Chapter 31- Clarisse, how dare you!

In the hospital operating room, Clarisse lay on the operating table, her face pale, waiting for the doctor to come and anesthetize her. Her decision yesterday was to terminate the pregnancy, let him go, and fulfill his relationship with Catherine. Although she loved him deeply, she felt exhausted by his constant disregard, which left her heartbroken.

As a devout Buddhist, she knew she shouldn't take a life, but she felt she had no other choice now. Last night, she went to pray to Buddha, sincerely repenting in front of the deity, hoping Buddha would forgive her this one sin.

For some reason, the anesthetist hadn't arrived yet. She lay there with her eyes tightly closed, biting her lip and clenching her fists by her sides, forcing herself to endure the waves of sadness. Every second on that operating table added to her heartache.