
"You need to give them hope."

Sharky's answer was very direct.

"At the end of the day, people and tools are different."

He looked at the busily-working Blackfur slaves and said softly, "Tools can be repeatedly used but also need to be maintained. Slaves are a special kind of tool and also require maintenance."

He continued, "If you give them enough sleep and rest times, as well as sufficient food—proper daily maintenance—they will not collapse, nor will there be any problems with their bodies."

"Moreover, if you give them a bit of hope and show them that through their hard work their lives can become better, their efficiency will greatly increase…"

Maxwell was quite startled. He somewhat understood but was still a bit confused.

Give slaves enough rest time and sufficient food?

This was not compatible with his views.

Sharky's actions were completely different to this kind of thinking.

"People's bodies require maintenance."

Looking at Maxwell, Sharky explained, "If you want a slave to work hard, helping them have a good body is key."

Listening to Sharky's explanation, Maxwell nodded, seeming to understand.

"I've always been very at ease about whatever you do."


A few days later, after all of the goods had been prepared, Sharky, Gary set out.

Compared to the previous few times, this time was extremely important.

The previous few times, because trade was just beginning, the surrounding rulers only bought small amounts.

However, things were different this time—Sharky was bringing over almost all of the goods shipped over this time. They were worth an extremely large amount of money, and it was a figure that made even Maxwell feel extremely excited about.

If anything went wrong, the losses would be enormous.

It was because of this that Maxwell brought more than half of his guards with them.

But for Sharky these things are not worth mentioning, he just wants to use these things to make a clean sweep from the north to south route.

They continued onwards.

Even though it was not a great distance, Sharky and the others had traveled for three or four days before finally getting close.

"We're nearly there…"

Walking on the path, Maxwell said, "I walked this path when I was young. Soon, we'll be at Baron Myler's territory."

"If nothing out of the ordinary happens, we should be able to arrive within a few hours," Maxwell said with a smile.

"Baron Myler sent word that he will bring people to receive us and bring us to his residence," a young man said nearby.

"That's good." Sharky's gaze was calm as he smiled and nodded.

He was riding on a horse, and just as he was about to say something, he paused and instinctively looked over in a certain direction.

With his sharp senses, he could sense some abnormalities in the distance.

"Are they here?"

Sensing this, his expression did not change as he thought to himself.

Following this, the procession continued onwards.

Perhaps it was because they were close to their destination, but everyone began to move faster, wanting to quickly arrive and rest.

However, something that they did not want to see ended up happening.

On a small path, shouts sounded from the distance, accompanied by a wave of arrows.

As Sharky watched on, many people wearing leather armor came out of the thickets and rushed at them.

"Those are… bandits?"

Looking at the figures, Maxwell's expression fell, "So many of them?"

The figures were incredibly dense, and it seemed that there were around 300-400 people.

Even though 300-400 did not sound like a large figure, in actuality, in areas like this, it was quite a large force.

For example, Maxwell only had a force of around 200 guards.

These bandits were dressed in leather armor and even had crossbows; they did not seem like ordinary fodder.

For this trip, Maxwell had brought half his guards with him, which was around 100 people.

Even adding on the laborers helping transport the goods, they had fewer than 200 people.

Adding on the fact that they had been traveling for quite a while and had used up much of their stamina, and that the enemy had been waiting here for them, the gap between them was even greater.

Maxwell's face was ashen. Now that things had come to this, he had no other choice.

Riding on his horse, he drew his sword and led his guards to charge forwards.

He was ready to clash with them, but before he advanced forward, Gary came in front of him.

"Father, let's me show them the power of a True Knight," He shouted and ran towards the bandits, clashing over them.

Gary alone started fighting with a complete force. Turning this area into a battlefield.

Looking at this scene, Sharky's gaze was calm, and he silently glanced to the side.

With each stroke, one enemy fell. Gary started the bloodbath, and no one was able to stop him.

Currently, he was riding on his horse and facing off against many bandits, he was making a way between them.

Riding on his horse next to Maxwell, Sharky's gaze was calm and he silently raised his hand.

Next to him, his subordinate immediately understood and raised a small banner.

On the banner was Sharky's family's crest.

Immediately, the Blackfur slaves hiding behind the carriages excitedly rushed into one of the carriages, taking out their weapons.

With the guards blocking off the bandits, they were able to quickly take out their weapons and rush forwards.

In order to prepare against such an event, Sharky had everyone put on leather armor, so this saved them much time.

This was the case for Maxwell's guards as well.

At present, there was only one person who was not wearing armor: Maxwell. It was because his body was skinny and relatively weak. He was not suited to even wear light armor, so he did not wear any.

Sitting on his horse, Gary's gaze was calm as he silently slashed ahead of him.

Many people were directly sent flying, unable to resist at all; many of them had been completely cleaved in half.

All around him, large numbers of enemies rushed towards Gary.

However, compared to Gary, they seemed incredibly weak.

When those ordinary people faced off against him, they could only take a single blow before being killed or seriously injured.

Gary charged about in the crowd of people, seeming incredibly valiant and causing Maxwell to feel dumbfounded.

"This power… this power…" Sitting on his horse next to the carriages, he watched Gary heroically kill enemies. Sensing the power that he was displaying, Maxwell was completely stupefied.

He had heard of so-called Knights before and knew that ordinary people could not stop such existences.

Seeing Gary's power for himself, he realized why Knights were valued so greatly.

"With Gary's strength, even if my entire force attacks him, they wouldn't be a match for him."

This thought flashed through Maxwell's mind.

He felt that with the strength that Gary had displayed, if he wanted to, it would not be a problem for him to massacre all of these bandits.

Just him alone could rival a group of 200 bandits.


A corpse flew out after being hit by Gary, and it heavily slammed onto the ground.

Speeding across the ground, Gary's expression was calm, and his body was covered with blood.

Soon, his surroundings were filled with corpses.

In just a short amount of time, he had killed dozens of people, and the corpses had formed a small mountain.

Around him, no one dared to come at him anymore.

In other places, the Blackfur slaves roared and charged up, forming a simple formation as they pressed forwards, protecting Maxwell and the others.

Seeing this, bandits continuously wanted to escape from there.

By now, after being shaken by Gary's strength, these bandits no longer had the heart to fight.

"Where are you going?" A voice came out, and with few figures entered in the scene, they all were in the black clothes, and even hiding their faces.

"Returned back and fight," They shouted, and themselves they attacked Gary.

Although Gary was a True Knight, he was shocked by the arrival of these new groups.

And four of them were the True Knight. "Who are you?" Gary asked, while dodging the attack of the one Knight.

"You didn't need to know, you just need to know, you are going to die today," One guy replied.

"Hah, you guys are a coward that can't fight openly, and you are telling me, you can kill me. Then let's see," Gary said, he took the sword in both hands, and started fighting with them.

Maxwell also became tense seeing these newly arrived groups.

Seeing this, Sharky felt incredibly worried, before rushing ahead unhesitatingly.

He urged his horse forwards, while reaching towards Gary.

On the way, any bandits in front of him or those who tried to stop him were all killed by him, making him look incredibly gallant.

Looking at Sharky's actions, Maxwell let out a sigh of relief.

His son Sharky was also incredibly strong, as long as he could reach Gary, he and Gary could handle them.

Gary was also thinking the same thing.

"Go, and kill him first," The leader of the newly arrived group commanded, two of the True Knight and a few Knights nodded and went to stop the Sharky.

"You guys were playing with fire," Sharky shouted, noticing the group coming towards him. While he activated the power of Strongarms, his body grew larger and stronger.

"What the fuck is this?" One of the Knights asked, looking at Sharky, who has grown twice in size.

"Then burn with it," Sharky shouted and he caught the Knight's head in his hands. Then with little force, he blasted his head like a pumpkin.

"What?" Seeing that, all of the people shifted on him. They thought he was just a Knight, not even the True Knight and they could easily handle them. But they were shocked seeing his powers.

And before they can recover from this shock. They become more shocked when a new group arrives there, they all also wear the black clothes, but they have a symbol of rose on their chests. They didn't understand how the other group arrived here, when they didn't call them.

"Thorn Princess, why did you come here, it was our mission," one of the guys asked the other group a person, who has the three rose symbol on her clothes.

"If the Shadow Touch's from our opposite Kingdom come here, why will we Black Roses not be involved in this," The girl wearing the three roses dress replied. She commanded, "Black Roses, don't leave any members of Shadow Touch's alive."

"You," The member of Shadow Touch gritted his teeth, he commanded his group, "Take the exit from there."

"You guys were going nowhere," Gary replied as he looked at the people opposite him. However, he did not notice that behind him, one of the guard's expressions was becoming quite sinister.

Looking at Gary, that guard's expression became cold as he slowly crept forwards.

A massive force slammed into Gary from behind, and before he could react, he fell off from his horse before falling onto the ground with a crash.

"As your wish," The Knight of Shadow Touch said, as he smiled and went towards to hit him.

"Brother!" Seeing this, Sharky's eyes widened.

He had clearly seen a guard standing behind Gary push him off his horse before taking that horse himself and speeding off while Gary's body had fallen in front of Shadow Touch's group.

"I have no time for you puny knight," Sharky shouted as he caught the two True Knights and then slammed them on each other.

"I am leaving them on you Tina," Sharky said, then with a jump, he arrived in the middle of the battle, before the knights could kill Gary.

"Ok, Master," The girl wearing the dress of three replied. From the conversation it shows, she was none other than Tina, the maid of the Sharky.

"Get the hell out of my way!!" Sharky shouted, as he started kicking all over the bandits, with his one kick one bandit died.

Looking at the fact that Gary had lost one hand in this attack, "You have angered me," Sharky shouted, and then he started the massacre of the Shadow Touch's group and bandits.

There was not any bit of mercy inside him, blood flew everywhere and the stench of blood spread out. He killed the escaping bandits, and shadow touch's group, quickly closing out the battle.

But still the leader of the group and two True Knights escaped before Sharky could reach them.

After the battle was over, Baron Kaisen looked at Gary, who had lost his one hand.

In the end, he only deeply sighed and did not say anything.

"Father…I am okay, I am True Knight, I will recover later," Standing by the side and looking at Maxwell, Gary said, although he was in pain, still he didn't show on his face.

"Okay," Maxwell said, then he forgot about it.

Black Rose group also vanished from there quietly after seeing Shadow Touch were escaped and all of the bandits were dead.