ch 7 < round meeting and gelmud >

Right now, we are in a meeting room discussing the orcs.

All the executives are sitting around a big rectangular table, with Rimuru and me seated in the middle.

"I saw 200,000 orcs. The main army is moving north along the river.

Based on the movements of this army and a detached force, I expect they will regroup in the marshlands east of here," Souei reported.

"In the Lizardmen's territory, you mean?" Rigurd asked.

"Two hundred thousand, huh? That's such a huge number it's hard to even imagine it," Rimuru said.

"But it's still manageable," Karna said carefreely.

"Because it's no big deal. Just me alone can take care of it." Everyone's eyes widened.

"Aren't you underestimating them a bit too much?" Rimuru asked.

"Nope, I really want to test a ridiculously overpowered skill that I acquired not too long ago, on the orcs."

"I already have a bad feeling about this." Rimuru got goosebumps when he saw Karna smiling.

"Do you know something about why the orcs are following Clayman?" Rimuru asked.

"There is an Orc Lord." Everyone, except for Rimuru and me, gasped in shock.

"An Orc Lord? What's that?"When I was about to answer, Souei reacted to something.

"What is it, Souei?" Rimuru asked."One of the body doubles I had scouting the area has made an encounter.

They request an audience with you," Souei said.

"Let her in, Souei," I said.


Then the middle of the table glowed green. A flower grew, and vines appeared.

They wrapped around each other, making a cocoon, and from the cocoon, Treyni appeared.

"Rulers of monsters, and all those who are loyal to them, forgive me for this unannounced visit.

I am Treyni, a Dryad. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

"I'm Rimuru Tempest. Um, Treyni-san."

"It's nice to see you again, Treyni-san."

"Yes, it is, Karna-sama." Everyone was in disbelief to hear her call me with "sama."

"Could you please get off the table?" I asked.

"Oh, my apologies." She got off the table and sat on an empty chair.

I then explained to Rimuru how I became acquainted with Treyni.

"Did you come because of the Orc Lord?"

The Dryad confirmed our suspicions and asked me to suppress the Orc Lord because treants and dryads would be in their path sooner or later.

"Wait, wait, what is this Orc Lord?" Rimuru asked.

"It's like an orc leader which is born after many centuries. It's also more powerful," I replied.

"O-Oh, does it have any skills that we should be aware of?"

"It has a unique skill called Starved," Karna said.


"Yup, it has the ability to influence everyone that serves under him.

Like brainwashing, they would eat everything that comes in their path, including their own comrades.

Just like your Predator skill, they could also gain the strength and skills of whoever they eat. They would feel constant, insatiable hunger.

The orcs would have no other purpose than to keep eating and gain power," I answered.

"I see. So how are we going to deal with them?"

As Rimuru said that, all eyes turned to me.

"W-What are you looking at me for?"

"You're the strongest among us, so you will plan how to deal with this."

I could see Rimuru pushing all his problems on me.

"F-Fine," I said. "The people that are going to battle are me, Rimuru, Benimaru, Shion, Hakuro, Souei, Ranga, Rigurd, Gobta, and some more goblin riders.

Rimuru and I will be fighting the Orc Lord-"

"E-Eh? Why am I the one fighting the Orc Lord?" Rimuru protested.

"The Orc Lord is close to becoming the Orc Disaster."

Everyone, except for Rimuru and me, flinched hearing this.

"What's that?" Rimuru asked.

Sometimes I wonder if Great Sage is wasted on him...

"It's a demon lord seed rank being of Orc species .

You will obtain it if you devour him. You remember why you need it, right?"

"Fine, I will fight the Orc Lord," Rimuru gave in.

I then prepared a battle plan to have the battle in the Lizardmen territory, and for that, I called Souei to act as a messenger for the alliance.

"I'm gonna make a weapon for Rimuru." I disappeared from my seat and appeared inside the blacksmith's workshop.

What I didn't know was that Kaijin and Kurobe, hearing me, immediately ran out of the meeting room and headed straight to their workshop.

I used Orichalcum and the power of logic to create a purple katana for Rimuru. It took more than 20 hours to create the katana.

Kaijin and Kurobe, surprisingly, did not sleep. They must've really wanted to watch me finish it.

"Finally, I'm done!" As I said that, the two blacksmiths collapsed and fell asleep.

Then I gave the purple katana to Rimuru, who was actually happy to receive it.

Let's go to the marshlands.We all rode on the wolves and headed to the Lizardmen tribe.

We set up camps during the night and took breaks when the wolves were tired. As we were closing in on our destination.

Souei used thought communication.

('Karna-sama, Rimuru-sama, a moment?')

('What's up, Souei?') Rimuru asked.

('I've come across two groups currently engaged in battle. One of them is a personal guard to the Lizardman chieftain.

She appears to be fighting a high-ranking orc. There are also over 15 orcs surrounding her. What action shall I take?')

He reported.('Kill all the orcs, Souei,') I ordered.

Rimuru looked surprised by this statement.('Hai.')

"Do you really think he can kill them all?" Rimuru asked me.

After a while, we arrived at the bloody scene. There were orc corpses lying everywhere. We went to Souei, who was supporting the chieftain's daughter on the ground.

"She is gravely injured," he said as Rimuru walked over and fed her a full potion.

She tried to cough it off."Don't worry, it's a healing potion," Rimuru said, and she drank the rest of the potion.

Her wounds quickly healed, and she got up, confused.

"M-My wound... I thought it was fatal," she looked at us.

"Wh-Who are you?""I am Rimuru Tempest, and this is my brother, Karna Tempest."

He pointed at me. When she heard that, she instantly prostrated herself.

"I must ask a favor of you! Please save my father, the Lizardman chieftain, and my idiot brother Gabiru!" she begged.

After hearing what Gabiru did, I said, "Souei, use your shadow movement and go save the chieftain."

"Hai," he instantly disappeared."The rest of us will continue our march!"

At the marshlands.

we had a bird's-eye view of the unfolding chaos below.

Thousands of orcs encircled Gabiru and his men. I turned to my companions.

"Raiga, Ranga, and the goblin riders, go save that idiot Gabiru.

The rest of you can rampage as much as you want. But remember, don't kill too many..

Everyone clear on that?"

"Then go!"

They charged into battle.

Rimuru and I spread our wings, taking flight. From above, we witnessed colossal black flame domes annihilating thousands of orcs, repeating the destruction.

Ranga and raiga unleashed their skill , conjuring tornadoes and lightning that tore through the orc ranks.

Hakuro sliced them like sashimi, and Shion wielded her Hercules Edge with deadly precision, occasionally glancing up at us, waving enthusiastically.

"Ugh, I told them to leave some for me!" I grumbled to Rimuru.

"Hahaha, looks like they're eager to impress," he chuckled.

< they already killed too many . The casualty on Orc side reach 50k. So I refrained on killing more. As most of the orcs are innocent >.

"Well then, they should see what their masters are capable of," I grinned wickedly when karna saw gelmud flying towards gabiru.

"You sure about this?" Rimuru asked skeptically.

"Yup, what's the worst that could happen?

"Soon i approached gelmud , delivering a swift kick to his face.

He soared fifty meters, screaming and land near gabiru.

Gabiru spotted him."Oh! It's Gelmud-sama! Have you come to aid us?"

Gabiru exclaimed.

"You useless idiot!"

"Huh?" Gabiru and his companions looked bewildered."

Just become fodder for the Orc Lord already! A useless fool like you will only be a nuisance! So be devoured and become his strength—"

Before he could finish his villainous speech, I landed before him, cratering the ground.

"Shut up," I lazily interjected.

"W-Who do you think you are to address the great Gelmud-sama like that! I am a superior majin !"

Gelmud struggled in my grasp.

"A superior what? You're nothing but an insect,"

I retorted coldly, delivering a magic-infused punch to his face.

"Ugghhh!!"Gelmud groaned in pain as I sent him flying.

Yet, Karna wasn't finished; he reappeared behind Gelmud, preventing his fall, and struck again.




The onslaught continued, each blow disfiguring Gelmud's face viciously. Karna toyed with him like a ragdoll, keeping him airborne.

As he writhed in agony mid-air, Gelmud screamed, "I have the backing of a demon lord! You lowlife! He will end you!..

Karna then seized Gelmud's leg, slamming his body repeatedly into the ground.






Stop please . I beg you. Gelmud screamed..

Rimuru and even some of my subordinates watched with pity while Shion praised me for the punishment I delivered.

I slammed Gelmud into the ground again and again until bones audibly cracked.

"Uggghhhh!!"Gelmud could do nothing but groan in pain.

I lifted him by the throat.

"What will you do with him?" Rimuru asked, approaching me.

"I'll feed him to the Orc Lord," I declared. Rimuru looked disgusted.

"Oh, the Orc Lord will become a demon lord seed if he consumes Gelmud," I assured him confidently.

"Are you sure about that?" Rimuru questioned, ignoring Gelmud's panic.

"Absolutely. Trust me," I said, turning to the Orc Lord. "Hey, big guy!" The Orc Lord turned his attention to me.

"Here, devour this fool," I snapped Gelmud's neck and hurled him toward the Orc Lord.

The Orc Lord immediately began consuming his former master.

As Gelmud was consumed, a massive, ominous aura surged from the Orc Lord.

"Roarrr, I am the Orc Disaster! I am the one who will devour all in this world! My name is Geld, Geld the Demon Lord!" he proclaimed.

"Go get 'em, Brother!" I cheered, standing proudly beside Benimaru I will provide support.

"Karna-sama, are you certain about this?" Benimaru asked cautiously.


Author Note- if you like my work. Provide some power stones.