Sharky Plan

And when the modern world came, and the King's rule was gone, and democracy came. Even then, no one can shake even a little bit of their status.

Sharky knows how to manage the Kingdom, so what about a little Baron status, it was just a gameplay for him.

"Although, I dislike it, but still it is our territory, and we need to develop it, so it will start to give us money," Sharky answered.

"Oh, how will our territory give us the money for us, instead of we need some money to manage it," Baron asked with interest.

"Father, from now on leave this territory to me, and I will show you, how will this territory give us so much money," Sharky said, as he looked towards his father in hope that he would hear his suggestion.

Just as expected, Baron Maxwell gave a slight smile and said, "Sharky, my child, I did not think that you, even from the child, would start thinking about our territory."

"I know, you are also so brilliant, that you can easily handle our territory. But, about truly handling it to you… I think we need to talk about it in front of your brother."

"Father, no need, I will handle him, afterall, he has never denied me," Sharky replied with confidence, since he knew how to handle his brother.

"Okay," Maxwell nodded, "Then, I will leave this territory on you."

After a while, Sharky walked out from the hall. Then he heard a wave of hurried footsteps.

He looked up and saw there was a tall figure dressed in armor striding towards where Sharky was.

As his footsteps became faster, his appearance was revealed.

This was an incredibly tall young man; he looked to be in his early thirties and was at the peak of his strength.

He wore white clothes and seemed incredibly valiant. He somewhat resembled a bear, looking mighty and vigorous.

"Is father happy, as he gives some commands?" He asked in the warm time.

Sharky smiled, looking the same as he always did, "Yes, I just had lunch with our father and talked about something important."

"You're going to look at those useless poems again?" The man said, as he knew, his brother liked studying the most.

"No, this time, I talked to the father about giving our territory to me. From now, I will handle it," Sharky replied.

"How? You are just a kid, how will you handle this territory? You just returned back your words, and leave this to father, if not our enemy will also attack us, and we can't do anything," The man said.

"No brother, just believe it me, and I will handle it," Sharky argued.

"You?" The man looked at his brother with a frustrated expression. "Okay, but I will also be together with you, I can't allow you to stand alone and face the hidden enemies."

Sharky stood there silently; his expression did not change from the start. He looked at the man's figure, thinking to himself.

This was Gary, Baron Maxwell's eldest son, as well as Sharky's identity's older brother.

Since their mother died, Gary always cared for Sharky. Both of them have a very good relationship. And since Sharky was brilliant from the start, Gary always follows his advice in some matters.

Although in status, Gary was not only Baron Maxwell's oldest son, at 30 years old, he was also the leader of the territory's guards.

According to the rules of this age, if anything happened to Baron Maxwell, he would be the successor.

But even then, he cared most about the Sharky, not like other Noble families, where the brothers' relationship was for name. They are even ready to fight for the succeeding position of their father.

Even if Gary becomes the Baron, there is nothing going to happen with Sharky, he will live as he wants.

"No, but I have some other work for you," Sharky said, as he looked towards his brother.

"What other work do you have for me?" Gary asked, as he looked towards his brother with an interesting expression.

"First you need to go to the Alexa Royal City, and then…" Sharky started explaining his plans.

Hearing the plan of Sharky, first Gary was shocked, but then he was amazed.

"I will do as you want," Gary nodded and accepted his plan.

"Okay," Sharky nodded, since his mission was to become the King, he also needs some trustworthy people.


"Your lesson is on today."

Within a peaceful room at noon, a middle-aged man walked in and spoke as he looked at Sharky.

"What class is it today?" Sharky sat at a table and looked up as he asked.

"Today should be history…" the middle-aged man paused to think before saying.

Sharky said as he smiled, "Thank you, Mr. White. You've worked hard."

"Not at all, this is my duty." Looking at Sharky, Mr. White paused for a moment, feeling quite surprised. In the past, Max had never said such things before.

"Ok, so forget about the study, I wanted you to contact Mr. Jit. I know he was injured recently, and it is difficult for him to use his legs. But, he is my father's loyal servant, and he is a captain in the guard squadron. He is also a trustworthy old soldier."

"So also help me prepare a gift. In exchange for recruiting him again, I can give him some money. Which will help him in the current situation."

Sharky lightly sighed as a sorrowful expression appeared on his face and said, "From what I heard, he has five children as well as an elderly father, who he needs to take care of… However, because of his injury, Mr. White is no longer able to serve my father, so he is unable to receive his salary… As such, his life might become difficult in the future…"

Sharky looked quite sad as he said, "I know that I cannot make up for his pain, but I hope that I can help him. I don't want to let such a loyal soldier suffer."

Mr. White's expression changed, "Your benevolence is truly touching…"

"This is not benevolence; it's just something I want to do."

Sharky looked at Mr. White seriously and said, "Please help me with this, and I wanted you to also contact all the older guards who have retired. I need to help them, in exchange they will work for me."

"Please don't worry."

Mr. White's expression immediately became serious as he asked, "I will do as you asked and will not tell anyone of this."

Sharky nodded, and he gestured to Mr. White to leave the room. Mr. White, knew what he needed to do, and he exited the room.


Four years have passed, till Sharky comes into the simulation world.

Sharky was inside his bedroom, he rapped his hand on the table.

After a while, a young girl wearing beautiful clothes with very beautiful and pretty looks came to Sharky's side, after she closed the door.

"Master… What helps you need this time," the young girl walked to Sharky's side and sat on his lap.

"You're here, Tina." Looking at the young girl in his laps, Sharky smiled and patted her head, while his other hands advanced towards her B size small boobs.

He caught them, and started rubbing it, then slowly-slowly he started undressing her.

Seeing Sharky completely undressing her, Tina moaned in pleasure, she then lifted her up, and undressed his pants, taking out his Dragon. She positioned it in her cave, and then sat on it, taking it fully inside her.

"Aaaaahhhh, yes master, I am here," Tina moaned, as she started jumping up and down in his laps, with each jump his Dragon reached deeper inside her.

Sharky looked at her, he had a gentle look on his face as he asked, "Have you done what I said?"

"Aaaaahhhhh, Yes, I've completed it," Tina replied while moaning.

She is Tina Jolie, the daughter of Elon Jolie's family. Jolie's family is a Viscount family.

Sharky's father married his mom Sony Jolie, she is the sister of Elon Jolie's, and both his father and mother fell in love. So, Tina came here with her aunt, and she was not even one year old at that time.

It happened because Elon Jolie's wife was murdered when she was traveling in her territory. And in the anger that his brother can't even save his wife, she brought back their daughter.

So, from childhood, she lived in Maxwell's territory. And when she was four years old, her aunt Sony passed away giving birth to Sharky.

But before leaving, she gives Tina a duty to always keep her child Sharky safe, because he didn't even see her mom.

And although Tina was a child, she was just four years old. She has taken an oath that she will always keep the Sharky's safe.

And from then on, she has become expert in almost everything. She has mercilessly killed all of the people, who ever try to harm Sharky. She was a ruthless assassin, but also she was a good cook. And she also knew how to give pleasure, but only to Sharky.

Except him, if someone wants to touch him, then from that moment on, he will disappear from the face of the planet.

The previous owner of the body, didn't know how to cherish this beauty, he even didn't know this beauty always helps him.

But Sharky knew how to cherish this beauty properly.

He still remembers the day, when he called Tina. Tina brings the food to eat him.

"Master, here is the food for you, it is nutritious food, you will become stronger," Tina said.

Sharky looked at Tina, he was staring at her body. Tina feels that Sharky is staring at her nude, but she doesn't stop him.

"Tina, today I want to eat something different," Sharky said, looking at her.

"What master, what you need to eat, I can prepare it," Tina replied.

"Tina, you don't need to prepare anything, you need to prepare yourself. I am going to eat you today, come with me to the bedroom," Sharky commanded.

"What?" Tina was shocked hearing it, she didn't realize when Sharky had grown big that he wanted to eat her.

But she followed his command, and went inside the Sharky's bedroom.

Sharky then closes the gate, and then he goes near her, then he holds her by waist in her arms.

"You heard right, Tina, today, I am going to make you completely mine. I will eat every part of you, and savor it," Sharky said, then he undressed her gown, now she was just in some stripes which were hiding her bosom and private parts.

"Okay," Tina nodded, while blushing. Since from childhood she never stopped him for anything, today also she feels it was her duty to complete his demand.

"Good girl," Sharky nodded, then he also loosened her strips making her nude in front of him.

Then he also undressed himself, and his Dragon appeared.

"Now, suck it with your mouth," He commanded, pointing at his Dragon.

Tina didn't understand why he commanded suck his Dragon, because she knows the Dragon only goes inside the pussy, and nothing more than she knew.

But she still accepted his command, and started sucking it.

She was not experienced in this, but with Sharky's command, she soon became the expert.

When Sharky found he was ready, he commanded her to lie on the bed, and spread her legs.

Tina accepted it, and she spread her legs, showing her forest to him.

Sharky then lay down on her, he positioned his Dragon in front of her forest, and then with a push he entered inside her, breaking her hymen and claiming her virginity for him.

Tina was in so much pain, but still she cooperated with him. And soon, after a few strokes, her pain turned into pleasure.

And for continuously two days, Sharky spend his time in fucking her, he just eat the food and fuck her.

And from then, Tina has decided to help him in every matter, even physical needs. And from them Tina has sacrificed herself to provide for his physical needs.

Sharky has fucked her so much, that Tina has already gained the habit of before and after doing any work, she serves him. It was her priorities that, first she satisfied her master, before doing any work, and then she will again satisfy him after doing any work.

Sharky didn't needs to fucked her, but first she was the beautiful. And second, she loves him, and he knew, if he breaks all boundaries and advances to a physical relationship. Her love for him grew more than ever, and she was ready to do anything for him.

And third, if the Sharky plan to become the King is not completed, then by the help of Tina, the Viscount position is already in his hands.

Even though Tina didn't live with her father, her father almost visited her several times. And he even promised that the next heir of the Viscount will be her.

And from them on, Sharky can anytime fucked her, when he wants. But Sharky is not going to waste this beauty by just releasing his physical needs. He is going to fully utilize this beauty capability.