Parizaad In Trouble

"What?" Now Sharky looked shocked, and he began to feel quite concerned.

He has already talked to Parizaad about certain things, before she became the Queen.

The Alexa Principality was a classic feudalistic kingdom, with the King as the head. The King then conferred titles, creating nobles who acted as rulers over their own territories.

In actuality, the Alexa Principality was not a very complete Kingdom; rather, it was a military alliance with the Alexa King or Queen as the head.

Apart from the territories that the royal family directly ruled over, the other rulers did not need to pay tax to the royal family; they only needed to provide military support and conduct certain tasks now and then.

Even these duties were not always enforceable.

When the royal family was powerful, the rulers would naturally be obedient and would not try anything.