Bloodbath In Banquet

The other people at the banquet also became more shocked than ever. This was the first time, they have seen from their own eyes, that a Great Knight was killed.

"Now, I again, I ask, who supports, who opposes," Sharky said, as he started looking over the guests of the banquet, noble of the Alexa Royal City.

"We support Sharky Nardo as the next King of the Alexa," All the other Noble quickly showed their support, they knew the Grand Knight power was much stronger, and he was even more terrifying than the Grand Knight. They quickly kneel down, and show the respect, which they show for the King

"Good," Sharky nodded, "Now it was time to clean all the pests from the Alexa Kingdom."

He said, when he appeared outside of the palace, he noticed 300 Elite Army with 10 True Knights had surrounded the Royal Palace.