Details About Multiverse

"So this Universe also depends on the Beasts known as Kamodo," Sharky nodded with understanding.

"Yes, but in this Universe, when Kamodo is present on the Earth. They are utterly dependent on their partners. Only their partners can read spells from the Grimoire. Through a strong bond, they can unleash powerful and unique spells. Losing a battle means the Kamodo returns to the Kamodo World, eliminated from the King Crown Race." Professor Timex explained.

"But when they return back to their Kamodo world from the earth. Then they became incredibly potent beings. Unlike Earth, where they relied on human partners to use their abilities, within their home world, they merged with their Grimoires and unlocked their true potential. Even a single seemingly ordinary Kamodo was equivalent to a thousand times the power of normal human beings."

Sharky nodded, then he pointed to one of the big colossal leaves on the Beasts Multiverse branch, "Why is this one Universe so big, Professor?" This leaf is adorned with cosmic patterns. And its design almost looks similar to the Beast Multiverse branch.

"This universe is known as the Beast Universe, and it serves as the central hub of the Beast Multiverse. While other Multiverses control nearly 3000 universes, the Beast Multiverse consists of just 1666 universes."

He continued, "The reason for this is because the Beast Universe was formed by the fusion of 1111 universes. It's inhabited by different types of creatures, each one unique on their own. Including humans, elves, druids, dragons, phoenixes, orcs, goblins, dwarves, and more."

"This universe is essentially divided into two major factions," The professor elaborated. "One consists of the humanized characters like dwarves, elves, druids, goblins, titans, giants, orcs, and, of course, humans themselves. The other camp comprises more beastly creatures, including dragons, phoenixes, vermilions, rocs, and species of cats like lions and tigers."

"The Titans are powerful beings known for their strength and peaceful nature. These beings manage approximately 100 worlds where their focus revolves around essential aspects of life—farming, eating, and sleeping. But while trading with others, they have the ability to reduce their size." Professor takes a little breath, before continuing.

"So, they were powerful beings with Way Big like height," Sharky nodded after understanding about the Titan.

"Then there are the giants," Professor continued, "A unique crossbreed between titans and others can be quite arrogant and have struggled with their identity as mixed-breed beings, resulting in smaller sizes compared to titans. Nevertheless, they still tower over humans, with baby giants measuring up to 6 feet in height. Upon reaching adulthood, their size ranges from 10 to 50 meters, determined by their genetic lineage."

"Then comes the Elves, who are renowned for their ethereal beauty. Elves inhabit homes crafted from trees, and each of their forested towns centers around a World Tree. This extraordinary tree, with just one leaf, possesses the power to grant life to a person on the brink of death. By blending a thousand leaves together to create a potion, one can transform a regular human into a magical being."

Professor Timex then ventured into more secret details. "If you take a single branch from the World Tree and mix it with a hundred thousand leaves to create a potion, you can instantly turn a human into an Elf."

He continued, "The World Tree has another vital use. Crafting a potion from it grants the ultimate powers comparable to those of a half-immortal. This endows them with a lifespan and strength ten times greater than that of an average Elf. However, they do not become Elves but rather Dark Elves, driven by insatiable greed for power and the corruption of the World Tree's beauty."

"How cruel can someone become? But this is also human nature," Sharky was shocked, but he nodded with understanding.

Professor Timex nodded with him, "Indeed, it poses a threat to the Elves. But the Elves were not left on the mercy. They have the remarkable ability to communicate with the forest. This gift enables them to protect their homes and maintain harmony within their surroundings."

"The lifespan of a typical Elf is a minimum of five thousand years. And some of the Elves also manage to learn Time Magic. Although every Elf is born with the innate gift of plant magic. But the Elves, who gain control over time. They get an increased position in their life and become the Royal Elves."

"They are also known as the Protectors of the World Tree, guarding against the numerous threats that endanger both the World Tree and the Elven race."

And like that, Professor Timex explained to him about the Druid Species, Goblin Species and Dwarf Species.

Knowing that many stroner races exist, Sharky couldn't help but ask a question. "Professor, with all these powerful races like Titans, Giants, Elves, Druids, Goblins, and Dwarves, why can humans dominate the Beast Universe?"

Professor Timex nodded, understanding Sharky's curiosity. He began to explain, "It's a complex matter, Sharky. While the other races you mentioned, like Titans, Giants, Elves, and Druids, have incredible powers and long lifespans, humans possess unique qualities that have allowed them to flourish and ultimately dominate the Beast Universe."

Professor Timex continued l, "Moreover this Universe is known as the Beast Universe. It is because humans have a unique system for harnessing the powers of magical creatures. When a human befriends and tames a magical beast, their powers combine. For instance, if a human befriends a powerful Space Phoenix, they gain the ability to fly into space. If they befriend the Time Turtle, they can navigate through time. And if they form a bond with a Void Dragon, they can create their own void, enabling them to travel freely."

Sharky nodded with understanding, "So, humans essentially become powerful by forming bonds with these magical creatures, gaining their abilities?"

"Yes, exactly," Professor Timex confirmed. "Humans have established a profound connection with the magical creatures in the Beast Universe, and by doing so, they've become the dominant species. Their ability to bond with and harness the powers of these creatures has given them an edge."

Professor Timex's focus shifted to another branch of the Universal Tree. "As we've discussed the Beast Multiverse, it's time to explore another."

"This Multiverse is known as the Ninja Multiverse. Each universe features its own set of Ninja with unique powers. Like the Hokage Universe, where Tailed Beasts exist, and their students learn the art of Ninja techniques, aspiring to become Hokage."

"Then, there is the Jujutsu Universe. Zombie Ninja Universe, where humans use their Ninja skills to battle zombies. These zombies contain magical orbs that enhance the humans' Ninja abilities," Professor Timex continued, pointing out various leaves on the Universal Tree.

"Every universe within the Ninja Multiverse possesses its own set of Ninja techniques and unique powers."

Next, Professor Timex directed his attention to another branch on the Universal Tree. "This is the Power Heroes Multiverse. In this multiverse, heroes harness their powers through special Power Heroes devices to protect the Earth from bizarre alien threats."

"Each universe within the Power Heroes Multiverse features its own distinct team of Power Heroes. There's the Power Watch Force, who come from the future to defeat enemies with time-based powers. Power Mech Force utilizes futuristic technology to battle aliens in their universe. Power Mystic Force harnesses magical powers to fend off otherworldly creatures."

"Power Jungle Force taps into animal powers unique to their universe, while Power Dino Force harnesses the might of dinosaurs."

Professor Timex went on, "In each universe, the Power Heroes team forms their own Mech to face off against aliens, magical creatures, and bizarre threats."

He then pointed towards another branch, indicating a new area of interest. "Now, let's explore the Soul Multiverse, it is also near our Universe."

"In this Multiverse, there are various creatures, including Hollows, Arrancars, Ghosts, and Shinigami. Each universe contains its own unique set of these entities," Professor Timex continued.

"The central control of this Multiverse is the Bleach Universe," he explained. "In this universe, if someone dies and doesn't proceed to the Soul Society, they become Hollows, whose primary goal is to consume the souls in the human world."

"To maintain balance in the human world, the Soul Society trains good souls to become Shinigami fighters. These Shinigami venture into the human world to combat Hollows using their special weapons called Shikai. If they need even more power, their Shikai can evolve into a Bankai, which is used to defeat Arrancars."

Professor Timex then shifted his focus to another branch on the Universal Tree, he continued, "The Delta Captain Multiverse is a vast and intricate collection of universes within the Delta Captain Universe. It's a realm filled with superheroes, supervillains, and a wide array of powerful characters."

He elaborated, "In this Multiverse, you'll find iconic figures like Superhuman, Wonder Girl, Speed, and many more, each with their unique set of superhuman abilities and a rich backstory."

Professor Timex explained the complexity of the DC Multiverse, saying, "What makes the DC Multiverse so captivating is its interconnected universes. There isn't just one version of each superhero; there are multiple, each with its own variations and distinct storyline."

"To manage this intricate web of universes, DC introduced the concept of the 'Multiverse,' where each universe exists independently, often with its own set of heroes and villains," he continued.

Then Professor Timex shifted to some special Multiverses. He didn't even dare to go there, and only observe from very far.

He gestured Sharky towards a holographic display, on its leaves showing the different types of energies that were gathered inside the seven different balls. Each one has different numbers of stars. "Sharky, let me show you a glimpse of a truly extraordinary Multiverse – the Dragon Multiverse."

As the images unfolded, Sharky witnessed universes interconnected like an intricate web. "In this vast expanse," the professor began, "each universe has its own set of Dragon Orbs, mystical orbs with immense power. The Dragon Orbs come, whenever a Dragon sacrifices himself. These Dragon Orbs grant powers when gathered, unleashing forces that can reshape reality."

"Across these universes, powerful warriors engage in epic battles. And different races with their own technique they learn become stronger. One such formidable race is the Asuras race; they delve into their power and become the Super Asuras."

The holographic display then shifted to showcase diverse characters and realms. "These universes host powerful and enigmatic deities, the Supreme Gods and Gods of Destruction," Professor Timex continued. "There is also a Super Dragon Orbs, which can complete the Multiversal level wish."

As the holographic scenes played out, Sharky couldn't help but be captivated by the dynamic and colorful world of the Dragon Multiverse.

"Amazing Professor, this was really amazing. They can continuously become strong." Sharky was impressed knowing about this Universe.

"No Sharky, the real amazing Multiverse is this," Professor Timex pointed to holographic projections displaying serene landscapes and meditating figures. "Sharky, this Multiverse is the Cultivation Multiverse – a realm where beings harness the energies of the cosmos to attain unparalleled strength and enlightenment."

The holograms painted a vivid picture of practitioners cultivating in various universes. "In this Multiverse," the professor explained, "They follow paths like the Dao, seeking harmony with the universe to ascend to higher realms of existence."

"The Cultivators undergo rigorous training, mastering techniques to control elements, manipulate life force, and even defy the laws of physics. Some reached the levels where they can transcend mortality, becoming beings of incredible power."

As the holographic display shifted, Sharky saw worlds with floating mountains, ancient sects, and martial arts tournaments. "These universes are teeming with martial artists, immortals, and cultivators striving for enlightenment," the professor elaborated. "The pursuit of strength is still a mystery, how much stronger they can become."

"Thank you, Professor. It's incredible to learn about these Multiverses," Sharky nodded with understanding.

"So Sharky, after seeing this, which Multiverse do you want to travel to?" Professor asked.

"Professor, which Multiverse is near to us?" Sharky asked.

"Well there are two Multiverses near us, one is Plague Multiverse which is always attacking our Universe. So Sharky 1000, Emma 10, Bad Sharky, Mad Sharky and Nega Sharky are now guarding it. But it is not good for traveling." Professor explained about the nearby Multiverse.

"And second is the Marvelous Multiverse, there is a very interesting character, this universe is focused on—" Professor was cut in the middle of explanation.

"Don't give me a brief about the Marvelous Multiverse Professor. Now, I want to enter this Universe, without knowing anything, and directly experience it. I suggest you just give me the coordinates of the Marvelous Multiverse, and the rest of it leaves on me," Sharky explained, he was also tired after knowing many Universes. Now he wants to experience them, instead of hearing it.

"Ok Sharky, I will not give you the details about the Marvelous Multiverse. Explore it on your own." Professor Timex nodded, he gave the coordinates of Marvel Multiverse to him.

Sharky nodded, after getting the contact he was ready to travel to Marvelous Multiverse. But then he remembered, his aliens were locked, leaving only nine of them unlocked, and these nine were not able to help him cross over to the different Multiverse.