Chapter 101- A story

Throughout the journey, her mood was very gloomy. She had never imagined she would find herself in such a dilemma. The driver Jonathan had sent was already waiting at the airport. After picking up the three of them, she instructed the driver to first take her to Jonathan's place. The reasons were twofold: to drop off Agente and to retrieve the ring Wooden had given her. Jonathan had mentioned a few days ago that he had left it at home. She wanted to take it back to him that evening when Wooden came over.

When Wooden arrived in the evening, she was just putting the last dish on the table. She had prepared all of Wooden's favorite dishes; the meal was sumptuous but carried a somewhat final, farewell air.

"Annie, you're finally back. Do you know how much I missed you?" 

Wooden's demeanor was the same as before. As he spoke, he reached out to embrace her. She took a slight step back to avoid his hug and said, 

"Wooden, I have something to tell you!"