Rosie Alexander

Sharky nodded, accepted the gifts, since it was given by Sophia, there is nothing to hesitate. He has already claimed her virginity, then what's about the little Villa.

And money never matters to him. For people it was just a remark that money is just the dust of the hand. But for Sharky, it was true, money is really dust for his hands. When he used the Diamond Head powers, he didn't even remember how much money he had wasted.

Sharky and Sophia become ready and go out for dinner, to their regular place, the Godly Delight. It was situated just a little bit far from the Crown Haven Villa.

But it was not a common hotel, which is available for anyone, it was only available for the members of the hotel.

For becoming the members of the Godly Delight, first someone needs to buy the card from here and top up it. There are 4 types of cards.

It started with the Silver Ranked members, for these members, they needed 100k to buy it, and topped up with a minimum of 500k.

Then comes the Gold Ranked, and this card not only needs money but also a status. For the money, they needed 1 million to buy it, and topped up with 5 million.

Then comes the Platinum Ranked card, it was the card only available for the partners and friends of the Godly Delight owner. And also with some Platinum Ranked members recommendation.

This card buying price is 100 million, and neads 500 million to top it up.

And then finally comes the Diamond rank card. It was for only the members who have bigger status than Godly Delight. Just the card price is 1 Billion, and it needs to be topped up to 10 Billion.

So, you can say, this hotel is only for novelty. As both of them reached inside the hotel, they selected their favorite table for themselves, which they always choose.

A waiter came to them, asked in a polite tone, "Good morning Madam, good morning Sir, pleased to see you again, may I ask, what you want to order."

"Bring out our favorite dishes," Sophia commanded the waiter.

"Ok madam," the waiter nodded, since both of them were regular visitors, she knew what they wanted, after taking the order, she went from there.

"So honey, how was your day, what have you done today?" Sophia asked.

"Nothing much," Sharky said, as he didn't know how to explain to her, he also didn't want to reveal his powers to her at first, later he would see the situation, and then he would explain to her. "I played a game."

"Oh," Sophia nodded, then they became busy chatting. Then suddenly some commotion started there.

Sharky noticed, a man wearing a suit, with a little beard was coming inside the hotel, and some paparazzi were asking questions to him.

"So, Mr. Ben Stark, it is true that you have already dumped 20 girls," One of them asked.

"No comments," Ben said, and he dodged the question.

"Mr. Stark, it is true, that your company is not going to sell any weapon for the government. We also heard that you have taken money from foreigners, and promised them that you will not create any weapons. Because of this, our country is getting weaker day by day."

Stark became angry after hearing it, "It was a fake rumor," He said, then he focused on the beautiful reporter.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked her.

The reporter started thinking about it for some time. Then she nodded, and went with Tony Stark inside a bedroom. Both the dinner and other special facilities were there.

"Who was he?" Sharky asked, looking at the Playboy, who entered inside the bedroom with the news reporter.

"He is Ben Stark, owner of the Stark company. His company was focused on manufacturing many types of war weapons, but from the time Ben Stark had taken over the company, he stopped the manufacturing of weapons," Sophia answered.

"But why has he stopped the manufacturing of weapons, it has so much money," Sharky asked, while eating.

"Well, it started with his father. His father was Johnny Stark, who happens to be working for the military in creating weapons for them. But one day, Johnny and his wife were assassinated by someone with their own weapon, which they created for the formula of advanced tech."

"And that time, Ben Stark was just a kid. So, Ben shouted at that time, when he will take over his company, he will stop creating the weapon. And just 2 years ago, he stopped it," Sophia answered.

"Oh," Sharky nodded with understanding.

After the dinner, they returned back to the Crown Haven Villa.

"Sharky, let's go to sleep," Sophia said after changing her clothes to a night suit. She wore a dress, which was showing her whole body, and since she didn't wear her inner clothes. Even her forest and twin peaks were completely exposed.

Sharky caught her waist, and he brought her in his arms, "No baby, before sleeping, you need some nourishment," His hands reached towards her sacred body parts, and then he started playing with her.

"Ahhhh," Sophia started giving a light moan, as Sharky started rubbing her clits and boobs.

After noticing that she was ready, Sharky takes out his Dragon, and positions it on her sacred forest. And then with a push, he entered inside her.

And then, they started enjoying themselves, before falling asleep.

On the next morning, Sharky woke up, when he noticed Sophia was preparing breakfast for it. It was not so luxurious, it was just an omelet with bread and milk.

He came and caught her from behind, "Why did you wake up so fast, you also need some sleep for the rest of your body."

"No, it's okay, I am fit n fine," Sophia replied.

"Oh really, then I need to check it myself," Sharky said, as he bent her little on the kitchen slap, then he just lifted her skirt, and sided her panty, and inserted his fingers.

"Mmmm," Sophia moaned, as she started feeling his fingers inside her.

And just like that, their simple morning turned into love and pleasure.

After they freshen up, "Sophia, I need some cars for traveling. And I like the design you used themselves, so why not go to your sister showroom, and I can pick somes from there," Sharky asked.

"Of course my love, it was a good decision, let's go to my sister company, the Rosie Luxury Journey. She has so many luxury cars with even limited editions, or the Rosie Interstellar Car which you liked. She also has the many upgraded versions of it," Sophia started praising her sister's business.

"I know my love, you both sisters are amazing, but I didn't understand, how do you guys, in the age of going to college. You guys do the business, or did you guys didn't not go to the college," Sharky asked, as he didn't understand which family child were them, that instead of going college and studying there, they're doing business.

"Of course, we have gone to college, but since we are so smart, we have already graduated from college faster than others," Sophia replied, as she was looking at Sharky, like he was a dumb person. "Although my sister is two years younger than me, she has already graduated from college."

"So, she also managed her shop, or someone else was there," Sharky asked, while they were going towards her sister's shop.

"Of course, it was managed by my sister," Sophia replied, she looked Sharky as he was dumb, he didn't know the basics.

Finally they reached the Rosie Luxury Journey. This was really a good office, just entering here shows that you have entered the royal shop.

Sophia led Sharky inside the shop directly to her sister Rosie's office. Sharky noticed the sleek showroom gleamed with polished vehicles, each exuding an air of opulence.

Rosie, drinking her tea, looked up and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Sophia approaching.

"Sophia! What a delightful surprise!" Rosie exclaimed, a warm smile gracing her face. Her enthusiasm dimmed slightly when she noticed Sharky following behind Sophia. "And who he might be?"

Sophia grinned, linking arms with Sharky. "Rosie, meet Sharky Valor, my boyfriend. Sharky, this is my sister Rosie, the owner of Rosie Luxury Journey.

Rosie extended a hand, shaking Sharky's with a welcoming smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Sharky. This was a sudden surprise Sophia, I didn't think you would also have a boyfriend."

As Rosie led them through the showroom, showcasing luxurious cars, she couldn't resist teasing Sophia also asked a question, "So, Sophia, you finally decided to leave the single life behind, huh? About time! You have told it to our mom, dad and aunt."

Sophia rolled her eyes, playfully nudging Rosie. "Well, not till now, I have not told it to mom, dad and aunt, I will ask for Sharky's permission. You also don't tell it to mom."

"Ok sis," Rosie nodded, then she showed the many luxury cars, which you can't find anywhere. Then she asked an important question, "So, sis you are still a virgin or it was given." Although this is not a question to be asked, since they belong to a special family, it was important.

Sophia was silent for some time, then she blushed a little, and agreed to tell her. "Two days before, I already gave it to Sharky."

"What? How can you take this step? First you need to inform mom and dad," Rosie was now really shocked, because this was a very big step. Their family has some secret, which was hidden from Sophia.

"Well, I didn't know what happened. From the time I met with Sharky, then some connection happened between us, and we have fallen for each other. And then we just went with the flow, and then everything happened," Sophia explained but her face shows a guilty expression.

"What? You have already met with him, a few days ago, and today you are revealing me, after everything happened. When you have already crossed the line," Rosie looks Sophia with mixed expression.

Then she remembered something, "Sis, this was the person, which story you tell me by giving the example of an employee, right."

Sophia nodded while giving a blushing expression.

"This is a very big thing, I can't hide it from mom and dad. So I want you to explain it to mom and dad tonight, or tomorrow I will reveal it." She gives her an option.

Sophia gritted her teeth, finally sighed, "Ok," She agreed.

"Well, he was quite handsome after all, I am proud of your choice," Rosie gave a thumbs up to Sophia, then she went towards Sharky.

"Sharky, so you like any of the cars there," She asked him, while she poked in his chest, and with a grin, "What is so special about you, that Sophia can't stop and fall on you. She used to be quite the independent spirit. I didn't even think that she even crossed the line."

Sharky looked towards her, "Well, you can call it destiny, and I have also decided to arrange a wedding with her," He said, then pointed in the direction of several cars. "I want this, this, this and this."

One was a Ferrari Pininfarina, another one was a Koenigsegg Jesko, and Bugatti Veyron, and a Pagani Huayra, and finally two were the Rosie Interstellar brand. Each car was a masterpiece of engineering and design, offering a level of performance and luxury that was truly exceptional.

"Ok Sharky, I will pack this. Since you have decided to marry Sophia. Then from now on you are welcome to our family, and you will become my brother-in-law. So these cars with the addition of the limited edition Rosie Interstellar were all gifted to you," Rosie said while giving commands to her worker to quickly complete the paperwork.

"What? If you give it to me for free, you would be at a big loss," Sharky said, although he didn't understand how much these cars were worth, but he knew they were very costly.

Rosie couldn't resist poking fun at Sharky too, lightly touching his arm with her middle of boobs, and started complaining, "Now you are thinking that we are in some monetary loss. We have already gone in the loss, when Sophia has gifted herself to you, what are these cars in front of her, we can even gift the car factory to you."

"Ok, ok, I understand it, you guys like to gifting," Sharky nodded while Sophia chuckled, shaking her head at her sister's antics. It seemed Rosie was determined to make the car shopping experience a memorable one for both of them.

Finally getting the car, Sharky and Sophia rode in the advance Rosie Interstellar eager to experience its power and grace on the open road. While Rosie was standing there commanding her workers.

"Sharky gives me the address of your house, so I will deliver the rest of the car," Rosie asked.

Sharky gives her the location of Crown Haven Villa, after hearing it Rosie was first shocked then she stared at Sophia for some time. "What happened?" Sharky asks, seeing Sophia is hiding her face from Rosie.

"It's nothing, I just didn't realize that, she has already taken a big step forward from the start," Rosie replied, even though she didn't know how to answer this question.

Sharky notices the strange expressions and strange replies, he looks towards Sophia, "Sophia, you explain to me why Rosie is giving strange looks."

Sophia takes a little breath then with a shy expression she opens her lips, "Well Sharky, the Crown Haven Villa, which I gifted to you. It was for the person, who I will marry. Because of this, instead of selling you, I have gifted it to you."

"Oh, now I understand why the Villa was in the perfect place, and the transfer process took twenty days. So for twenty days, you are testing me. That I am worthy of you or not, but you have already fallen on me on the first day," Sharky said, and Sophia nodded, while blushing.

"Ok, let's go to a good clothing shop, I also need to fill my wardrobe with clothes," Sharky asked, since Sophia knows and meets many businesses. And she even wears beautiful luxury clothes. He believes that she will absolutely know the best places, where he can find his clothes.

"Ok, my love," Sophia nodded, she started the car, and both enjoyed riding in the car.

"Goodbye Rosie," Sharky and Sophia said, leaving behind Rosie, she didn't even get a chance to reply back.