became more talkative, "Are you here for treatment?"

Clarisse shook her head, "No, I'm here with my father."

"What's wrong with your father? I'm the vice director here, maybe I can help you!" The man pointed to his badge as if afraid she wouldn't believe him. Clarisse looked up and was momentarily stunned. The badge read: Vice Director Wooden Drucker.

Drucker? His last name was also Drucker? This instantly reminded her of someone, but that person had never spoken to her so gently or smiled at her so openly. Yet, she associated him with just a surname.

Seeing her melancholic expression, the man bent slightly, about to ask what was wrong, when a voice interrupted, "Vice Director, Vice Director, why are you still here? Our meeting is about to start!"

A secretary-like man rushed over, holding a stack of files. Seeing the man with a girl in such a secluded place, and with such a gentle expression, he was momentarily stunned, "Vice Director, what are you..."

The man shot the secretary a glance, straightened up, and said to Clarisse, "Sorry, I have to rush to the meeting. If you need anything, just go to my office."

Clarisse felt moved by his warmth and eagerness to help despite being the vice director. She quickly waved her hand, "It's okay, you go ahead!"

The man smiled and turned to leave. Because of his leg issue, he walked with some difficulty, with his secretary occasionally assisting him. Yet, this did not diminish his charm. Wherever he walked, whether it was nurses or female patients, they all screamed in excitement.

Luckily, his car had pulled up nearby. As he bent to get in, he glanced back at Clarisse. Clarisse smiled and waved to him. She sighed, thinking to herself, perhaps this was the beauty of imperfection.

Wooden Drucker got into the car without immediately checking the documents in his hand for the upcoming meeting. Instead, he leaned against the window, rubbing his forehead with one hand to calm the strange emotions in his heart. The girl's lively turn, her shy smile, her rosy lips, clear eyes, her kind and innocent nature, unexpectedly struck a chord in him.

He, who had always kept his distance from women, found himself chatting with her unusually. Especially when he saw her melancholic expression just now, he felt a surge of pity. He wished he had magic, so he could instantly erase the sadness in her eyes. He thought, after the meeting, he would have someone check the girl's name. Rarely had he been so interested in a girl.

Jonathan arrived at Cesar Rollin Balas's ward door and didn't see Clarisse. His handsome eyebrows furrowed. Where did she go? Didn't he tell her to wait here obediently? She was unfamiliar here, what if she got lost?

But after turning around, he found his worry was unnecessary. Through the window of the corridor, he saw her smiling and talking to a man. When that man turned around, his eyes suddenly darkened. Wooden Drucker? Was she deliberately stirring up trouble? In just a short time, she was already getting along so well with Wooden Drucker?

When Clarisse returned to the door of Cesar Rollin Balas's ward, she saw Jonathan waiting there with a grim expression. She thought something was wrong with Cesar Rollin Balas's condition, so she hurried over to him and asked, "Jonathan, why do you look so upset? Is there something wrong with Dad's condition?"

Jonathan looked at her innocent expression and wished he could strangle her on the spot. But why blame her for being innocent? Blame her excessive beauty instead, always effortlessly attracting other men. Just because you don't appreciate her beauty doesn't mean other men don't. But he couldn't really strangle her, so he just said coldly, "The doctor is in consultation. I'll take you back to the hotel."

After saying that, he walked away quickly. Although Clarisse wanted to stay and wait for news, she couldn't help but follow him, considering his gloomy face.

In the taxi to the hotel, Jonathan remained silent with a cold expression. Clarisse didn't dare to speak either. He had been quite gentle with her when they came from Miami, so why was he suddenly so icy?

After completing the check-in procedure at the hotel, they took the elevator to their respective rooms. When the elevator stopped on the first floor, and the people inside got out, Clarisse was about to step in when she noticed Jonathan suddenly stopping in his tracks. Then she heard him mutter painfully, "Catherine?"

Clarisse stiffened instantly. She hadn't forgotten. That time when he was drunk and kissed her, he called out that name, Catherine.

She looked up and saw a stunningly beautiful woman in a gorgeous purple dress, accompanying a seemingly gentle middle-aged man with glasses. They seemed to be heading to some event.

The expression on the woman's face was also one of astonishment and embarrassment. Clarisse looked back at Jonathan, who was now full of anger and pain. When she looked down, she saw his hand clenched tightly beneath him, with veins bulging from anger. She gently covered his hand with hers and said, "Jonathan?"

After a moment of embarrassment, the woman in purple turned away, holding the arm of the middle-aged man, intending to leave. But the middle-aged man deliberately stopped and, as if claiming possession, embraced the woman in purple, looking at Jonathan with a mocking smile and said, "Jonathan? You've ruined my good plan. I haven't settled the score with you yet, but you've come to me on your own!"

Yes, the middle-aged man was Bertram, and he was referring to the incident where Jonathan saved Cesar Rollin Balas.

"If you're capable, come at me!" Jonathan retorted without backing down, his tone filled with cold sarcasm. These days, he had learned to hide and endure his emotions when facing enemies.

Bertram wasn't angered by his words but burst into laughter instead. However, his eyes behind his glasses kept flickering towards Clarisse beside Jonathan. Clarisse shrank behind Jonathan as she felt his gaze, surprised that this seemingly gentle man could be so despicable.

This only darkened his gaze, and he boldly stepped forward, reaching out to touch Clarisse's face, "The girl behind you looks quite innocent. The feeling of having her beneath you must be exhilarating. How about you let me have some fun with her, and we'll call it even—ah—"

Before his hand could touch her tender skin, he let out a scream of pain as Jonathan intercepted, twisting his wrist ruthlessly. If Jonathan hadn't considered that they were here for Cesar Rollin Balas's treatment and couldn't afford to make a scene, Bertram's wrist would have been broken by now. Jonathan held Bertram firmly, his eyes gleaming with coldness.

"My woman isn't for anyone to touch as they please!"

After Jonathan released Bertram, who was sweating profusely from the pain, his gaze fell on Catherine standing nearby. Catherine's expression clearly showed a moment of embarrassment. Just now, when he said not every woman of his was for Bertram to touch as he pleased, it was like slapping her face hard. He was clearly mocking her for her past infidelity.

When did he become so harsh with his words? He had always been indulgent and lenient towards her. Even though she had left him in the past, he had never treated her so cruelly. Catherine's eyes, filled with resentment, welled up with tears.

After Bertram regained his freedom, he angrily shouted at Jonathan, "Jonathan, you wait for me. I'll settle scores with you for old and new!"

Jonathan just smirked coldly and said nothing as Bertram rudely dragged Catherine away.

Watching Catherine stumbling alongside Bertram, a pang of pain flashed through Jonathan's eyes. Catherine, I didn't mean to be so harsh just now. I was just provoked by Bertram and lost my temper. How could I not know that you left because you didn't want to burden me?

As he was about to step into the elevator, he realized that he was still holding Clarisse, who looked extremely frightened. Her face was pale, devoid of color.

Her fragile appearance, unable to withstand any harm, made him feel frustrated. He loosened his grip on her shoulder, but she tightly grasped his sleeve, looking at him with fear in her eyes, "Jonathan, that man just now was so scary..."

Her long eyelashes trembled, as if blinking would make tears roll down her cheeks. Jonathan's urge to shake off her hand instantly vanished. He hated how her pitiful appearance always moved him. But in the end, he lowered his gaze and looked at her small hand tightly clutching his sleeve. He gently took her hand and led her into the elevator.

It wasn't until the warmth of Jonathan's palm spread into hers that Clarisse felt her body relax slightly. She had been genuinely frightened just now. Protected well by Fadrique since childhood, she had never been subjected to such disrespectful behavior before.

From inside the elevator, she saw herself being led by him, and her cheeks couldn't help but blush slightly. Jonathan could only pretend to ignore her girlish shyness. When they reached the door of her room, he released her and commanded lightly, "Stay in the room this afternoon and don't wander around. I'll take you out for dinner tonight."


Clarisse replied softly and returned to her room. Jonathan's room was opposite hers. After putting away his luggage, he left again.

In the afternoon, Jonathan went to see his mother, Samantha. After arriving in Miami, he had called Samantha to let her know he was safe. He didn't dare to tell Samantha that he had embarked on an irreversible path, only saying that the school had sent him to Miami for studies.

Because he was afraid Samantha would notice something wrong, he only briefly met with her, left some money for her, and then left. He swore to become strong and flawless, to make Morris Drucker and Samantha look at him differently, and to make Bertram pay for everything he had done.